Why didn't the Irish conquer Ulster?
Did they fear the British warrior?
Why didn't the Irish conquer Ulster?
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Britain has nukes, is a member of nato, and has a military budget literally 50 times larger than Ireland's.
if the Irish used civil disobedience instead of force then all of the British woman would have supported its independence
but no they had to form the IRA and started using car bombs
this but they went as far as making actual military plans for such an invasion, called exercise armageddon, during the troubles.
Fucking Republicans. Fucking IRA singing "Go on home British soldiers" and acting like the will of the people is on their side when THE MAJORITY of NI wants to stay with the kingdom! Death to traitors! God save The Queen!
>went as far as
But that's not going far at all. Both the US and Canada maintain up to date plans for invading each other. Military forces across the globe will develop crazy strategic and contingency plans for the most unlikely of occurrences, mostly as a thought exercise for the staffs and students of various military colleges, but partly because you never know what might come in handy.
They can keep it. N. Ireland is a fucking toilet.
the small Irish navy spends its entire time saving economic migrants in the Med
NI are traitors for wanting to stay with the Kingdom.
Stockholm syndrome, sad.
>member of nato
Being fair, America aided the IRA throughout all conflicts and our current President funded Sinn Fien.
The main reason SAS didn't go full military assault during the Troubles was America basically said, "We have so much Irish diaspora that if you do this shit our relations will be ruined basically forever".
>abuse a group of people
>be surprised when they try to get away from you
The UK has literally nobody to blame but themselves for the Troubles.
Exactly right. The British have no sympathy from me.
Why'd you (You) me, though?
To this fucking day, political players in NI still worry about God Damned Boston.
t. Irish-American spastic
fuck off
>Accurate history AND discussion of accurate history is now Irish American spastic speak
t. Nigel Pinkleton
>Accurate history
>America aided the IRA
lel, Irish-Americans aided the IRA through functions
>our current President funded Sinn Fien
nope, and irrelevant anyway
>The main reason SAS didn't go full military assault during the Troubles
the funniest yet! the SAS completely decimated the IRA ranks. The event that brought the IRA to peace talks was Loughall (en.wikipedia.org
CIA too
There's the image right there, maybe your beady eyes can't see it but that's your genetics
>SAS completely decimated the IRA ranks
I mean your typical British quota of, you know, bombing women and children and massacring and torturing civilians. You know, shit like the Black and Tans.
I kinda feel sorry for peaceful Republicans. Every time they found some sympathy, or made some headway, the IRA kidnapped and killed another civilian.
>CIA too
lol I'm sure you have a very reputable source for that! The only foreign government that supported the IRA was Libya/Colonel Gaddaf. That freedom loving fella with the best of intentions.
>There's the image right there
Haha well what more proof do I need? Again, I'm sure you have a very reputable source that Donald Trump funded the IRA. It's almost as if your President is a buffoon who has courted controversy his entire life. The Brit hating President who declared himself "Mr Brexit" and the first thing he did when moving into the White House was move the Churchill bust back there.
>Why didn't the Irish conquer Ulster?
stud bulls too stronk
>conquer Ulster
You mean Northern Ireland? It was created in 1921 during a Irish-British truce. The Irish didn't have the munitions or the men to continue the war, and did incredibly well to get any independence at all. I could be completely wrong but i think when the treaty was sign, the leader of the Irish rebellion only had a week's worth of ammunition left
It is just too weird to have wars in the Western world in the 21st century. We tried and eventually gave up. We might get it again who knows. Probably, one day.
>abuse a group of people
The Irish aren't people though
t. NEET English on the internet in the middle of the day
Unlike the Irish, we don't have to work in the potato fields 24/7 to survive, we actually get days off.
You're either a potato yourself (which I find hard to believe since there's no way they have internet there yet) or you're a plastic paddy with your 1/64 Dublin heritage which is hilarious.
I'm an Irishman in England taking your jobs and banging your women, cry more while living in the past glories, miserable little Englander bastard.
>England taking your jobs and banging your women
>taking your jobs
If I worked as a bin man then sure, you might pose a threat to me stealing my job but anything above that is a bit too complicated for an Irishman
>banging your women
lmao you can have them, this is not something to be proud of
>Full of degenerate Catholic gangsters and faggy LARPers pretending they had anything to do with King Billy and think an Egyptian Princess founded Scotland
Ulster isn't worth a drop of anyone's blood
Why would I be here if I w-was a bin man? Lol English damage control. Sad!
I'm sure you have spectacular evidence for the CIA funding terrorism against the USA's main Cold War ally?
If Ireland is so great, why aren't you there?
Not him, but strategy of tension existed so it wouldn't surprise me
Jobs and women, didn't you read my earlier post?
So the jobs and women in Ireland aren't that great then?
Nah not at all just come here for the bants lad
t. Muslim living in south London who thinks he directly contributed to anything England has done in the past, despite being only 17 years old.
Cromwell should've killed all the Irish desu.
Nothing stoped them moving south
>meeting a political leader means you funded them
Interesting indeed
T. Eternal mic
Even the Rotherham groomers are better than you and I say that as a god damn catholic
You just called him a NEET for posting at mid day
Post your last pay check or other job identification
You are completely wrong, Lloyd George played them, Ireland could have been the Britains Vietnam PR disaster if bitchboys like Griffith didn't puss out
Fucking shape of you, paki loving paedo bastard. Kill yourself, you're no Catholic
>implying they didn't
Irish nationalism and republicanism is forever enshrined in Northern Ireland; the good friday agreement (and the actions of particular IRA members) have now ensured that no matter how hard loyalists try, Northern Ireland will never not be irish.
As soon as peace was relatively restored, Sinn Féin became a PR powerhouse, and have managed to do so well in that regard that moderate unionists actually lean closer to them than the DUP or even the UUP.
Loyalists in Northern Ireland have long been arguably the British people with the least foresight and generally the biggest retards on the isles; they threw votes constantly to the DUP who promised to do away with fenians, without actually supporting their policies.
This has lead to the DUP being absolutely and utterly despised by a majority of people who voted for them; they are put in power to limit Sinn Féin, not based on policy.
The same can be said for Sinn Féin, as many dislike their policies, however SF are not seen as the nasty party any more but rather the nice party-if you don't vote for them on principle it's probably because of the IRA past as opposed to the party in the past 20 or so years.
Loyalism in NI is very loyal, we can give them that, but the reality of the situation is that Ireland will not be united by revolution or conflict or really by anything sudden.
Protestants are being bred out, the DUP are bleeding votes to pro-irish parties and there is no popular movement for young Unionists; young people are hugely in support of things the DUP are very against and many of them drift to non-DUP parties which eventually helps SF.
tl;dr- The Irish did win Ulster, they're just waiting for NI to finish rotting.
And what happens if and when Ireland gets NI? Why would anyone want that cesspit of WUZZery and terrorism? Ulster is best served as a containment nation independent of Britain and Ireland where they can have their sectarian fights, stupid bonfires and gay LARP marches. At least it would provide some comedy to the world at large
If (when) the 6 counties rejoin NI, it'll be a messy process but not as bad as people make out.
Anyone who thinks "war" or even "conflict" will happen is retarded; the paramilitaries in NI are not ideology based but are mostly just drug dealers on either side of the community.
Yes, some will probably cause trouble and at absolute WORST there be small scale incidents in Belfast or Londonderry, but even back in the Troubles the loyalist paras were utterly and entirely incompetent, contributing very little to the conflict beyond a few civilian deaths.
Without the backing of the UK, it'll all fizzle out.
When it happens the hardliners will mostly have died off so it wont be a massive deal, seeing as NI will then be rejoined into the EU and they're a pro-EU province so that's whatever.
It'll be interesting to see what the deal is with the OO or the 11th/12th July, if they haven't already been cucked to life by then.
The long and short of it is that NI will just become the northeastern chunk of the anglo-american tax haven that is the Republic of Ireland.
Northern Ireland as a country will cease to exist in our lifetime and loyalism will just be a sort of humiliating stain on Britain and Ireland's history.
Why would I dox myself for no reason? Anglos have no logic
He's dead, Britain is a monarchy and catholics sit in parliament.
He's such a fucking cuck, well no, he was because he's dead hahaha
PM Harold Wilson also had secret plans drawn up to evacuate NI, cut the Union, give it Dominion status (independence kinda) and abandon it to UN or US intervention come the resulting civil war. A Very British Coup-style removal of Wilson probably would've occured before it would have been enacted: Civil Service got all itchy over it and the likely effects (British reputation being tarnished primarily).