What are some of the signs your society has failed, and must be pueged from the earth?
Fuck Ups
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10 years from now
>omg your pedophobic
But she's literally right.
I don't want to say "degeneracy" is a sign of end times, but degeneracy being quickly normalized and values being transformed in the window of a decade is probably a sign of it.
>end times
Why go so far, this is Veeky Forums, we know Empires fall and have done so since forever. My name is Evropa, behold my works ye mighty, and despair.
And yes, degeneracy rising and being accepted is a sure sign of this coming. Sadly it´s often a slow process.
god i hope so
I don't think this is a good example.
Most of the kids are into anti-sjw skeptics and into >"SJW REKT FEMINIST REKT CRINGE COMPILATION videos
Odd how Romans were pretty degenerate at its height with paganism, but when they gave up their orgies and gay sex and started following a moral religion, they got BTFO by polygamist Germanics.
Not for nothing but that poor boy DOES make a great trap.
I don't really think that's a good indication of what 'most of the kids' are really into ideologically. the newer generation is just more individualistic and thus doesnt mind watching someone who happens to share their beliefs getting rekt if they perceive that person as an idiot or phony. ultra progressives also secretly love intensely racist humor.
No he doesn't. He has an awkward face and his body is terrible. Also his penis is so small surgeons literally can't turn it into a vag.
This wont happen because women wont allow it and this degeneracy is thanks to women in the first place.
I dont think you have any fucking idea what you're talking about.
>tfw women literally only campaigned against child sexual exploitation out of sheer spite directed at younger female competition and not out of any actual concern for children
Rome didn't fall because of degeneracy. It fell because of bad economic policies, lack of money to spend on military, and immigration.
>"why do you don't you like gays man? They aren't hurting anyone. Tell me you don't think lesbians are hot bro how could you be against that!?"
>>"why do you don't you like pedo's man? They aren't hurting anyone. Tell me you woudlnt fuck an older woman when you were 12 man, that shits hot bro how could you be against that!?"
why are you quoting something a man would say when we're talking about women?
Apparently the "degeneracy will cause society to collapse" meme has been going on for hundreds of years.
I guess we are descended from autists after all.
You are right. Degeneracy is a symptom and not the cause. Degeneracy thrives in a rich, lazy and indifferent society.
I'm foreshadowing the argument your going to have with your close friends there bud
Honestly, you could be a society of hardliner puritan Christians (or Muslims whatever), but if you don't have enough money to spend on the military your society will probably fall.
Are you serious? Women have nothing but concern for children and themselves. If you can convince them its bad for kids they will fight against it.
Nice try but I've been saying it for years now.
When one of the major political party in your country considers the your Enemy of the last 60 years as close friends and trustworthy, then you have to consider whether or not the country is fucked.
That only makes sense if there is a foreign invader and even then, a society with strong beliefs would atleast try to defend itself.
I kind of agree. It's not so much degeneracy in of itself that is a problem but the rate of how quickly previous taboos become normalized.
>tfw soon there will be zero utility for there to be an incest taboo thanks to gene snipping removing any possible genetic defects in offspring
>tfw soon there will be no utility in pedophobia as everyone will have the sex education to treat their sexual partners beneficently regardless of age
Explain this
Orgies/Hedonism was considered conservative in the Roman Empire. Although Christianity is conservative to us modern people, it was considered degenerate and weak to the Romans.
Also contrary to popular belief, homosexuality wasn't that open or accepted in antiquity as most people think. "Openly gay" is a modern phenomenon.
Russia and Republicans.
More specifically Trump/Trump supporters and Russia.
Sorry, but how is a feminist dyke trying to teach people not to rape others a sign of degeneracy? would't that be the opposite? How is that even slightly pic related? Just cause she is gay? You could have used any other picture of homosexuals and it would at least make a bit more sense.
America is has been fucked for quite some time. Trump is just a symptom. Do you consider Russia an enemy?
The APA ruled that an iq of 55 is the minimum bar for consent. That's around the intelligence of an 8 year old.
Orgies/Hedonism was a strictly upper class thing as far as im aware.
Born too late to explore the Earth, too early to explore the stars, but just in time to bang kids. Sorry /pol/, but this is the age for us degenerates.
Organized orgies with catering and live music are one thing, but what makes you think peasants didn't fuck as often as possible? If you were married it was basically the only form of free private entertainment you had.
They stole my cat.
And they are eroding my internet.
I'm still confused? How is the pic related? How is it an example of pedophilia let alone degeneracy?
This thread is retarded.
They have concern for them more since they are the weak-I mean most vulnerable (feminists prefer to use the word "vulnerable" when it comes to women since "weak" has a negative connotation).
Russia was never the enemy, Communism was. Putin actually begged to join NATO, but ol' uncle Sam just told him to get in line behind Estonia, and look where we are now.
Oh i am sure peasants did all kinds of forbidden shit, but there were strict social roles and rules. Being a single mother or fucking all the legionaires was not seen as liberation or socially accepted. Just because some people break the rules doesnt mean the rules arent important.
>If you were married it was basically the only form of free private entertainment you had.
Free? Orgies arent fucking free dude.
Russia hasn't been a "communist" since the 90s. Yet they still managed to destabalized the US, its allies, invade US's regional friends and run counter operations against US/NATO interests.
By all definition, Russia is an enemy of the US.
>for hundreds of years
About 170 years, actually. Coincides with the takeoff of industrial civilization, too.
it was socially accepted as long as you staid in your place. your place being a prostitute.
>Free? Orgies arent fucking free dude.
i meant sex with your wife dude. and yes a lot of orgies were free in the sense that they were paid for an organized by one person as part of a larger banquet.
>Foreign mercenaries are put into regular use
>Inward focus of existential threats instead of outward
>Birth rates below replacement levels
>Disdain/resentment of old unifying culture
>The men of the society generally being decadent or weak
>Large Bread and circus budgets
Prove me wrong
>let's make everyone poor, that'll be a great way to stop degeneracy
>we did it, Patrick! We saved the city!
Now ask the same toddlers about taxation.
Sure, but gen Z is still coming of age, we have to go through more millenial/gen X political shit first.
This sort of whining needs to stop. Say, even purged from the earth. Failed. Etc.
Fucking hell.
All liberals need to be gassed ASAP.
Why do you care what some systemizers think?
should we care what some stoner thinks instead?
>The website that was and still is obsessed with lolis is whining about OP's picture
They are also systematizers.
Traps are a thinking man's fetish
Where do these idiots get the idea that muh chilruns are in danger when you can't even make eye contact with muh chilruns anymore without getting lynched by an angry mob and congress is busy passing laws that make it illegal for teenagers to upload pictures of themselves?
Now i dont much like lolifags but there's a clear difference between shitty art and actually molesting a 5 year old
It is not degeneracy that destroys societies but progression, all civilizations are destined to fail
>Yet they still managed to destabalized the US, its allies, invade US's regional friends and run counter operations against US/NATO interests.
And you dont list a single example of any of it.
>it was socially accepted as long as you staid in your place. your place being a prostitute.
Right. As i said, strict social roles and rules.
Everyone being poor would force them to adopt strict rules and morals otherwise it would be anarchy.
Hitler should have gassed the anglos AND the jews.
Read the posts in the thread dickhead
And this is supposed to be shocking? Countries and cultures rise and fall all the time. It's just time to go for the west. YOu can't prevent old people from dying just like you can't prevent cultures from decaying and being replaced by stronger ones. It's just how life works.
>women won't allow it""
*coughes profusely*
A) Society will change always, can't change it
B) Not enough people care about SJW stuff to have it make a big change, every day more and more people find it laughable and make fun of SJW
C) Eventually big corporations will latch onto what's popularing (laughing at SJW) and stop their political throatshoving
D) Even if society does change, it doesn't matter and you should focus on your own happiness and The happiness of those you love. We're not here for that long anyways
This isn't degeneracy, OP. It's what a paradigm shift looks like.
>D) Even if society does change, it doesn't matter and you should focus on your own happiness and The happiness of those you love. We're not here for that long anyways
Perfect example of why western civilisation is dying. Too many plebs like you
From the website that had cp vs some stupid article about toddling consent? Coal calling the kettle black
Why do you care about western civilization? Pleb is giving a shit about inconsequential things. Patrician is being a good person and not caring for what others do.
If you had kids you should care. I dont, but i still care about the future because im not a dumb animal