
What the fuck

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this is why you read the whitepapers retards


TFW you need to reassure your investors that you are a professional who will keep the project on track but you livestream yourself talking about your FBI friends and Lamborghini and accidentally use fuck for every other word

LOL and we had some real delusional big baggers on here. I wonder where they are now

I know what makes me confident in a dev is hearing him talk about people doing heroin out of asses

This pajeet is based as FUCK.

No wonder they wanted to be anonymous this is the thickest pajeet accent I've ever fucking heard!

And he basically admits to several crimes while trying to throw this crowetic dude under the bus

Dumping My 50k stack immediately. They got me Veeky Forums

Just dumped all my bags today. Still made like 20k but could've made 4x that if I sold at 5000. Sigh guess I'll set my sights on BiblePay now .

shit tier FUD. That's not even him. Love buying up cheap SIGT though.

This is some pretty elaborate FUDing, wonder how many people are in on this operation, looks like fun

>shit tier FUD. That's not even him. Love buying up cheap SIGT though.

This video was literally posted in the official signatum discord and the dev answered questions afterwards

dude is also a murderer lol


>"00/00/2000: Neo-Nazis Sacha Montreuil, 26, Adam Guerbuez, 25, and Frederic Morin, 22, beat Christian Thomas, 39, to death. As Thomas was leaving a bar, he was approached by approximately 10 men, beaten into a coma, and later died from massive head trauma. Fellow neo-Nazis Mathieu Carriere, Jonathan Cote, Isabel Forget, Steve Lavallee, and Stephen LePage were also at t...


"Not even him"

Literally posted on all their official channels. Literally a pajeet scammer dev being interviewed by a convicted neo nazi.

Enjoy your bags because this is the nail in the coffin for signatum

I'm laughing so incredibly hard right now, it's interrupting my sigt shopping spree



I've been holding 10k siggies just to see where it goes.

Turns out it goes down.

id just cut your losses and dump them, this shitcoin isnt going anywhere but down, they may try give it one last pump though, try and catch it if you can.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on these guys?

>decently made coin comes out 3 weeks ago
>pumps and dumps in first few days
>week ago, gets shilled to fuck everywhere price goes from 700 sat to 4900 in like 3 days
>shoots back down to 2300ish
>the devs kick out the marketing guys, who are already shady as fuck
>same day announce there in cahoots with the fat murdering burstcoin guy
>chaos insues and price plummets again
>bagholders still shilling

oh look, time to buy

It's one of the most hilarious shill vs FUD campaigns I've ever seen, go fetch the popcorn and settle in

Yeah I was just memeing. Was hoping someone would make a sigdanoff rundown.

fuders trying their hardest to shake weak hands. Only so much longer they can keep the price down to accumulate, but SIGT is going to fucking burst through the stratosphere when it happens.

I'm loving every second of it

lol I'm holding 20k and even I'm not this delusional. I'm just hoping we can hit 1350 or maybe 14 so i can cut my losses.

That interview with that Pajeet doctor did not inspire confidence, he sounds like a retard and admitted to DDOS'ing Burst at Crowe's behest a while back. These are (were) your leaders of SIGT.

But yeah please keep buying so I can dump these bags.

nice fud. I bet you have 20k, trying to get another 20k a low price before this think 100xes?

Can you come up with one good reason why people would throw money at this AGAIN? Nobody should be touching this with a 10 foot pole. The whole thing STINKS.

hes just shilling or memeing, or both, i dont know whos jewing who anymore.

it's like christmas in here

On reading it again, I think you're right. Nobody is that stupid but I've been reading so much delusion about SIGT the past few days nothing would surprise me. The ANN thread is good for a few laughs.

Because its going to 1000x. The FUD is incredible, keeping it down this low so I can buy up.

>Nobody is that stupid but I've been reading so much delusion about SIGT the past few days nothing would surprise me
i know right, its hilarious
the claims it was premined make me lmfao the most

ANN thread?

i'm so glad i got out of this absolute dumpster fire yesterday. i will never have to use shittopia ever again

literally nothing wrong with a coin, all these "negatives" are meme worthy

foul mouth this doctor is

>when "The Doctor" admits he ddos'd the fatmans servers

Fucking lmfao, this shit is like a sitcom.

The coin itself might be fine but what about this fucking circus would inspire confidence that it's actually going places? Someone needs to be at the helm guiding it to new heights. Remember: it still doesn't fucking do anything.

>ill go to his house with swat and take my mask off and take a photo of him and put it on the internet
lmao what

It's nice to want things.

>miners bail out after halvening
>the marketplace sounds like and will be a terrible idea
>bittrex isnt happening, pretty much confirmed by Dr. Pajeet
>Devs are complete ghosts

yeah i can totally see this coin going places now

This is a photo posted by Doctor from vacation and he has a fair skin. He said, he's half Spanish, half Omani, not pajeet confirmed

>half Omani, not pajeet

I bought into SIGT with almost 10btc at like 3.5k sats and cut my losses at 3k. Glad I did.

Coming in completely neutral, this guy's attitude is completely unprofessional and arrogant. He simply scammed everyone who was involved with this our of their money...and I hate that he got away with it. I wouldn't be surprised if the price suppression was him selling away his stash.

This only adds salt to the wound when it was discovered while SIGT wasn't "premined"....the founder got to INSTAMINE the first 1000 blocks.

"Not premined"

I guess with decentralized currency...you have to take the bad with the good.

Fuck this guy, and Fuck SIGT.

alot of indians are fair skinned, especially when they live in the west, doesnt mean shit

also being half spanish and half omani makes you pretty much 100% arab


like literally who would put money on something where the creator doesn't want to show their face. what are they hiding?

satoshi doesn't count. he was the first one, and (((they))) would have killed him for disturbing their (((business)))

i cant understand why he hasnt been doxed yet, that crowetic faggot and the bum beater have supposedly met in person and are good friends with Dr.Pajeet, why arent they playing fire with fire and doxing him, personally i think this all an inside thing and they're all in it together.
was this before or after the shitstorm happened?

bittrex when?

August 13th..

So before.

fuck sake

Doxxing and assassination is still a thing and (((they))) can orchestrate something too

It is not just the scammers associated with this coin that are the problem. The pajeet being interviewed is the main developer and listen to what an absolute moron he is. YOU SON OF BASTARD BITCH

kek, and this is the one the allocated to speak for them, imagine what the rest are like

>i dont care about the money, i only want to help people
>i have had many lambos and ferraris btw

I am sorry for everyone who bought high and are waiting for someone to come by and buy your bags. This shit is going to 0 SAT. good luck
get a job

There is absolutely zero proof the first 1000 blocks were Instamine

Fuck off

also another kek-worthy part
>i have 500k sigt left, i dont care, i will give it away for free to anyone that asks
>no way of contacting him directly
>i spoke to someone who lost 6k sig, i gave him 1k because i felt sorry

this shit is a goldmine.

>30 rupees have been credited to your account

haven't we accumulated enough now? isn't it time to turn off the FUD?

good luck finding buyers

have you people actually started believing your own FUD fairy tales? fucking twilight zone in here today

Paper thin buys right now. God fucking damnit I want to unload this shit but don't feel like flushing $400 down the drain.

Please, just one more pump. Please.

This isnt getting pumped again more and more people are seeing the video and selling lol

my god this is amazing