Why the FUCK did some jungle tribe from Borneo feel the need to sail all the way to Madagascar and how did they manage to do it?
Why the FUCK did some jungle tribe from Borneo feel the need to sail all the way to Madagascar and how did they manage...
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They were trying to go somewhere but got lost
There was a very small group, less than 20.
In those days did anyone actually end up where they wanted to?
Monsoon winds
Polynesians could
I've always wondered how the fuck people got to Hawaii. Like do we know what kind of vessels they used?
How can you survive the Indian ocean on a dingy little canoe?
I'll just direct you to
They don't, probably.
A mere luck thanks to the currents gave them help to get there more quickly, which raise the survival rate.
>What are ocean currents?
Continental Africans at the time didn't have a great need for traversing open ocean (straits), so they didn't. But fwiw, Africans started coming quite soon after the Malay founder populations.
>Continental Africans
Let's keep in mind we're not talking about modern Bantu but indigenous groups like the Hadza who were as stone age as it gets. They were technologically not even close to being able to get to Madagascar.
>Oral history describesUi-te-Rangiora, around the year 650, leading a fleet ofWaka TÄ«waisouth until they reached,"a place of bitter cold where rock-like structures rose from a solid sea".The brief description might match theRoss Ice Shelfor possibly theAntarctic mainland,but may be a description oficebergssurrounded bysea Icefound in theSouthern Ocean.The account also describes snow.
Crazy fuckers went to Antarctica in canoes lmao
>be merchant buying random shit from Africa
>explore south a bit
>find an island just a few miles off the coast of Africa
>explore it to find the inhabitants, end up circumnavigating it, finding easy to hunt giant birds as you go and discovering how huge it is
>not a trace of any humans
Meh who gives a fuck, they were all technologically stunted niggers no matter what time period they were from. Africa is, has been and always will be Africa chump.
Yea yea, we get it, you really HATE niggers. Did your sister rawdog the basketball team captain, or what?
Ok, so I finally summed up the courage to ask out a girl I liked in my first year of college after years of anxiety and self-esteem issues and she just laughed in my face. She was black, totally gorgeous but a big fucking retard in hindsight. I literally felt like shit and cried when I got home. Bitch broke my heart for damn reason. I learnt that niggers are stupid and cruel though so now I've seen the error of my degenerate ways and realise I could've race mixed and done damage to the world so I feel like I had the wool pulled out from over my eyes. Not everyone has the same story as me but they all end up at the same conclusion somewhere along the way.
It's still 500 km from Mozambique to Madagascar at the narrowest point. Not like you can see it from the other side. It would take you at least a week (if not more) in open waters if all you had was a dugout canoe or, god forbid, some kind of log raft. From Mozambique, the currents will blow you southwards if you don't know what you're doing, into even rougher open ocean. We should really be asking why didn't Arabs or Ethiopians find it first.
But of course, why would anyone of them do that? They didn't know it was there. They fished and collected on the coast, and they surely knew how to float a log and paddle it around, but they had no tradition of real coastal navigation.
Again, these ancient Malays were islanders used to navigating and shit. Even they probably thought they were doomed while spending probably several weeks crossing the Indian ocean. They didn't set out to find it, it was good fortune.
Yea yea, nigs primitive, ooga booga, but it's still really the wrong way to look at it. Fucking annoying when twats who don't have the first clue about sailing want to talk shit.
That line crosses many islands my man
Well Ethiopia doesn't have a coast so I would be pretty surprised if they managed to find it first
Polynesians were stone age.
>modern day ethiopia = ancient ethiopia
lel no
Please leave.
Plus, I was being facetious in any case.
Arab-ruled state did find it in the end. They called it the Island of the Moon
Especially considering boats didn't exist then
They came across an ice berg, they would be dead long before they got anywhere near Antarctica.
Probably enslaved?
>less than 20
how do we know this?
Malagasyanon here ask me anything. I've done like 3 AMA and barely get anything
Currents weren't conducive to a western epansion eastwards
Proto-Malagasy were 1. Already mixed and probably came from first the north and then later using the Equatorial current migrated from the east 2. Bantu were already around by the time of Malagasy settlement, in fact the language itself confirms a continental Banjar-Swahili people in formation
We didn't hunt Elephant bird, Maori did with Moa but we were egg eaters and likely some chicken disease demolished Elephant bird populations
Arabs didn't come to Swahili coast until almuch later and even then they were pretty traders. The land was pre-islamic Arab/Ethiopian/Swahili influenced but also influenced by proto-malagasy who back then were called Waqwaq/Wadiba/Wadubuli a conglomerate of raiders/traders/slavers who introduced key sailing technologies which we still see in Swahili language
I hear you guys are have a bubonic plague problem
what's up with that?
Tenrec/shrew eating, they are reservoirs of disease
Have you ever been to America/Europe? How does it compare to Madagascar?
Sorry to say but most normies know of your nation from the Madagascar movies
Is it true that madagascar is a backwater shithole with no future?
It's not true
I'm in the US
Can you tell your government to stop destroying madagascar's incredibly biodiverse environment?
I'm all for conservation and i don't think we should let rich pricks ruin the landscape, but sometimes you gotta break a few eggs if you want to make the omelette of economic prosperity
Can you tell the West and China that starvation is rife and people will do what they need to survive so if they really care they'll pay farmers and herders to have alternative means of income?
No land should be a zoo for fat westerners to take pictures with while people starve.
Especially given the inaccurate "90% of the forest has been destroyed" quote.
The upper classes must have deliberately avoiding mixing to produce phenotypes like this
He looks 1/8 black
Agriculture is like 2% of a developed country's economy, a few nature reserves bringing tourist revenue isn't going to do anything.
What you really need to do is sort out corruption, promote free trade, support industry and build infrastructure.
It's probably more like 30ish *women*, at least, and its based on genetic evidence. The number of mDNA profiles in the pool (esp. of the more Malay-based populations, since everyone is mixed to some extent now) is really quite small. The number could have been 50 or 60, including men but only about 30 women's mDNA is still floating around today. It is not really known if it was one wave or several boatloads over a couple centuries.
Yea, sure.
Hypocritical as fuck. Almost certainly the country you live in is doing the same, or most likely worse.
All Merina are mixed from 20-25% African, phenotypical selection over the years gives you faces like that.
There was always mixing and DESU in the history of Madagascar and the West the Merina have only been in a position of power for about 170 years. Sakalava were the people of coastal empires who sold Merina and other Highlanders into slavery.
That 30ish women thing was discredited desu
>developing economy
>support free trade
lel fuck off neo liberal
Not just regular canoes, advanced canoes. Plus an knowledge of navigation by stars and bird migrations.
When the Hawaiians encountered Europeans, they purchased a bunch of guns and canons from them and mounted swivel guns on these canoes.
They then became a modernized parliamentarian-monarchy within a few generations of contact, its very remarkable on how Polynesians adapted very well to Europeans. On New Zealand they took to foreign crops and guns quickly, and then developed forts to combat the Europeans very effectively.
I always thought that the polynesians were a very innovative people, they just had to operate with a very limited amount of resources, hence when they encountered europeans with markedly better technology they integrated themselves quickly.
t. I have no historic facts to back this up, just a gut feeling
They did well because the Europeans babied them.
>How can you survive the Indian ocean on a dingy little canoe?
You don't. Which is why they weren't in canoes.
Ancient Southeast Asians were capable of building longboats that are pretty much effectively ships. Mostly derived from Indian-origin designs.
Then how come there are no modern examples of these ships existing? If polynesians were so great at naval technology why don't they use their ships to sail to far away places today?
These aren't polynesians?
Because we have motors and airplanes now.
Goddamn I hate /pol/
>Whites destroy their environments with industrialization
>But we can't let Africans and Asians destroy their environments in the name of industrialization
lolwat, the Austronesian outrigger canoe still exists today except now they use diesel engines and propellers.
Heck its the ubiquitous cheap third-world watercraft that non-Austronesian poorfaggots in Latin America, the Carribean, and Africa copied the design.
Uh... they do? There are groups of people to this day who build and sail in traditional Polynesian ships as a hobby.
No it's the other way around Southeast Asians have been influencing South Asian design for thousands of years. It was the migration between islands that was the impetus.
Sri Vijaya ships look like Indian ones desu.
Those ships came from Island Southeast Asian migration. There are other papers showing human migration with crops from SEA to South Asia early on but I'm getting drunk.
As Malagasyanon I'm willing to answer questions still about Malagasy history though
>I have a massive problem with one of the most basic concepts in economics
>neo liberals like free trade so free trade is bad, hitler liked autobahns so roads are bad
Neoliberals don't want true free trade. Rather than allowing countries to adopt internatonal standards voluntarily they try to impose standards in a big block so that poorer countries have to accept unfavorable regulations or face exclusion from the system and tariffs. It is stealth protectionism.
Study the facts instead of /pol/ memes and you'll see this.
What was the dominant religion of Madagascar before its Christianization?
It's folk religion (a bit of polytheism, a bit of animalism).
Why wasn't it some kind of Hinduism or Buddhism, given the inhabitants were from Borneo? I thought it was pretty cool that they had brought over rice paddies, and I was almost expecting that they had built stone Hindu temples too.
It's ancestral worship with possession rites and a rather weak monotheistic religious tradition that incorporates Shivaism.
So it was probably some form of Hindu sect from a local region in Borneo that eventually became syncretized with Bantu animism.
Yes, I implied that. The possession cult was related Tom Tromba related to Bantu spirit possession that took over once they migrated to the West coast and rekt proto-malagasy with their already fusion Southeast Asian ancestor worship.
There are "male stones" that act as phallic Shivaism markers
There are still hobby groups and such that attempt to reconstruct traditional Polynesian navigation and shipbuilding methods, but it's somewhat of a lost art frankly.
Firstly, by the time Europeans arrived in Polynesia, ocean voyages were somewhat less common for whatever reason. Established populations would build large, more maneuverable canoes rather than ocean-going catamarans.
Ocean voyaging was very risky, the polynesians typically viewed such a voyage as a point of no return, before you would embark you would settle conflicts, debts, essentially tie up all loose ends as there was a chance that you might not return (regardless of whether you found new land). Eventually, it just became more economical to trade and migrate within a local island group rather than risk the journey, you can see this transition in the shipbuilding of the Maori, Hawaiians, even the Society Islanders.
There's the second factor of christianization, there was a large imperative for many pacific islanders to accept missionaries and convert, as it meant increased contact with the West which in turn brought muskets, iron, commodities which apparently justified what then appeared as giving up religious (and eventually cultural) sovereignty.
With the coming of christ, the missionaries would typically try to stamp out attributes of native culture, which included polynesian navigation, an operation which was typically very successful.
The last bastion of polynesian culture would probably be Hawaii, although it was very westernized before hand, which lasted up until it's annexation by the U.S. at the hands of some opportunistic plantation farmers, after which one of the greatest cultural atrocities in human history commenced, resulting in the systematic oppression of the Hawaiian peoples and culture, and turning Hawaii into the shithole it is today.