They have made massive contributions to all of the sciences and arts, mathematics, history, medicine, philosophy, engineering, chess, etc. But, why? Do they actually have a higher IQ? Is it their culture and the amount of importance they put on education and work? Is it a combination of those things? What makes Jews, particularly Ashkenazim, so successful?
I think we all know that Jews are successful
Other urls found in this thread:
because of persecutions
stupid jews were dying while smart jews thrived and only became smarter due to survival of the fittest
They have a special friend above
Umm, Anglos are Northern Europeans. They are mostly pale, fair-haired and light-eyed.
Throughout most societies jews weren't allowed to hold land, so they had to adapt
The highest position in Jewish and Europian cultures for awhile was considered the priest, it's what all the smart people aimed for.
Christian Priests were encouraged to remain celebate and be genetic dead end ends.
Jewish priests were encouraged to have lots of children.
The difference in their approach to eugenics is mind-boggling.
>be jew
>live in ghettos and slums for centuries
>get exhiled
>get pogromed
>get holocausted
Fucking genius how will anyone ever compete?
Because of the diaspora it became hard to maintain their traditions.
Because their faith stresses the importance of maintaining their traditions, they tried extra hard to overcome the challenges they faced.
They did this by codifying their laws. This in turn, led to Jews embracing literacy far above what their economic status would predict.
Jewish law also encouraged lots of scholarship.
Also, small inward looking groups tend to stress traits that are good for success. The Amish use 18th century tech and literally have almost as high a life expectancy and a higher average wealth than 21st century tech using Amerifats. Strong moral values and strong intergroup altruism goes a long way.
The West no longer has strong moral values, and replaced altruism with capitalism, that's why it's a failing shithole and the Jews can dominate it.
natural selection killed the dumb jews
the smart jews survived
every attempt at jewish persecution, if unsuccessful, only serves to improve the jewish gene pool.
Is there any other race on Earth that raises its children to believe they are the only human beings and everyone else (goyim) are literally animals in human form?
You would have a huge ego and do anything to maintain it.
Diaspora have to default to white collar work ie trades without tools since they never had any clay to be rooted. Compulsory literacy and letting their rabbis, their wisest teachers have big families and endogamy; only bred within themselves allowing for maximum trait preservation. They do have poor visuo-spatial IQ because lol no manual labor for millenia.
they don't do that tho
That's sort of the subtext of being G*d's Ch-sen. They know they are, but what are you?
ur missing the point of them being god chosen
they were chosen to be in a contract with god which includes following a large set of rules, their purpose as a people is to be an example to everybody else. theres some racists within some jewish communities but theres racists everywhere
I would argue jews have a higher portion of ethno-relgious patriotism due to the same boiling off that brought the IQ up, the less clever got out, but so did those who were less tribal and traditionalist which got assimilated and de-Judaized.
>Polish and German Jews
>Real Jews
Anglos are the most successful this isn't even up for debate.
oh fuck you
That's pretty much how ALL races were back when shit was hardcore. The Egyptions did it, so did the Babylonians, so did the Aztec. All of them operated off ethnic supremacy and you were an effiminate, cowardly little faggot if you thought there was anything wrong with genociding the next door tribe, raping their women, and stealing all their stuff.
That's one of the things that's amazing about the Old Testament text still being a thing.
Fuck u
This one is next level
>still survived
Meanwhile, I don't see much Whites in Zimbabwe anymore.
>Do they actually have a higher IQ?
You can argue whether or not it's genetics, but they most certainly do have a higher IQ.
>Ashkenazi Jews have the highest average IQ of any ethnic group for which there are reliable data. They score 0.75 to 1.0 standard deviations above the general European average, corresponding to an IQ 112 – 115. This fact has social significance because IQ (as measured by IQ tests) is the best predictor we have of success in academic subjects and most jobs. Ashkenazi Jews are just as successful as their tested IQ would predict, and they are hugely overrepresented in occupations and fields with the highest cognitive demands. During the 20th century, they made up about 3% of the US population but won 27% of the US Nobel science prizes and 25% of the Turing Awards [in computer science]. They account for more than half of world chess champions.
Why is he eating rocks
>le goyim means cattle maymay
"Goy" literally means "nation", with "goyim" meaning multiple nations.
Most races have fringes that believe in their supremacy and dehumanize others. You're on Veeky Forums right now, dude. 2chan isn't much different.
Endless funds from centuries of usury andpennypinching. Nepotism also helps.
enough of this shit
Goy in this context can also be an abbreviation of the Yiddish goylem, meaning golem, that slow and clumsy clay servant from Jewish mythology
you got me
Every time.
is this the 21st century religion
Look at the Jewish morning prayer, the Shema'a. There is a line that goes "blessed art thou for not making me a gentil" i.e. goy.
Also, many Yiddish proverbs portray non jews as stupid and jews as smart, such as "goyshe kompf" and "yiddishe kompf". Kompf is German and Yiddish for head.
t. failed German class
You is one bad goy
I agree whoheartedly. The goyim are only holding them back. Specially white goyim, hence why there are so many successful Jews outside of Europe and the USA.
They should all move to Israel and no longer paras... I mean share their wealth and success with the goyim.
not risking
oh wow
They are G-ds chosen people
Anglos are so mixed of up with nordcucks and celtcucks that the only distinction worth making as particularly exlusively anglo period of success is 1700 to early-mid 1900 colonial period, and a 200 year period doesn't stand out as particularly long, especially since their period of unopposed hegemoney was even short than that.
Before you bring up clappers, their white population is more continental than anglo, and that's before even bringing up the medcuck clappistanis.
Because americans saved them
Probably a mix of it all with the added bonus of stealing money from the goyim but helping the fellow jew.
>But, why? Do they actually have a higher IQ?
Covenant with God - in exchange for damnation and/or soul death they get worldly power.
"What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?" - Jesus
But don't just take my word for it:
fuk u bich
One point I heard once Jews only became Itellectual types after the enlightenment when they started to be both be less oppressed and less religious.
polish jew here
my family is many lawyers and businessmen and such so normal jew tendencies exist in polish jews as well, we also are allowed to do birthright and lots of us end up in israel.
but we have genetic diseases and are mostly mentally ill or unhealthy in some way
True, I have some Jewish friends, failure is literally seen as mental illness, I can guarantee you that there are no better way to motivate someone to achieve great things.