How did US politics reach the point where one party exists to blatantly represents business interests and the other party exists blatantly to represent the interests of lawyers?
How did US politics reach the point where one party exists to blatantly represents business interests and the other...
Almost all congressmen are businessmen or lawyers
Get money out of politics and get rid of political parties. Let candidates run purely on their agenda/issues.
What interests me is how they ended up with a donkey and an elephant as logos.
do you have a way to implement this? how do you inform voters about the issues without using money?
It's inevitable. All democracies should be interrupted by a short-lived totalitarian strongman every century or so.
They literally adopted them from satire cartoons.
Limit spending for individual candidates for their elections, if you know that the opposition can't drop mad stacks then you're not going to chase after mad stacks to compete, We do it in Britain.
For getting rid of political parties? Don't have a clue, and frankly i don't see why that guy want's them gone, factionalism is as American as apple pie.
>haha hey guys before i go remember not to fuck around with europe or divide yourselves into political parties haha. Ok see ya
Direct quote from george washingtons farewell address
old democrats and republicans are mostly the same. centrist corporate whores that like playing world police with US policy.
as you get younger. the democrats turn into champagne socialists and SJWs. the republicans turn into religious fundie tradionalists and libertarian light.
>one party exists to blatantly represents business interests and the other party exists blatantly to represent the interests of lawyers?
tbqhwyf i'm having trouble exclusively categorizing either party with that description
Maybe a visual aid might help.
Well we have Trump now so...
>Let candidates run purely on their agenda/issues.
That sounds great and all, but it depends on the voters actually caring about the issues. Our current president ran against policy wonks in the primaries and the general election, and won both with literally no platform.
support your premise
Republicans say they're fighting for equality of opportunity.
Democrats say they're fighting for equality of outcome.
Regardless of what they actually fight for, If your choice is equality at the start or end of the race, people just pick whichever suits their interests the most at that time. The rich/elite of both parties are just more visible.
when did party politics in the usa attempt to work for the average schlub anyway? besides the two Roosevelts
>Republicans say they're fighting for equality of opportunity.
>Democrats say they're fighting for equality of outcome.
And they're both obviously lying.
Oh just shut the fuck up already. Democrats just want to bring the quality of life for Americans down to the global average
Hm... I guess he'll have to do, but if he doesn't so much as establish a secret political police or assassinate a dissident senator by the end of this first term, he'll be a sorry excuse for a despot.
Look at the Net Neutrality repeal thats about to happen. It gives ISPs power over people's browsing habits. Since ISP are monopolies, they are winning this. There is no win for people in this repeal. This is 100% Republican party.
I don't quite get the lawyer side of things for the Democrat, anyone wanna contribute?
>and won both with literally no platform.
Trump was the only candidate that actually had a platform that people knew of. It's the reason he won. Nobody knows what Hillary was planning on doing as president because her entire campaign was, "Surely you can't vote for Trump."
one american is fat the other is dumb
it fits
unironically the jews
It's clear that you're not an American because the Civil War covers this topic. In essence, the slavery question tore the Whigs (formerly Federalists) apart as a party, allowing the newly formed abolitionist Republican Party to spread across the northern states. The Republicans were popular with northern businesses who didn't want to ever compete with slavery, and with northern business owners who thought forced slavery (not wage slavery) was morally wrong. This was also when many states still had property ownership as a requirement for voting.
In 1860 things came to ahead when Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln won with only 39% of the vote, which made southern states assmad and caused them to declare secession (the war would not begin until the attack on Fort Sumter after Lincoln was sworn in). From 1860 to 1913 America was run as a defacto one party state, as the Democrats were restricted to the states that had tried unsuccessfully to leave, and the Democrats didn't form their modern coalition until 1929 when the stock market crashed.
In other words, the question is why isn't the GOP the party of big business? And how could have the Democrats developed at all?
unironically not an argument
>This was also when many states still had property ownership as a requirement for voting.
Property requirements for voting were all but gone except for a few holdouts (all in the south) by the time of Jackson. You don't know what you're talking about.
You mean *up* to the global average.
No other developed nation wastes as much money on overhead trying to pretend that a private market is somehow a more efficient way of distributing healthcare.
At least Republicans are past the point of pretending that their agenda is anything but taking food out of the mouths of hungry children and giving it to the people who are already monopolizing political and economic capital, while their base is too scared shitless of the brown boogeyman to even pretend to notice.
Thomas Nash cartoons if I remember correctly
Republicans are all Fundies now. That almost worhship the jews. Because they want them to all be in israel and build the third temple. So that the rapture can happen and Jesus can take them away to heaven.
Democrats are jews. Constantly trying to subvert existing society in the name of "progress". using neo liberalism to bring about a global government. Destroying all identity, except of course the jews and israel.
You have to go back, sweetie
Jews are lawyers? Maybe?
Trump's wife is jewish isn't he?. He is buddy-buddy with Netanyahu.
"The Jews."
>business interests
literally both parties
>redditors actually believe this
Trump's wife is a slovenian whore with an anchor baby who worked illegally in the United States.
Why does everyone fixate on the Jews? It's a religion and ethnic group, not a global conspiracy. Like, there's meetings they have where they decide how to conquer the goyim. Maybe they have a newsletter. It's ridiculous. WASPS are bigger world domination suspects, I mean let's be honest.
>lawyer side
>opposition to tort reform
>environmental litigation against industrial companies
I think it's more accurate to say they're in favor of expanding the power of federal courts, since that includes stuff like the court action against the refugee ban or the Supreme Court ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act as well.
It's pretty poetic, don't ya think
Because the Christians JUSTED their global conspiracy/empire to the point that it's hard to take them seriously anymore and the Muslims are too busy killing each other over the smallest of slights to pull off anything similar.
Both parties are nothing but puppets of the shadow government