What went wrong?
Meaning how did Japanese men go from this....
What went wrong?
Anime is good.
check em
To this....
>Inb4 animu
No it's not just the animu. What happened historically? Even Japs in the 50s weren't this bad.
City Life. It softens men and severs a man from the earth and the cruelties of nature.
Hard work and hard environments make men tough. City Life might be stressful and mentally exhausting, but it rots the body.
T. Varg
What went wrong?
Meaning how did American men go from this...
No .
It's not just the anime. even fashionable men look like faggots.
... to this?
It's not just the anime fags though. It's more than that. Even the normal guys.
is this a Veeky Forums feels thread?
1965 immigration act.
You do realize this is a boy band right? This is like saying One Direction is the archetype of Western males.
he changed when he grew up though so he doesn't count. he is,sole now for example.
oops didn't mean to reply to you
I don't understand, why are you comparing Toshiro Mifune to a random hikkikomori? Are you implying that Japan no longer has great actors because some people refuse to or are unable to work?
every guy in this video looks pretty gay dude
this is just off the street.
that was an exaggeration obviously but my point is still clear if you lurk more.
It's not just the anime fags. It's literally mist of them. Hell, alot of them don't even want to date anymore.
American men still pretty much look like their 19th century forefathers.
>my point is still clear if you lurk more
As a side note, why does every other Japanese person look like they have Down's? It's like holyshit, flip a coin and your child will either come out looking normal or like a deformed gremlin with horrid teeth.
lurk more ITT is what I'm talking about obviously.
See this is what I mean, not even most American men are thar bad...even the hipsters.
It's like some how they have lis that their way completely.
Work culture of Japan is suicidal and complete shit.
Inbreeding after being stuck on an island for 2000 years
So you're saying it like this for the average jap. man has always been like this minus the obvious animus faggotry?
And they have the audacity to not give a shit about what their teeth look like. Hell,even the British aren't that negligent at least they try to fix it....wait, holy shit you might be right.
What if all people living in an island nation mostly inevitablely look like shit? The only exclusion is Hawaii and the Philippines and that's because they are mixed as hell with other people we were dumped there/invaded.
If only the japs didn't mostly genocide the ainu...
The Miracle Economy and the corporate culture it spawned. The Miracle was all financed on a huge stack of bad debt. As they made loans to anyone for anything. When the bubble popped. the government made efforts to avoid massive inflation to protect the savings of older generations and prevent foreign companies from buying up Japan. Which turned out to be a mistake. As it just prevented them from being able to pay off the debt by inflating it away. So the dent just keeps lingering around and they get bad deflation. The rise of Korean electronics and cars, plus China manufacturing has killed Japan's niche in the world.
So the Japanese have just become introverted to the extreme. Which results in their high suicide rate and herbivorous men.
>Japanese men.
Fun fact: they've always been like that.
>Warrior Class: We'll take the reins of government from here.
Japanese civilians: O-ok.
>Warrior Clas- Oops! I mean,"new men": Stop being feudal, and study overseas. Also we'll take the reins of government over here.
Japanese civilians: O-ok.
>Militarists: fight this unwinnable war for us or we will execute you.
Japanese civilians: O-ok.
>Americans: Stop having a military
Japanese civilians: O-ok.
>Corporations: Give your whole lives 100% for the company.
Japanese civilians: O-ok
So tge shit economy that happaned after the 80s has turned them into apathetic losers?
But what about the multiple rebellions that have happened in the past?
Most of those were by the warrior class.
Japan barely had a major peasant uprising save perhaps the Shimabara rebellion.
they see no hope in their future. Just soul crushing labor and slow decline of their nation.
blame this dude and his friends
I mean, but the warrior class was quite a number of the population at one point, especially since social mobility wasn't rigid in the age of the samurai. Only layer did their numbers dwindle.
There's actually a lot.
In addition the """"warrior class"""" didn't really exist on paper up until the end of the Sengoku Period. Basically anyone who showed up in a fight and not die afterwards was a warrior class.
oh I guess I did get dubs. don't know why I didn't notice.
Corn syrup. Lots and lots of corn syrup.
Nobunaga always looked like a dope to me. Plus he supposedly had a very shrill voice.
Meh, it just that pic though.
That would be a funny reality if it were true. Modern artists and movie makers tend to make him big and tough lol. Anime more so.
>forming your perception of a country through media
No better than a weeb.
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