Tl;Dr: Legitimate and legal methods of making money effectively and efficiently NOT INCLUDING cryptocurrency

Tl;Dr: Legitimate and legal methods of making money effectively and efficiently NOT INCLUDING cryptocurrency.

So basically I've hit a bit of a rut, biz. I'm 20 years old and still living at home. I earn my money largely through local yard work and I'm just tired of this. I want to do something else to earn good money, and my own catch is that I want to remain either self employed or a largely independent agent. If worst comes to worst, I'll just find myself a job. But I want to start making money, preferably on my laptop so that I can earn it anywhere I go. I want to start traveling, and I dont make enough from yard work to really travel to my hearts desire, and getting a job would anchor me to one location for too long a period of time. I'm looking for something where I can make money on the go. Doesn't have to be EASY, just needs to be possible. I hope anybody posting or reading through this thread can find some knowledge or inspiration. I just want to get out of where I am. I've thought of TeeSpring, and I can make good designs but how to get enough people to buy it is beyond me.

Side question, since I'm very new here: How easy is it to make $ on robin hood, and how much is needed to really get the ball rolling?

Other urls found in this thread:

A. Learn to code
B. Trade cryptos

That's your only options

And really, any help or input is greatly appreciated. I know Facebook can be a really good tool for marketing shit and doing affiliate marketing, but I don't really know how to build from the ground up a popular Facebook page that would allow me a successful ad campaign or whatever--I don't even have a Facebook. I've heard twitter is much more difficult than Facebook for things of this nature.

trade crypto
its good fun doing research around the web and posting shitcoin memes on here


Find a pharmacy checker approved drop shipper, set up an online storefront and sell medications to people. Works better if you have a storefront though.

>Learn to code
What's the best way to do this? Do I have to sign up for a college course, or is there a good site that I dont know about? How long would it take me to learn coding before I could begin doing things to bring home a profit that would largely support me living in a decent enough apartment and traveling occasionally?

>Trade cryptos
I see this preached as a get rich quick thing but..I don't really have enough $$ currently to make a real dent. I've got about $200 of spending money, I know that's not enough and I don't want to eBeg for PayPal gibs. Maybe I'll look into it when I have a bit more to spend, but it seems like a huge bullshit fiasco of shilling and I don't see a whole lot of people on here making significant or stable financial gains off of this.

>That's your only options
So fucking doubtful of this

>trade crypto
How? Last time I set up a wallet I couldn't even get it to go online. How much profit have you made off of trading crypto, and off of what investment?

Thanks for bringing this up because I really wanted to know more about it. The only experience with this I have is a friend of mine giving me a vague description of how he drop shipped Uggs on eBay and made $5000 in a month or something like that, but eBay shut him down..(?)
Anyways, I've been real interested in the drop-shipping method because it seems a real nice way to have an automated source of cash flow. Are you a dropshipper, and if so whats your average take and do you have any tips for me and anyone else monitoring this thread?


Drop ship.
mturk if you're okay with $2/hr
Trade stock

>How easy is it to make $ on robin hood
It's not easy to make money trading stock.
>how much is needed to really get the ball rolling
To start making decent cash, $10,000.
But do you mean, to support yourself on the net gains? $5,000,000. If you're being conservative has possible. If you're daytrading, $500,000,000, cause you're going to lose everything within the first few months.

you forgot to mention cyber fraud, bank logs are easy to get for a price, or get them yourselves, so are fake passport/dl scans, ill give you one mark

How hard is this to do? Do you have any experience with this?
>Camguy I'm decently attractive, have a fit body, but can't really imagine there being a large audience of people willing to pay to see a guy online lol
Definitely thought of this but I concluded it was pretty meh..seems not worth the effort honestly.
Doing what? Building websites?
Where should I learn and how long would this take?
>Trade stock
well fuck, with those figures, I'm going to assume making any meaningful gains off of stock trading is something I do waaaay down the road when I actually have the capital for that. Damn.

>Cyber Fraud
Bro please get out, this is all for legal methods, fraud is for jews.

I've turned 50$ into 200$ with crypto.
Then took that 200$ and turned it into 2600$.

I'm coder btw, but after discovering crypto last month I'm seriously thinking even coding jobs which pay good are nothing compared to crypto.

PS: If you are curious how I made this, my first investment was antshares (now called NEO) and then invested it into DNT.
Both still can grow a lot though (I'm still bag holding)

Suck 100 dicks for 10$ each. Use that money to trade crypto

today I grossed over $2000.00; profit is around $1500. Not bad for sitting around surfing the web most of the day or napping. I actually only work about 2 hours a day.
and tomorrow is another day!!! love it.

>only victim is the bank, youre usually secured up to 100k
>not playing "them" fire with fire
ok m8

For stock, learning on robinhood is free (-losses). So you can start to learn whenever.
If you trade riskier things, you can make more. Like, I turned 10k into 80k in a few years trading penny stocks. But I doubt many other people can do this.

Regarding anything else on that list, I have no clue.
I've seen a few anons dropship and make bank.
Find a qt gf and fuck on cam.
Idk where to learn to code.

> Literally everything trading crypto is
> Wants to do so by not trading crypto

Its like you want to be poor or something. If you're not seeing the hint from Japan, China, and Russia adopting crypto enmass, Singapore hopping into the bandwagon, and even 3rd world country like Thailand is hopping into the bandwagon... Its like you're one of those guys who says the internet is a glorified fax machine in the 90s.

98% of the crypto shilled on biz will not stay and will make people broke and poor. Use your time to research in them and buy into them. You're no longer the early adopter, but there's no reason you should miss the early majority train.

As quoted from Warren Buffet: "We missed the google train lul".

Do you have a throwaway email or something that I can talk to you through about crypto? That whole thing is as alien as it gets to me, but if its possible to go $50-->$200-->2600, then I suppose I'm interested enough.
Yeah, that sounds about what I'm wanting for the next couple of years. Do you mind sharing any tips you can on here? Or if u have a throwaway email, id also chat through that. Id greatly appreciate the help. Dropshipping just always seemed too good to be true.

Sorry boss, I'm just not interested to get into the fraud game and I wouldn't encourage anybody here to do the same.

I gotcha, thanks for the input man

>98% of the crypto shilled on biz will not stay
Well, do you have any tips on decyphering what is bullshit and what will stay? What should I look for? The reason crypto is so unattractive to me is because this board seems like a big clusterfuck of shilling that leads nowhere. But if you can shine some light on this I would be more than happy to listen

How do you choose a product ? and where do you sell ?

Remember everyone on Veeky Forums is an unemployed NEET. The advice you get here is worth shit, some of the suggestions straight laughable. Learn some skill in the real world, that's the easiest way faggot. Depending on what you do, if you do it well enough they will allow you to work from home as office space is expensive.

>What's the best way to do this? Do I have to sign up for a college course, or is there a good site that I dont know about?
Depends on what you want to do. For independent developing, you'll probably want to stick with easy shit like HTML, Java, Ruby and Python, all of which can be learned from Codecademy (though obviously it'll just teach you the basics, you'll need to do a lot of independent research on your own once you're comfortable with the language as a whole).

user, you came into the world at a very fortunate time. You have literally everything you'd ever want to know right infront of you with a computer, and what seems like a fair amount of time to learn. We're also in a time where a technology bubble is brewing, which makes it your clearest choice.

So, with those things in mind, let's look at the options you have as a freelancer who sits on his ass at home:
1) Artist (porn is especially lucrative)
2) Programmer (mostly web dev)
3) Systems administrator (small infrastructure, 1-time websites, etc)

Now, everything else is pretty much out of bounds. You need a team to accomplish more than that, and your social structures are going to be built up over years. But let's set our sights a little low for this post since you're learning.

For artistry, unless you have an intense desire and a creative mind, it's probably out of bounds. But if you do go down this path, /jp/'s draw threads can help teach you anatomy and techniques. Hanging around forums like or Reddit can also help you find the resources. Patreon is the primary money source at this point, as direct donations are 100% garbage returns. The best artists typically see 30-40k/yr via Patreon.

High-level programming (WebDev/etc.) is so easy that literal pajeets can do it. The burden of knowledge comes from being familiar with CompSci concepts like loops and arrays, but the language itself deals with the hard parts. Unfortunately, at the beginning, you'll be hard-pressed to find customers as you're competing with Indians on Fiverr.


Systems administration / setup is a bit of a harder topic, and mostly involves being familiar with Linux as a remote sysadmin. Hybrid Linux/Windows environments are becoming more common though, so it's a legitimate career path if you keep up with the technology. Once more, you're going to be competing with Indians on Fiverr to establish your customer base, but if you do good work, loyalty comes with it. You can also take the time to try to hustle local small businesses and see if they need work done. Most don't have "a sysadmin guy" or they rely on what are called Managed Service Providers which fuck them up the ass every month.

Regardless of what you choose, the most important thing will be discipline. Setting aside 4-6 hours a day to learn your craft may not sound like much, but it is mentally exhausting. You need to stick with it and be disciplined.


>everyone on Veeky Forums is an unemployed NEET.
> if you do it well enough they will allow you to work from home
and so the world turns

>everyone on here is an unemployed NEET and the advice is worth shit
>Gives advice

>high level web dev is so easy...

This keeps me from really committing to learning web dev. Seems like there is no career path and you are just competing with low-ballers for clients who know nothing and expect you to deliver their projects laid out in crayon

all medications are the product, not just one. sell in a place where they need you, near a drs. office maybe.

> 40k a year

that's fucking peanuts, I thought they were raking in the cash

Start by googling for coins that pique your interest, and then take a look at their whitepaper, who's behind the project and what do they intend to achieve with the project. Take some time to evaluate their market and see if its overvalued or not (just like stocks).

At this point, most of the coins are still in speculation phase, but some really took off because they had gotten big project with big boys. Take for an example, OmiseGo exploded a week ago because they met Thailand's finance minister to talk about some stuff. Ethereum is going to stay and might explode further because Singapore is balls deep into ETH. Literally every big money machine in Japan has their foot in blockchain, such as NEM, Ripple and upcoming NEO.

So in essence, good project + good developers + good market = shekels.

This board is indeed a clusterfuck, but like the usual Veeky Forums pile of shit, you can find legitimate gems. Just stay the fuck away from things that sounds and look shady in nature, like people who put their money into SIGT (me included) deserve to lose their money because the entire project is nothing but "hurr durr our coin is fair mining, anonymous and some shit". But every once in a while you see things like NEO (formerly Antshares) which is basically a more accessible Ethereum-like platform aimed at the Chinese.

>what do they intend to achieve with the project
This makes sense, investing in a cryptocurrency with zero mission statement beyond "buy me to sell me later" seems like a good way to lose a lot of money.

Consulting, dimwit.

Forget about learning to code, you WILL have to stay in a certain area if you want to make good money, its a lie that you can travel the world while making lots of money coding as a freelancer.

Every fucking autistic neet thinks that they have what it takes to be a good coder but the reality is that it takes years to become a good coder.

Yes, it's extremely easy. I think the boat has sailed on that one, since shit like SquareSpace & Wix are becoming very common among the target market (small businesses).

Frontend web dev may be garbage, but backend things running on a LAMP stack still have a customer base who need someone to maintain their software. While PHP requires more skill, and it's pretty easy to fuck up, any form of custom login system from the past 10 years is going to be either PHP or a web application server like WildFly. That's where the money is.

That's only via Patreon, and more importantly, that's not sustainable. The ideal career path for artists is to launch themselves based on popularity, devote 5-10 years to mastering everything they can, and join an art studio or something.

Being good at digital asset creation is also a path for trying to get into the games industry, since companies like Valve take concepts from the userbase and sell them while giving artists a share. This has become an oversaturated market though, as not a lot of companies are willing to do this.

aren't some of the patreon artists making 15k a month or something similar ?

There is an app i use whenever i film something newsworthy on my smartphone.

Example: Walking home, film police brutality or a fire. Instead of uploading it to facebook and youtube, you can sell it on ScoopBroker.

ScoopBroker is a smartphone app where you can sell newsworthy footage to news stations.

You wont make a living, but definitely a 'side hustle'

Yes, but those are outliers. Even popular YouTubers don't take in much more than 5-10k/mo via Patreon.

Im exactly in the same boat as you, 20 and living at parents

Very rare, and usually must pander to 12 yo tumblr kids or 40 yo smelly furry NEETs

I see, I'm an artist myself and was thinking for months of doing the draw porn thing but in the end it would be just another job if you have be a slave drawing degenerate furry porn every day.

>cyber fraud

Only works if you're already in the game. They'd catch a basement nerd in a heartbeat nowadays.

Hanging around seedy IRC networks connected to via i2p & a VPS in Israel or something similar isn't all that hard. The NSA's not going to use their tools to bust small-time domestic CC fraud even with parallel construction, and shredding an encrypted VM is trivial.

The hard part is finding a way to launder the money. Crypto used to be the easiest way to do so, but unless you plan on eating with Monero, I'd maintain a front for an online service provider these days.

This really just crushes all my dreams to have a good job. Why didn't you mention wordpress? It basically had already ruined the the market, before wix/squarespace ever existed.

How do all these bootcamps have such high job placement with front end devs? Are they just fluffed up jobs that fizzle out after a year?

Do you know how to repair pc's? Are you the kind of "amateur technician"? Just work as an Delivery IT guy, i do that and can live off of it quite decently

how do you set this up?
How can you tell if something is overvalued? Are there any hints or gives?
Thanks for the advice though, very useful.
>Consulting, dimwit
Undimwitify me...what, and how?
Thanks for the input m8. Though, I dont need much, not shooting for the big bucks here, just need a decent enough income to have my own place away from the parents (I love them, just that time to get out) and to travel here and there for a little. I'll worry about the big bucks later when I begin to try to make my own company
Hey just keep your head up bro! Kinda comforting seeing someone else in the same boat! We can figure our shit out.

>Why didn't you mention wordpress? It basically had already ruined the the market, before wix/squarespace ever existed.

It slipped my mind. I work as a sysadmin these days.

>How do all these bootcamps have such high job placement with front end devs? Are they just fluffed up jobs that fizzle out after a year?

You're paying for industry connections. I've never been to one, and I don't plan to at this point. No doubt they put you in a sweat shop where you slave away for 30k/y until you burn out or become skilled enough to get the fuck out.

>This really just crushes all my dreams to have a good job.

The Android App market is still viable to startup with as a solo dev, although the peak has past in my opinion. It's very very competitive, but shitty games are consistently the top sellers, and low-end phones are getting more powerful every year.

Game theory is a different beast though, and a science of its own.

are you suggesting game development is profitable ? For every mildly profitable game out there there's 200 hundred thousand which failed to generate more than 100 bucks a month. Its not about how good your app is but how visible it gets.

Why has no one suggested ads ? build a popular website + youtube videos about any subject you are passionate about then rake in the cash.

>are you suggesting game development is profitable ? For every mildly profitable game out there there's 200 hundred thousand which failed to generate more than 100 bucks a month. Its not about how good your app is but how visible it gets.

I am also well aware of this. I was able to find success in games earlier in my life, and it requires an immense amount of luck. I don't consider it sustainable either, but replayability and eye candy can keep the lights on if you use a predatory business model ($5 for more lives).

A lot of people are starting to wise up to this, but if my Grandmother is any indication, whales are still willing to drop a few hundred into a game without batting an eye thanks to how monetized the entire platform is.

>Why has no one suggested ads ? build a popular website + youtube videos about any subject you are passionate about then rake in the cash.

Clickthrough on website ads has gotten pretty shit thanks to ad blockers. Once more, it's a pittance compared to what it once was.

This is why I view Android as the new frontier for ad-supported services; To block ads within the application itself requires using something like AdAway (needing root), and many people are willing to pay $2-3 just because they're annoying.

>CompSci concepts like loops and arrays
>loops and arrays

How hard is it setting up a drop shipping company?

I'm deliberately keeping it simple for this thread. It's not like scripting languages are hard.

so you are planning on working on an android game am I correct ?

how do you plan on making your app stand out from the 2500 apps added every single day on the play store ?

Honestly you don't even need ads, if you have a decent viewerbase you can live off of donations via paypal

I already said that I've exited the market and that I believe the peak has past. Whether you want to be pessimistic about it is your choice.

I'm simply asking, I've released about 4 apps and none of them made any substantial money, I make more money slaving at any good job in my field.

Just wanted to know if you had something in mind.

Social networks & high-traffic forums like Veeky Forums are always the go-to since viral advertising is the cheapest, and one of the most effective, ways of getting a product in front of eyeballs. If you're a participant within a reasonably popular forum (e.g. XDA) and you spread your knowledge, it can also be used as a platform for product launches if they allow it.

Reddit was one of the easiest to game since the voting algorithm used to allow for a small amount of "upvote bots" to push the post into the Rising section. Nowadays I think they're more strict since they got buttfucked by /pol/ regularly

For mobile apps, websites like XDA are useful if you have built a tool targeted for tinkerers. For games, it's mostly luck since the market is saturated. You need to be very good, and to have something very unique in order to stand out there now.

All of this goes back to the "social structures" I had mentioned in . Users beget users, and finding your first is the hardest. Afterwards it takes off based on word of mouth if the product is good enough.

I'm not saying anything profound though, and I'm sure you know most of this. There's no magic to it. I recommend you stay on the corporate side since startups are cutthroat and easy to fail.

Thanks man, really appreciate it too, im watching this thread closely lol

If it doesn't get much more traffic and eventually dies off, I'll probably make another thread of the same sort!

fpbp what op fails to realize is he can skip all that extra societal bs and learn to crypto and then live his life free of the shackles.

How much profit have you made off of cryptos though?

How does pharmacy checker work? I searched up adderall and it showed me pharmacies selling that. But I need a prescription to buy it, no?

if you gonna go coding route do what one nigga on here said, go with Javascript, HTML, CSS for websites but do start with learning PYTHON first on codeacademy and then all other sites you can find that provide tutorials such as youtube to build scripts, once you're good with python which is the easiest language to learn then you'll be able to learn other languages with ease. 1 hour a day and in 90 days you should be good enough to make your own stuff.

Learn welding.

I'm interested in remote system administration, really digging Linux, but finding clients is the challenge. Do you have any suggestions for that besides Fiverr?
Examples of such networks?

>I recommend you stay on the corporate side since startups are cutthroat and easy to fail.
Do you mean that he should keep his current job and stay away from startups?

Where do people order stuff using stolen cc info to? Abandoned houses? I heard about eBay and using mules but that doesn't seem entirely risk free

p2p lending
invest in funeral/medial stocks
learn a trade skill, it repair, building, electrician all high demand
furry porn
make a random daily video blog like "watching grass grow daily" and hope a million retards find it and donate money.

pharmacy checker literally checks on pharmacies to make sure they are legit as well as their product.
of course, you have to deal only with legit pharms that require a prescription, otherwise you'll get shut down, also your product will be crap because a pharmacy that doesnt require a prescription probably will send bad stuff as well. Bad product means no reorders and most likely chargebacks.