Veeky Forums humour thread
Was it a cry for attention?
I think it was a cry for good coding
>in the end, the French surrendered
fucking reddit cancer
Northern Ireland is an embarrassment to the rest of the UK but as much as I'd like for them to be gotten rid of I can't bear the thought of a unified Ireland. I think the best course of action would be to nuke the whole of Ulster into oblivion.
I kek every time
I think alot of people in the republic would prefer if we woke up one morning and the north was no longer there
Anyone know who the girl is?
>not realizing that the irish and jews are one in the same
Fuck both of you. The Queen and Ulster forever, dirty taig niggers will hang.
anyone have that africans never invented the wheel pasta?
this is underrated
fucking kek
>Get ravaged by Germany
>Confusion in the whole country
>Italy cannot even invade
Top lmao
Go back to Egypt
Tori Black
He can't keep getting away with it!
Has there ever been a more incompetent nation then WWII-era Italy?
WWI-era Italy
Wow really funny, why don't (You) post it some more just because some guy baited you
Why are so many Veeky Forums memes facebook tier shit compared to other boards?
WWI-era Austria-Hungary
Anybody have the Charlemagne not all Muslims pic? I never saved it for some reason
OC, is there a template for these?
Are there even pastaboos ?
t. Person who never played Civ
>Catholic majority state for centuries
>Government effectively run by Catholic church
>Effectively no Communist presence
>Never fought any of the Axis powers
>Stole half of working airforce from broken US/British planes accidentaly landing here
>Germans pay compensation for bombs they accidentally dropped on Dublin
"Hey Yanks, can we haz Marshall Plan aid"
And I thought trolling was a lost art.
t. pastaboo
fucking kek...wtf, story?
this wiki was a bit unfair
they were 9 guys with a howitzer in a bunkered down position on a mountain
First time im seeing this. Briljant.