Bros, I'm sick of the tax meme here in the states

Bros, I'm sick of the tax meme here in the states.

What's the best cheap asian country to move to so I can be a professional trader and not pay a dime in taxes? Should also be friendly to white people.

Must also have a non corrupt government and a reputable banking system. Vietnam? Hong Kong?

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thailand. time to spend all the hard earned btc for ladyboys

Not asia but the Bahamas is good for taxes

I was considering this. How about Philippines?

If you don't want to pay a dime, your going to have to revoke your US citizenship too, as taxation applies to US citizens worldwide.

If you cash out over 68k, they're gonna get you with FATCA user

move to puerto rico and keep the us citizenship with no capital gains tax

Gross. I said an asian country.

have fun not getting into any of them white boi

Why not fammo?

cause you're a white neet with no ties to the country and provide nothing to help move the country forward

How does this prevent me from getting citizenship in a place like say, Thailand or Philippines?

IDFAG. I'll just sneak back in with the beaners if I want to come back

Just use cryptocurrency credit cards like Shift. You will never have to cash out.

>wanna move out because made less than $10k profit

You don't need to move to the country, just get an accountant to open an off shore business account for you.

made 85k and I know I'm gonna be paying nearly 20k in taxes. It's bullshit.

you made that in what time frame? just pay it and sit the fuck down boy.

I love how business and actually making money redpill's people on the US's dogshit tax code.

The federal income tax on the individual is literally theft. scrap the federal income tax. states can tax their citizens if they choose since state policy is more in the control of local voters, whereas federal tax is beyond the scope and influence of the average citizen ( this can apply to all types of federal regulation ). federal tax income can then obtain money from the state instead of the individual. This cut in tax revenue will shrink the federal government as it should be. Shrink the federal government.

pay your taxes you fucking parasite

Philipines you need to buy a house for like 90k to get residency

really? i might do that in couple years if things goes well :)

fuck you fucking jews
the founders left the british because of taxation, now look where we are

When etheroll dice moons im going to go to the philipines and live from the dividends.

you're a fucking nigger for wanting to be a freeloader

yeah but even then you will get taxed on everything you own as if you had sold it. its called expatriation tax, but its more like buying your way out of the mob.

>against federal taxes and welfare

hi biz bros lets do meet up at phillies when we are all rich?


The real reason the founding father created the united states is to have control over the currency of the future colonies as they saw huge opportunities to create a future powerhouse of a nation. They are the equivalent to the guys who liquidated their stocks bought 100k btc in 2010 and held.

nobody wants to pay, user... but we do. That is the situation. If you wish to freeload, you're little better than the niggers on welfare.

Fuck you nigger, I am against freeloading. By being for taxes the founders were against you are ENCOURAGING freeloading by niggers and poorfags
redpill: the founders didn't leave the uk because of taxes, but because of religious freedom
redpill: they only wanted enough taxes to fund the 10th amendment

plus they were wealthy men sick of having snotty aristocrats looking down their noses at them just because they were not bluebloods

during the revolution, only 1/3 of the colonists were for it. 1/3 were loyal to the crown, and 1/3 rightly decided it didn't fucking matter because their life wouldn't change much either way

Get a load of this gook

religious freedom from the British?

10th amendment (that was written years later???)

jesus you are a dumbfuck

pay your fucking taxes, nigger

I'm not paying to float your freeloading ass

>years later
1st amendment - 1789
2nd - 1789
3rd 1789
10th - 1789
>t. nigger

how is keeping your own money freeloading?

That shit aint gonna moon sun. Dev keeps shitting it up by delaying his his "updates". He also has no reason to further develop it if he already owns 30% and gets like 80K every 3 months.

Dev does not give a flying fuck about etheroll.

if you're at at party and everyone chips in for pizza and beer but you decide that paying your share is "theft" and cry about it and refuse to pay, that'd make you a freeloader

>I have to pay taxes so everybody has to pay taxes :(

This attitude is such fucking cancer, instead of being a whiny faggot why don't you not join us and try to avoid them altogether? Do you hate money or are you just salty you had to pay them.

Japan has 0 capital gains tax and you don't neee citizenship. If you can avoid the coppers for a year you get given a free permanent residency

Except you do not have a choice in the matter, you are a complete fucking retard as is your statement.



Why are you people such dense pieces of shit?

american revolution = 1776
10th amendment = 1789
13 years later

you fucking libertarians are even more retarded than the communists

Assholes like him always have their snout in the tax trough with the rest of the kikes, that's why.

>How does this prevent me from getting citizenship in a place like say, Thailand
Do a little bit of research you autist. Thailand loves foreigners who waste their money to stimulate Thai economy, but you can't just ask for citizenship. You need to have ~$250,000 in the bank to prove you won't be a burden to Thai economy.

It's all rather simple if you google anything.

Also, the $56 you've made from selling shitcoins is a stupid reason to try and move across the globe. You're a fat smelly neckbeard, no matter what country you reside in,

you use the infrastructure and prosper under the protections of the armed forces, among other things. We pay for it, you use it. You're a freeloading nigger living in libertarian fantasyland.

>"hey why are you eating the pizza and drinking the beer? You didn't pay for it?"

>"I didn't want you to buy it"


You're a fool if you think HK or Vietnam is not corrupt.


>There were many reasons why European colonists chose to settle in New Netherland. Many fled political and religious persecution. [1]
>The religious persecution that drove settlers from Europe to the British North American colonies sprang from the conviction, held by Protestants and Catholics alike, that uniformity of religion must exist in any given society.[2]

don't get taxed as a citizen you faggot

just open an LLC transfer funds to that, buy some shit and write it off as a business loss, you're winning

>government cukle

the pilgrims were not our founding fathers - that was 150 years before

fucking idiot

What a shit argument

don't know how to do this because Veeky Forums no longer has threads about business.

aw did babby read his first Ayn Rand book?

I fucking hate you so much

Renounce your citizenship and leave the country. No one is forcing you to stay you retard

I can't wait to see you crying on here when the IRS hammers your ass because you are obviously too goddamn dumb to trick them.

libertarian freeloading nigger

nothing in there about religion, pissant

move to somalia and live the anarcho-capitalist dream then you fucking leech

Christians are ex Jews you got owned kike, I can't imagine how much greater Europe would have been if it wasnt invaded by that religion

Singapore or HK

Nigga just buy a burka, a bitcoin credit card, and some sunglasses. Find out where all the ATMs are in your city and take an Uber to each one to cashout $400 at a time.



I work and I pay taxes
if you use shit I'm paying for and refuse to pay your share, to me, you're a freeloader

if you don't like that word, how about parasite?

same fucking difference

OP is probably the same kid crying on here last week because his parents were charging him rent

>I work and I pay taxes
>if you use shit I'm paying for and refuse to pay your share, to me, you're a freeloader
Then don't pay taxes, stupid. Then no one can freeload off you, and you won't have to get emotional on Veeky Forums.

better yet, don't work so you don't have to pay taxes. get neet bux and live a happy life.

gee, why didn't I think of that?


ya ok dude enjoy getting stabbed and held for ransom payments

via litecoin

and the receiving address is a coinbase wallet

Easy if you have money and a white man. Just go to malls and should be easy


ive lived in thailand like 6 months so far, not on crypto before. Thinknig about going back trying it on crypto. It looks to be pretty easy to cash out from their exchanges to a thai bank account. I don't see how the US could ever find out, though I am not talking about cashing out a lot just a btc here and there

Hong Kong is not corrupt but there is no tax on foreign income. Since there's a tax traty between the us and Hong Kong, you would only pay tax on income derived from inside of Hong Kong. Assuming you become a resident. Otherwise go to laos

Btw I ised to jave 30 btc as an early adoprfrom however lost all die to mtgox and btc24 and other scams. If you are an early adopter and paid close to nothong for them, could you spare me some change? I literally need it for life savings medical stuff,

It really should just switch to taxes on consumptions

Also I find Americans in the land of the 'free' like to say how Europe is socialist etc etc with that rhetoric. But when you look at things like the worlds cheapest air passenger duty here, and other tax policies here we are actually very liberal (we don't have to pay taxes to our former countries for life if we emigrate hahahahha). Plus in the UK where I am from BTC is completely untaxed, I imagine if I struck gold and then cashed out a lot of GBP I'd be eligible for some sort of taxes surely.

How do you calculate how much taxes you're going to owe?

Like if you make 100k, how will you know how much will be taxed, because then you need to take into account how much you need to save up for tax season and not be surprised with a bill while you're holding NEO bags

Also is this feasible?
I thought LLCs were losing their liability powers over the years with several rulings

Who is going to pay for the roads, streetlights, police, fire service etc. There's only so much you can privatise, some things have no profit to be made in them. You already have private health care that's about as far as you can get.

Don't forget farming
we subsidize the shit out if agriculture

Forgot to mention, the USA has fucking skyhigh corporate taxes, in Europe they are slashed to as low as like 12.5% in Ireland I think. Sometimes zero in the little tax havens.

Yeah true, i think the US exports the most chicken to the world, imagine competing with China for example without subsidies.

I'm moving to St. Kitts when I cash out my Avalon tokens for 10x gainz

>itt: kids playing virtual monopoly


> hates freedom
> wants to serve to everybodies retarded ideas
> but not his own
> loves to pay for other's retarded bullshit ideas
> just loves it hard
> 100% masochist confirmed

statist slavecuck boi detected

>seething grandpa mad NEETs are making millions by pressing a couple buttons on a keyboard


yes u do, cuz of your 'great' system, you ...

What if I do work and pay taxes and have been for years, my crypto gains should be mine I don't see why the government is entitled to that money. I'm also fucking poor and this country's prosperity is built on the back of the lower class. Not only that but every possible necessity here in the states is designed for profiting off poor people. If I get the chance you better believe I'm not giving the government my profits jail time or not I'll be on the run with my bags in hand.

>Must also have a non corrupt government and a reputable banking system

taxes are the price of a stable civilization

You should consider not spending your money like a nigger and live modestly.

If you cash out slowly over time the IRS will never go after you and chances are good that btc will appreciate in value.

As shitty as USA is it's easily the best place for a straight white male (outside of maybe commiefornia)

>no tax parasite wants to become a sexpat
Now classified as trash and waste of oxygen

My father is 73 years old and hasn't paid a dime in income tax to the IRS his entire life despite being self employed and making well over $100k a year in his prime years.

As to how he's gotten away with it, I guess it's because He's never been snitched on and is a cheapskate.. His bed is 40 years old. He kept the same pair of glasses for like 15 years. Doesn't have a credit card.

You guys holding crypto allowed yourselves to get all wound up by butt hurt nocoiners and Jews who want to tax the air you breathe.

The IRS isn't as powerful as you think. Don't be scared of words like "structuring is a crime they'll report you haha I'm so mad I don't hold Bitcoin this is how I cope"

Don't live like a nigger

We lost states rights with the Civil War, and later the 17th amendment. Now it's a 48/48% split between local and federal. Local isn't up to mandating tax code, so it all rests on federal.

If you want Washington out of your pocket, give power back to the states.

How will the IRS enforce that?

>being forced to pay for a pizza you don't want to eat at a party you didn't want to attend

It is forbidden to non Thai people to own a house in Thailand.

>Who is going to pay for the roads, streetlights, police, fire service etc.

Only a small percentage of tax revenue is spend on those things. A large portion is spent on welfare.

That's bullshit.

As a rule, I don't go to parties where participants advocate for the extinction of people who share my skin color and argue anyone else deserves more pizza and beer.

What are you? A Natzee?

Truth bomb right here. Don't scare the sheep too much though.