Last chance to repent is now.
Last chance to repent is now.
I wonder what happen to the rest of the old DGB "fud" guard.
Are they still around or what? The guy that posted the picture of the robot broken up in the box... The guy that posted the chart and compared it to DGB... Posting overlays of the presentation with the ship sinking and the guy with the sharpie in his ass. I won't say what meme I'm responsible for but it did get big, I thought I was doomed to be small time mocker for a long while.
Have we all gone our separate ways? DGB sure was a magical coin. I'd have felt bad if we weren't constantly warning people but we did if you really didn't sell after they lost, well, I think you've had enough.
What is this? I'm new here and looking for a promising coin to put my money.
They were literally paid FUDers, bowls of rice and rupees. Now that it's cheap again they're gone
Also if you're talking about the Digimarine meme, we've reclaimed that as our own
user liked your post
we are the digimarines
Make sure you have your SHARPIE with you 24/7
i just want to sell my bags at breakeven
>They were literally paid FUDers
They, myself included, are anons that got sick of the constant, relentless DGB shilling in every other thread on Veeky Forums.
You guys remember when this shitcoin was at 3000sat?
Yeah whatever dude, I 10xed my money last time and I'm about to do it again.
DGB shilling died 2 months ago.
The Anti-DGB shilling/bait-threads on the otherhand...
This. Dgb is long gone. Since then we've had espers, moon, music, Ark, verge, OMG, ans, ans again as neo, nml, Bancor, bat, the list goes on. A tonne of coins of various shitness but equal levels of shilling
And yet a few individuals felt the need to continue trashing dgb, looong after everyone else had given up on it
Forgot swt, posw, pivx just off the top of my head
Something that you want to be a part of.