Man, did the Wehrmacht have bad ass uniforms of what!? Easily the best uniforms and the most iconic.
Man, did the Wehrmacht have bad ass uniforms of what!? Easily the best uniforms and the most iconic
Danzig ist Polnisch
Nazi aesthetics were truly the best in history.
No joke, total bad asses.
So damn cool. I want one of their helmets.
... was designed from 1935 by Prof. Johann Georg Otto Schick for SS combat uniforms
"Leibermuster" was the last of Schick´s collection for the Wehrmacht in 1945
Someone post cute blonde nazi girls
many german combat medics claimed that the Stahlhelms M35 to M40 and M42 didn´t protect well, as the amount of many head injuries had shown
I think WW2 is very aesthetic regardless which side
oh yes, invading russia in their summer dress uniforms was one of "many good ideas" of that campaign
see this pic, winter 1941, Barbarossa.
Bred for BBC
Yeah, true badasses always kill civilians, especially women and children.
he clearly said bad ass *uniforms* so I guess this thread is about aesthetics, not the discussion of their crimes
... indeed
don't deride the dead
*blocks your cool uniforms *
Uggo planes compared to the true A E S T H E T I C
Can't really beat that good ol' Raggedy look the Americans had
>Doesn't even have gull wings
this is disgusting.
Americans were a unique bunch
their uniforms look like shit honestly, it's more combat fatigues than uniforms.
The japs were cruel bastards that gutted children and killed people for being Christian.
and they planned to take over the entire world and attacked america because they hate freedom.
don't gulp down every drop of kool-aid you can get your hands on. The largest Japanese Christian minority was living in hiroshima.
I know the Japs were pretty much the most cruel and inhumane motherfuckers in the war. Just sharing some Marine pics.
Kek they had humor I see. Casual fotos like this reminds us how much in common we have with these people.
>jap apologist
Just kill yourself
>Leave the 6th army to me
asiatic sons of bitches
Some things never change
Too many kikes and /leftypol/fags ITT, oh wait I'm on Veeky Forumsddit.
>Fought for IJA
>Fought for USSR
>Fought for Germany
>Fought with the allies in D-Day
Absolute madman
>wah wah why doesn't everyone believe unfiltered war peopaganda like I do
wrong board kiddo
That is right, but not every Japanese was that brutal, and not every German took part in the murders, as well.
Atrocities commited by one side don't justify the other side doing the same (unless maybe when the perpetrators are punished, but I guess that didn't happen often).
did you know the largerst part of the USSR was in fact located in Asia?
btw, the picture of Yeremenko was staged.
Would still have looked more badass in German uniforms
Nah it's got that rugged appeal.
I heard that Nazi uniforms were largely impractical because the thick fabric covering most of the body was shitty in hot weather.
I'd say back then most nations had pretty aesthetic uniforms,pretty much up until steelhelmets were replaced by kevlar bowls.
Ah yes, the helmets look MASSIVELY different don't they
You can't look at that and tell me that's not Michael Fassbender.
i said around the time kevlar helmets were introduced,they arent the only thing.camo uniforms replacing solid colors and more and more optics instead of iron sights,general changes,i'd just say aesthetics shifted a lot in the 80's
Get on my level.
Retard here,
I get camo is supposed to be random but how the hell does the purple help? I saw a similar design on german planes with that color.
>thinking shooting down vatniks who are using drawn on gunsights counts
when will wehracucks learn?
How does he pull the trigger wearing mittens
Why the fuck are they in outer space?
A plane is supposed to be IN the atmosphere not fucking above it.
what's the strap or lanyard connected to the pistol for?
The SS uniforms look better tbqh.
Looks Finnish
>not recognizing Hans-Joachim Marseille
Regardless of how "aesthetic" they look, German uniforms from WW2 were extremely impractical. They were more suited to a parade ground than a battlefield. The sleeves were intentionally a few inches too short, the jackets were ribbed so you couldn't sit down comfortably, and the wool was oppressively hot in the summer. They were designed to look good on a parade ground but, paired with their wildly rattle-prone field gear, it led to a really shitty combination. The German soldier was many things, but he was not comfortable.
Source: I reenact ww2, American and German. I'd take German gear any day.
>Inb4 Lindybeige-tier historical analysis
Well the invasion did start in summer.................
It gets into the 90s (if not more) in the steppe in summer
*Take American gear any day.
Sorry for being autistic
>>Fought with the allies in D-Day
>making shit up
Bro, Japs did pull some pretty heinous shit.
who the fuck want to post picture of losers lmao
but i do agree with nazi uniforms
>current day politics
>mattering on a history board
Fuck off faggot, Veeky Forums is not /pol/ and never will be regardless of what political view your favourite meme page tells you to have.
literally WHO
Nigga u dumb as hell