Imagine a world without religion
Imagine a world without religion
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>Lives in a Western parliamentary state with a separation of church and state and rapidly declining religious observance
You're in one
It it looked as ugly as that I wouldn't want to go
Imagine a Veeky Forums without Reddit.
We'd have two moons?
if you want a vision of what an irreligious utopia looks like visit the UK
But the problems are all caused by Islamists?
imagine Veeky Forums without newfags...
Would make history kind of boring
Imagine a post without (you)'s...
That would actually be like reddit.
We dont have to. It's called Black Mirror.
Imagine a world without Jews.
>No Communism
>No Zionism
>No Abrahamic religions
>No Circumcision
>No Israel
>No Rothschilds
>No Socialism
What a world would that be.
>Implying Marx founded Socialist thought
He just shitposted about it the most
Here is a teaser of that world, giant building included.
Religion is a social construct. Both in essence and just that. Ideology, mythology, ideas in general, are all a social construct. And I argue essentially all these are the same. They might be largely factual or not at all, but they will still have in-build 'nonsense' to put it harshly
No person is capable of being a hundred percent realistic. Our memory is rather messy (see cognitive science) and we have in-build biases plus nobody is capable of knowing everything, there is simply to much, and very few people actually pursue truth so obsessively.
A physicist for example might know physics but his ideas of, say, diet might still be almost 'religious' or better said mythological: they are not based on fact, or facts yet to be disapproved or proven, but based on myths, stories and 'common sense'. And so on and so on.
>However, they do believe in spirits that can sometimes take on the shape of things in the environment. These spirits can be jaguars, trees, or other visible, tangible things including people.
Does this count as lacking any sort of religion?
So a world without humans?
and without 30% of modern science and economics
>No modern medicine
>No functioning western economy
>No modern physics
People would just come up with some other dumb bullshit.
But that is the thing people already do. You do, I do, everyone in this thread does. Nobody is capable of seeing the world hundred percent realistic, and realism is morphed and shaped by cognitive biases and group dynamics.
There happen to be two kinds of people who are on both opposites of this phenomenon. There is some research that people with autism are less susceptible to some (some) cognitive biases and think more logical. Whereas those on the schizotypy side seem to be more susceptible to seeing patterns when there is none and some speculate (or theorize) that these schizotypals have an overdeveloped theory of mind, which results in seeing intent beyond humans.
If somebody is interested I could look for those papers.
That actually sounds a little interesting, but you don't need to bother yourself on my account.
Been there, the dprk certainly promotes religion and worship of the state.
I would be writing this post from a long established colony at at Alpha Centauri.
>No Socialism
Not sure it would be the case. The Buddhist monarchs might push that.
That's the only thing I don't get about the New Atheists.
They really are naive enough to believe that if people aren't religious they'll just be rational, as it that's a state of being to begin with, and that reason isn't just a tool.
It's way more likely that people become Communists, astrologers, Wiccans or Nazis, as a response to their loss of religion than that they become caricatures of some kind of logical and reasonable Übermensch™.
If religion didn't exist we'd have gone to the moon by 1400 and we'd be exploring the galaxy right now
Fuck religion
People need to believe in something. Without religion it would be political ideologies or some other useless shit.
>A world without humans
Sounds pretty shit from a human perspective.
>Imagine a world where people have a unifying belief that gives them something to strive for.
Considering that religion predates civilization, in a world without religion humanity wouldn't have left the hunter-gatherer phase.
>Jews actually believe that we couldn't figure these things out on our own
Wasn't agriculture what really caused civilization?
And don't animals develop tribalistic natures through evolution rather than religion?
By religion you mean psychedelic plants.
simians have ritualistic behavior too
An evolutionary anthropologist might tell you religion has evolved as a form of social control to keep intelligent humans in line.
Read Dostoevsky