Omisego happenings thread

Omisego happenings thread.

>Happenings so far

Dev in slack says they are working with McDonalds in Thailand.

Then you have this
"According to strings of code uncovered by Rambo, the facial recognition feature coming in the iPhone 8 appears to support authentication for Apple Pay payments, seems to work with multiple faces, and may be accessible by third-party apps, much like Touch ID

and this from 3 months ago

Pictured with their advisers featuring a custom skateboard with the omisego and apple logo.
>Posted in next comment

Then you have this from the 10th

Then you have this today
So what will the announcement be? Mcd's? Apple? Both?

Other urls found in this thread:

so basically, if you dont hold OMG you're a fucking retard

they're working with the bank of thailand....

Balls deep in this either way. Gimme the announcement baby

Went all in, have 1016 OMG!!

Sold at 205k last time it mooned, bought back in at 140. Hoping to see 200k again (where my sell is, with half my stack), perhaps higher.

Currently there is a lot of price suppression going on, whenever it's approaching 170 or goes over it, someone dumps thousands of OMG.

Pretty much I guess. I try to be neutral about this shit but this is just to much happening already for this to not blow by 10+ soon

Has anyone just straight up asked any of the devs if they're working with Apple?

If they are there would %100 be an NDA due to Iphone 8 tech being revealed.

Would be interesting to see if they say "no" or give some bs non answer and say something about more news soon.

Iphone shit does get announced around Sept. 9th though.

With all the features being shown off and everything I'd kek my dick off if they show off facial pay with omisego or omisego being one of the first 3rd party dev for facial pay.


>mcdonalds of thailand
>a fucking skateboard



Wtf, I thought it was just a sticker, but that's actually a custom skateboard deck. Going from 300 to 400 OMG because of that.

Some memelines that having been following the trend so far.

If my parents died I'd put 50k of my inheritance into omg and $50k into iota. Then I'd dick around with the other 1.8 million im set to receive, and wait for my $50k in both to turn it off $20 million.

fuck forgot pic

I think FA is better than TA on this one. OMG has serious news behind it and a strong team. Fundamentals boi


in this case, the TA supports the FA supports the TA and on and on

vitalik and the chairmain of omg met with the central bank of thailand today

with vitalik directly involved you have to be a braindead to not be holding at this point

Ready for the moon

Is it too late to buy in OMG?

Anyone remember how dramatically different this looked for the past 3 days?

Whales will only suppress the price for so long if they are taking part in this.

I swear to kek I'm fucking retarded with forgetting pics when I'm stoned

Over/Under on when that wall gets removed and the floodgates open: 12 AM EST tonight



Release the news pricks! I'm ready for $250 coin!

wait for a breakout confirmation if you're a pussy

buy now if you have a sack. once the mission starts you will be left behind on earth.

I think it's all down to the announcement but who knows since you'd be retarded to not hold this right now for a while and people might buy in.

The mcd's announcement can be anytime which is confirmed at this point with the dev in slack.. Apple would be around sept 9th since that's when they release info on the next iphone along with the rumored "facial pay".

If omisego gets in a slide at the Apple conference either as direct integration or being one of the first 3rd party dev's to work with face pay we'll be laughing to pluto

when and where is this news supposed to be released?

Twitter and w/e other social media more than likely.


Points at iphone when it pops up, points camera to sky.

THE SIGNALS. The NDA is real

More meme magic to save and spread

is this another DGB (seriously)

Did DGB have a multi million corporation behind it? Did DGB have Vitalik as one of their advisers? Did DGB have a working product?

No, all the stars are aligning just right for a major moon mission. Bots are accumulating hard right now.


And that little meeting with the central bank in Thailand. These things are nothing plz don't buy yet.

>I need more this friday

They have more than 90% of crypto market right now, what more can you ask for.

Idk but if this apple thing ends up happening then I will praise kek everyday. 3 more weeks for that though due to an NDA if it is happening

No mate, this is going interstellar in a way we haven't seen before. If i'm memeing then may god strike me down dead.

is just a bloody bigger DGB by the numbers

same shit was shilled through the roof and then nothing happened and then bam

i hold 1500 omg and i dont want to hold more bags (genuine)

bought @ 166 .. instantly dips at 162


don't mind really, I think we're closer to th lift odd than ever

>Actual news and happenings even if you discard the rumor parts


Stay poor can't wait to see your wojak collection

did DGB have apple stickers on skateboards?

Did you really just miss every word i said? DGB was one guy, with a promise of a broken minecraft server and an MS paint powerpoint presentation.

OmiseGO has a company called Omise behind it which handles millions in financial transactions and has recently acquired loads of ewallet providers.

I mean if your brain cant process information then i suggest you educate yourself son, it will come in useful one day

Don't sell, price is heavily manipulated right now.
Look at the chart for OMG and compare it with the Bittrex chart.

well TA would suggest a lift off in 3h or less, if it dips to a slightly lower point it could take as long as a day in the most extreme case. So we should definitely see a move either up or down in the next 3-24h

Any reason you guys are all trading on bittrex? I use bitfinex for OMG and am wondering if you're all on the other site for a reason.

If you look closely at the hand placement it is clear as day who OMG is collaborating with.

thats the reaction i dont get lol you behave just like DGBmarines

the thing is, i usually buy coins from ico or smaller exchange and then profit when they hit bigger exhange, for this time omg i couldnt do it hence i only have 1500 of it, the shitty profit might not worthwhile you get it??

DGB was literally memes. Omise is a multinational payment service which is already successful and has 130 employees. Vitalin is onboard.

There is no comparison to DGB.

No particular reason. First went to Bittrex and never had any problems with it, so I just stayed there.

Don't rely on Ta's. The news and future announcement is the big variable here which can cause a moon at any time. I'm not selling until the Iphone 8 is revealed around sept 9th

>handles millions in transactions
>shitcoin already has nearly 1b marketcap for no reason

liqui just lags behind bittrex, it doesn't mean anything. They do 1/100 of the volume

Someone had compelling TA yesterday and it was all wrong. Fuck this goddam coin

poor college kid with 8.25 OMG here
let's hope i get more shekels for ramen

but why the leak of the news or tease so all the fags (including me) can get in and moon together?

i have never seen such warming up for everyone to get rich together coin, such kindness

lets say 3000 people browse /biz, 2000 people bought this, fucking moon for 2000 fags wtf

How impatient, weak handed, and poor are you?

You can call me whatever but i've laid out hard facts not speculation.

I've already doubled my investment with omg so i dont really have much reason to shill, im just telling you what this coin has going for it.

The rest is up to you, i dont really care if you make money or not

I am not relying in it but incase we dont get the news beforehand it will likely make a move in the next 24h regardless that was what I meant to say. Sure if the news drops right now the market is gonna react.

>tfw waiting for a dip to $5 buy more

anyone else know that feel? It's never gonna dip is it :(

And here with the head placement.

homies lets hug we moon together

Except every damn day this fucking moon mission never happens. And every time all the anons say "oooooohhh but this new tweet user! look at the sticker! look at the picture of this skeleton next to a bunch of Asians! moon is TOMORROW for sure".

Face it, we got cucked hard.

It's a sticker idiot

Just be patience

fuck 160k floor breached.

das it mane ima bail

it is called basic marketing user, the reason why you havent seen this as much with other coins is because they are amateurs. Omise is an actual company and they know what they are doing. Its how you stay relevant, if you release all the news at once you are the talk of the town for a few days. If you release big news and a little teaser for the next news, and then a slightly bigger teaser and THEN the next big news you are being talked about for weeks.

Thats how the world works and why so many things about the new iPhone get "leaked" beforehand. People are now speculating about how its gonna look, hearing rumours about specs and so on. They are talking about it months in advance because of good marketing. If nothing got out beforehand nobody would be talking.

because you're a fucking retard and expect shit to happen overnight. This is all currently up and coming. Look at it yourself not the fucking title of a thread on Veeky Forums you dumb cunt


I don't believe the apple rumor but it's still a fucking custom deck. There is another circle like thing on the board which has another symbol on it in the same kind of circle.

It's a fucking deck even if the rumor is bullshit.

Maybe if everyone tweets Jun he'll break under the pressure.

a sticker following the shading of the rest of the board with it's own spot for placement and border around it?

>TFW bought a whopping 1.6OMG

I might just be able to buy cigarettes in a few months.

What we need to do is ask super vague questions that wouldn't violate an NDA. Just need some ideas like asking if there is going to be news in the first couple weeks of september. Who know's how strict it gets with apple though

and iphone turned out to be complete shit

not that i am doubting or fudding shit, but seriously this seems like too good to be true hence my crypto sense is tingling here

if this is a fucking pnd i need to be ready

Or honeypot the weakest person on his team. My guess is it's the guy wearing loafers in the picture they put out today.

>tfw they increase tax on cigs again

That requires teamwork and strategy. I'd rather hodl and wait

>TFW doubletaxed on my cryptocigs

>be binded to an NDA with Apple
>realize you're a crypto genius who doesn't believe in being bound
>drop hints for other autists to pick up on
>autists and high risk takers realize the clues
>tfw mission achieved

FUUUUUCK I wanted to coupond the rides

I tried that with neo and fucked like 20% of possible gains off my top end. Never again I'd rather buy in more and diversify.

And there goes $2400 more in just in case. Going to be a long few weeks unless the initial announcement is the mcds thing

Weeks?? I'll have to get a job if this news doesn't come out for weeks.



get ready for takeoff boys
pic rel, classic accumulation

Short term invest = gamble

Timing this shit is impossible. Be prepared to wait months or get out.


That's one ugly gook gob she's got.

Only weeks if it's mainly about the Apple shit since that would relate to the macrumors link in op. The iphones get shown off around Sept 7th-9th and that's nearing and if omisego is a main partner or even one of the first third party members then this is warpdrive

This is such bullshit. Why would Apple suddenly dump its own payment system that is already embedded to go with this? This place is literally an echo chamber.

You should actually read the url's or at least the quote right fucking under it

According to strings of code uncovered by Rambo, the facial recognition feature coming in the iPhone 8 appears to support authentication for Apple Pay payments, seems to work with multiple faces, and may be accessible by third-party apps, much like Touch ID

>and may be accessible by third-party apps

If iphone 8 has this feature it's happening.

they aren't dropping apple pay. they are just using omisego face pay tech. if it is apple.

How much would that pump the price if true?

i notice everyone and their mother cry about bots, but no one ever mentions using a bot. are bots expensive or ?

Whales will not let us moon until they want to regardless of announcements.

you have to make the bot yourself.

and they are fucking retarded because they make minimal gains. Look how they put up those massive sell walls, and for what? to make less money?