Why is black Americans European heritage completely ignored?
Let's assume it wasn't rape, since there is no way to prove that common assumption.
Why is black Americans European heritage completely ignored?
Let's assume it wasn't rape, since there is no way to prove that common assumption.
One drop rule
At least some of it was rape. Probably most of it in fact, it's not like a slave is in position to say no.
Most slave owners probably weren't soulless rapists believe it or not.
What's the logic behind one drop rule? It seems completely arbitrary. Both black and white are pure. The same logic applied to say the person isn't white can be applied that the person isn't black either.
More Satanic lies.
Without the one-drop-rule, you get the South American >white memes on /int/, or pic related. To my mind, one drop is pretty logical in comparison.
Because early American had a ton of mulattoes to so it was implemented to screw them out of inheritance. The wives of land owning white men were able to get a law implemented that said a child inherits the status of their mother, to screw their husband's illegitimate children.
Well the mixture is there so enough did it to make a genetic impact.
Because everyone agrees to ignore it. White people don't view blacks as sharing their heritage, and black people aren't particularly interested in embracing the European heritage they do have.
A black movement to revivify their European side would probably do a lot to fix race relations here, but they'd rather LARP as Pharaohs and Israelites.
Oh, someone who thinks that Americans are white.
The sex was likely consensual. Women are attracted to wealth, power, and the potential for special treatment. In the real world(non-pc) racial loyalty is not a factor in feminine sexuality, particularly when dealing with the abject poverty that is slavery.
Interesting approach but you got me at potential for special treatment.
Why does this have to factor into women's sexuality? It could easily just because form of manipulation and usual strategic thinking that happens to involve the use of her body( like prostitution). And as we know, prostitution may or may not be totally consensual but rather, an unpleasant yet necessary affliction.
And didn't we have this thread already?
Probably in some cases but rape still happened
I feel like this thread is posted everyday
Until recently, European Americans excluded blacks from a "white" identity, with the one drop rule as an example. Even if a man was 20% black, he would not be accepted, even if he genuinely identified with a "white" identity. The natural reaction to this is blacks (and more recently, other non-whites) vehemently opposing a "white" identity (because they were shunned and forbidden from joining it). It's only natural for people to stay away or even dislike a group who rejected them
tl'dr: whites were racist for most of american history and didn't let mixed people identify as "white", so they identified as "black" instead (why obama is considered black, not white)
You don't need to be a monster to abuse a position of power, every man has ghe potential to do it.
no one believes "black is pure" not even the blacks quite the opposite
white is pure though
>Why is black Americans European heritage completely ignored?
Because they all come from Egyptian ruling dynasties, every last one of them.
He never said that there was absolutely 0 rape, because that's ridiculous. And you thinking you have to correct him on that is equally ridiculous.
Tldr: you're an attention whore
>Probably most of it in fact
Don't be retarded. You're also completely ignoring the 150 or so years of post slavery race mixing.
>tfw tried doing this in my family because both sides somehow intermingled with Saxtons.
>tfw called race traitor despite being a whopping 1/8 white
Does the one drop rule count for only blacks? What about Asian or Amerindian? If so that would mean that a lot of White Americans aren't actually White