Why do you hate National Socialism?

I'm not a /pol/tard and I am not a stormfag. Stormfags are degenerate pieces of trash that would have no room in the Reich. However I don't know why you hate National Socialism when it is a better alternative to communism and capitalism.

National Socialism is against usury, capitalist exploitation from the plutocrats, opposition to the Judeo-Bolsheviks that ruined Russia and ruin Germany. National Socialism preaches national pride and unity of the German people. It is not a white nationalist organization more it is a European idea that preaches love for the fatherland, the family, the country, and everything of what it means to be a proud German.

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>However I don't know why you hate National Socialism when it is a better alternative to communism and capitalism.
Mostly for the part that this isn't true at all, and National Socialism's one instance so far in history launched a gigantic fucking war in an attempt to prove this and fail.

>National Socialism is against usury, capitalist exploitation from the plutocrats, opposition to the Judeo-Bolsheviks that ruined Russia and ruin Germany.
Not a /pol/tard or stormfag I see, you juist use their lingo. They're also very much for slavery, which is a hell of a lot worse than usury.

National Socialism is just communism branded in a way which appeals to the middle class by focusing on race instead of class. That is evident in the name "socialism". Big government is all the same, it attempts to subjugate the freedom of the individual by making the population slaves of the state. National Socialism killed millions, not as many as communism, yes, but if it had been allowed to spread it would have been as destructive as communism. It not only started the greatest conflict in history but also led to a mass genocide.

Go play somewhere else, child.

Do we need a helicopter ride today?

And Christianity preaches love and brotherhood between all men but found ample use for the burning stake.

> socialism

Not sure if you are expressing your disdain for socialism or questioning the assertion that nazis were socialists.

It's monarchy for edgy teenagers

>I'm not a /pol/tard and I am not a stormfag. Stormfags are degenerate pieces of trash that would have no room in the Reich.

>National Socialism is against usury, capitalist exploitation from the plutocrats
Existed under nazis. In fact, capital share of income increased and they granted corporations slave labor.

Stormfag myths.

Nazism is a strictly German expansionist ideology brought to the extreme. I'm not a German and i have no reason to subscribe to it.

How can you deny such songs as this?

Die Fahne hoch! Die Reihen fest geschlossen!
SA marschiert mit ruhig festem Schritt.
Kam'raden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen,
Marschier'n im Geist in unser'n Reihen mit.
Kam'raden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen,
Marschier'n im Geist in unser'n Reihen mit.

Die Straße frei den braunen Bataillonen.
Die Straße frei dem Sturmabteilungsmann!
Es schau'n aufs Hakenkreuz voll Hoffnung schon Millionen.
Der Tag für Freiheit und für Brot bricht an!
Es schau'n aufs Hakenkreuz voll Hoffnung schon Millionen.
Der Tag für Freiheit und für Brot bricht an!

Zum letzten Mal wird Sturmalarm geblasen!
Zum Kampfe steh'n wir alle schon bereit!
Schon flattern Hitlerfahnen über allen Straßen.
Die Knechtschaft dauert nur noch kurze Zeit!
Schon flattern Hitlerfahnen über allen Straßen.
Die Knechtschaft dauert nur noch kurze Zeit!

Die Fahne hoch! Die Reihen fest geschlossen!
SA marschiert mit ruhig festem Schritt.
Kam'raden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen,
Marschier'n im Geist in unser'n Reihen mit.
Kam'raden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen,
Marschier'n im Geist in unser'n Reihen mit.

Or this?
Deutschland du Land der Treue
Oh du mein Heimatland
Dir schwören wir aufs neue
Treue mit Herz und Hand.
Strahlend erstehest du wieder
Herrlich nach banger Nacht
Jubelt ihr deutschen Brüder
Deutschland ist neu erwacht!

Schwarz, weiß und rot
Grüßen und mahnen,
Seid getreu bis zum Tod!
Deutsche, seid Brüder,
Reicht euch die Hand!
Heil uns'rem Führer,
Heil dem Vaterland!

Heil dir du deutsche Jugend,
Erben der neuen Zeit,
Fügt euch zur Männertugend,
Stellt euch zum Kampf bereit,
Folget dem Ruf der Alten,
Siegreich und kampferprobt,
Dann bleibt das Reich erhalten,
Auch wenn der Sturmwind tobt!

Because any brand of socialism is antithetical to freedom and the American way of life.

>I'm not a /pol/tard and I am not a stormfag. Stormfags are degenerate pieces of trash that would have no room in the Reich.
>National Socialism is against usury, capitalist exploitation from the plutocrats,
There were literally Jews enslaved in factories and they were shot when they were no longer useful (Germany found better slave workers).
>opposition to the Judeo-Bolsheviks that ruined Russia and ruin Germany.
East Germany fell. There is no Socialism in Germany except a few fringe parties. Also Judaism isn't forced upon any Germans.
> National Socialism preaches national pride and unity of the German people.
Okay, that's one thing you got right.
> It is not a white nationalist organization
By definition (German supremacist) it is.
> it is a European idea that preaches love for the fatherland, the family, the country, and everything of what it means to be a proud German.
And destruction and subjugation of all non-Germans and those who disagree with the political stance of the nation.

I don't hate it but I hate anyone who wants to implement it in any country thats not Germany, you are aware that NatSoc is a uniquely and highly autistic German take on fascism right?

It just reeks of laziness to me, instead of trying to form your own brand of fascism thats unique to your country and people or pick up one that exists for your country, you try to force something without looking into the history behind it. It's even worse when an American wants to play Nazi, more likely than not they would be rejected in a true NatSoc society.

>preaches love for the fatherland, the family, the country, and everything of what it means to be a proud German.

Slaughtering disabled children to save a buck isn't very loving or familial. Even neanderthals were more caring and family oriented.

>Slaughtering disabled children
when will this meme end?

as if raising a disabled child at the expense of ten normal is ethical

I've been taught so.

>I'm not a /pol/tard and I am not a stormfag.

Except you are.

No kidding. I took a class on dictatorships in Europe last semester (don't make fun of me) and our professor brought an instant where even a German farmer was sterilized for a stupid reason. I forgot what example she cited but apparently the farmer was illiterate or she didn't know how to fill out a tax form and they sterilized her for it.


"Stormfags are degenerate pieces of trash that would have no room in the Reich."

>Polfag detected

>However I don't know why you hate National Socialism when it is a better alternative to communism and capitalism.
Because National Socialism is a lie that over-ambitious right-wingers tell working rubes in order to get them to fall in line and stay obedient to whatever agenda the ruling clique has in mind, typically involving some kind of mass-looting in order to pay for all the "yes we cans!" that they promised to people.

>hurr that's not what nat.soc. REALLY means!

Of course it fucking doesn't. It's a political philosophy specifically engineered to be vague enough to mean whatever the fuck you want it to mean. That way dear leader can go to crowds of blue collar workers and stress the "socialist" aspects of the party platform, with a wink and a nudge to the uber-wealthy business elite, whom he really assures is really more of a "nationalist" party, intend on lining their pockets through military spending, and all that socialism business is just a cynical ploy for votes

>why do people hate a totalitarian ideology that espouses genocide and was directly responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people
Gee I dunno. Must be some Judeo-Bolshievik conspiracy.

It's a foreign ideology that openly promotes the destruction of American values and the American way of life and usurping it with a despotic central government.

Whether you think they're evil or not, the nazis were intriguing. They had an audacious vision of the world that no one else dared to assert and that transgressed everything hitherto embraced as justified.

Frankly, it might have been something, but the batty anti-semitism, hostility to my home country, murder of white children (the majority of casualties in WWII were either white or asian), strange mystical and esoteric quackery, and subservience to a single leader put them over the line.

I would much rather go with Italian style fascism, or one of the more esoteric rarer brands, than nazism

Laffin at all these unironic posts.\

>They had an audacious vision of the world that no one else dared to assert and that transgressed everything hitherto embraced as justified.
Not entirely. Part of the reason the Nazis seem so horrific today is that the mindset of much of the world has become so different from what it was in the first half of the 20th Century.

WW1 would set many precedents the Nazis would follow or merely take to the next level:
>Forced relocations
>mass forced labor
>requisitioning supplies from occupied territories even while the locals were starving
>reprisals against civilians
While all of those were generally considered bad, they also weren't particularly heinous in times of war. Imperial Germany wasn't considered particularly evil after the war - just the standard "bad guy" - and most of what the Nazis did was merely taking things that were considered acceptable in WW1 and taking them to their logical extreme.

That's part of what made it so horrific - it didn't take too much of a logical leap at the time to justify those atrocities.

Well are you Italian yourself? Because if you are its only natural that you'd prefer Italian Fascism, it centers around you, your people and your history.

Being an American there really hasn't been a uniquely American form of Fascism and hopefully there will never be a need for one in this Nation although I'd be lying if I told you I'm not curious as to what it would look like

I see your point. I think the thing that horrifies some people about the nazis, was that they applied modern, advanced scientific and industrial methods like nobody else to the task of killing people who got in the way of their vision of Europe and the world. Plenty of people throughout history would have done the same if they were able. It was more of a matter of quantity over quality.

My ethnic heritage doesn't matter. Matter of fact with my background much of nazi ideology would embrace me.

I would love the nazis if they just pursued things that mattered to me on a scale that they pursued things I don't understand or strike me as crazy.

>Being an American there really hasn't been a uniquely American form of Fascism and hopefully there will never be a need for one in this Nation although I'd be lying if I told you I'm not curious as to what it would look like

As a fellow burger I have given this some thought as well. Some say Trump is a prototype for American fascism, but he lacks a particular seriousness and professionalism that a true fascist possesses. I think American fascism would be draped in Christian iconography, but would also have a unique flavor and adventurous twist on it American-style.

So a type of Christian Fascism that some within the Republican Party, (not the alt-right or the Trump faction), but like an evangelical Christian that preaches something along the lines of fascism? Pat Robertson?

Not everybody practices what they preach, user. Don't expect all followers to be fundamentalists in any sense of the word.

I always figured that it would be something along the lines of Christian and Militaristic while embracing Manifest Destiny, I always felt that most patriotic Americans have a "Frontier Spirit"

I doubt there will be a racial component to it though, pic related is all too common in White Americans who have family going back to the Frontier Days

The real question op should have made is why are you not a Fascist since National-Socialism is merely germanized fascism.
>itt nobody knows anything at all about the ideology they're supposed to be talking about

It was also an economic system that relied on war production to provide goods and employment, dependent on the sociopolitical alienation of entire groups of people for a national identity, and the perpetuation of these objectives forever was the only way this could continue in any kind of sustainable way.

Nazism is the political equivalent of jumping the shark.

>Christian Fascism that some within the Republican Party, (not the alt-right or the Trump faction), but like an evangelical Christian that preaches something along the lines of fascism? Pat Robertson?

Yeah, uhhh about that...



>Pat Robertson

Too much of a weakling for that Tbh. He may be batshit crazy, but he isn't really one for violence. He might be manipulated into helping an actual group of Fascists get into power, although they would be quick to kill him once he's no longer useful.

I don't like that it's almost inherently violent. It started in violence with the street battles in Weimar Germany, and the Beerhall Putsch and the Night of Long Knives, the glorification of the warrior spirit and the expansionism. It was really a caveman-ish, brutish sort of system in practice.

There are some interesting ideas behind it all, and I do enjoy romantic nationalism as much as any good populist right-winger, but ultimately war and political violence is not something I consider good things for humanity.

>I'm not a /pol/tard and I am not a stormfag.
>Judeo-Bolsheviks that ruined Russia and ruin Germany
Yeah sure, not a stormcuck, whatever you say.

The evangelical wing of the Republican party doesn't believe in the separation of church and state, they only like the bits of the Constitution they agree with.

>The evangelical wing of the Republican party doesn't believe in the separation of church and state

It's still an Institution that the overwhelming majority of Americans would rally to defend just as they would freedom of religion and the right to bear arms. They couldn't get rid of it that easily.

>the Reich

The USA doesn't even practice separation of church and state.

Why, because he's not a white guilt cuckold like you?

Not everyone has autism

>audacious vision of the world that no one else dared to assert and that transgressed everything hitherto embraced as justified
what do you think they did that was even a little bit original? even the fucking svastika was ripped off.

Don't be a National Socialist be a Socialist Nationalist

>Projecting this hard
Don't you have a BLACKED video to be hate-masturbating too?

I think the Bioshock games (don't laugh) have made pretty interesting attempts at depicting distinctly Americanised fascism.

Stormniggers detected.

If Hitler won there would be no niggers in Europe.

It's socialist by name only and i hate nationalism

Loving the weak is for cucks and faggots.

Basically nothing good came from them. They weren't good even by their standards. They just made Germany waste twelve years of its history.

Their race autism led to the death of millions of civilians.
Their economic policy was retarded and basically needed war to sustain itself.
They weren't even that good at war as soon as the big boys stopped playing nice with them.

What enduring work of art came out of Nazism? What good literature? In cinema all I can recall is Leni Riefenstahl, anything else?

About the only thing positive I can say about the Nazis is that they dressed well and I like some of their architecture.

There's something odd about the Germans, their ancestors help destroy one of the greatest civilizations on Earth and then spend the next hundreds of years trying to make their own and, usually, failing at it. Even with NatSoc I can't help but see some parallels in their architecture and art with the Romans, it wasn't even something uniquely German if you think about it. I'd hate to sound superstitious but it almost seems like a curse for the Germans (inb4 dA jOoS)

That would apply to any Germanic tribe. Rome didn't fell because it was great, but because for most of its citizens, it wasn't.

The problem with national socialism is that it doesn't much have a philosophical or literary background like communism and capitalism. The person who started the movement was also the leader of that only government. He was the only national socialist to ever hold power, so every aspect of what we think about it comes from his regime. However Hitler wanted nothing to do with the "socialism" aspect of national socialism, and even blocked out the more socialist people like Strasser from the party. I think a leader that is socialist in a sense that it focuses on the nation and making it and the citizens strong wouldn't be bad. Separate national socialism from Nazis and and you may be able to make an appealing ideology.

Nazi Germany would have ended as soon as Hitler died. No one would be able to properly replace him and the country would eventually be ruled by some miltiary junta style government.

National Socialism is Hitler and Hitler is National Soclialism.

They performed well by exploiting others. It was in no way sustainable.

Pic related

They looked no different than any other German Soldier during World War II especially the volkssturm.

We should remember that in that context all socialism meant was "doesn't want to bring back the monarchy".

I posted it because they are associating the Imperial German battleflag with national socialism.

Well that's the only way they can have their little rally because obviously in Germany and in some European countries it's illegal to fly the flag of Nazi Germany. So they use the Imperial flag to spout out their hatred

Those monsters killed pic related and millions of other Jewish qts and in the name of what? To satisfy their murderous, autistic, worse-than-Alex Jones-tier conspiratorial paranoia and race crackpottery. Fuck them.

Also this^

Deo Vindice

>national """socialism"""

I've never heard such a thing, do you have any material on this?

Right, Nazism as we knew would live and die with Hitler no matter what. However, just like there are different types of communism practices, what about a different kind of national socialism?

>Why do you hate National Socialism?

Because it is nothing of what you listed but rather a traitorous and murderous cancer that unfortunately was allowed to spread one time too much.

They installed a dictatorship in Germany.
They tried to destroy German culture and made thausands of Germans flee Germany.
They robbed Jews (of which 12,000 fell for their fatherland just 20 years earlier) of their civil rights.
They forbade any kind of opposition and even persecuted Christians.
They remilitarized Germany despite an economic crisis.
They started an unnecessary war that killed millions of their own people and far more of other nations.
They betrayed hundreds of thousands of German sick people in need and murdered them in cold blood.
They murdered hundreds of thausands of German and millions of foreign civilians just for their religious or ethnic affiliation.
They murdered everyone who came in their way brutally, going as far as decapitating adolescends for handing out leaflets opposing Nazism.

They were liers, deceivers, traitors, cowards and murderers. You shouldn't follow their ideology.


The bastards also robbed Prussia of its traditional autonomy and ultimately caused its destruction.

>tfw no Prussia rebelling against the Third Reich's centralized tyranny-Texas style timeline

>They're also very much for slavery, which is a hell of a lot worse than usury.
If you enslave someone directly through physical force or indirectly through monetary dependency makes little difference.

>it attempts to subjugate the freedom of the individual by making the population slaves of the state
These freedoms of the individual are theoretical at best since they are not granted, they have to be bought. Is it worse to be slave to a state that acts in the common interest than slave of a Capitalist who acts in his own interest?

>They remilitarized Germany despite an economic crisis.
I mean the Weimar Republic was undergoing remilitarization as well, they just were a lot more secretive about it with weapons and vehicle tests being done in Russia to hide the trail. However that remilitarization was in the late 20s when Germany had recovered from Versailles and was a member of the league of nations before Black Tuesday.

>tfw no Prussia rebelling against the Third Reich's centralized tyranny-Texas style timeline
You must be living in a different timeline than me: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preußenschlag

I didn't say Germany shouldn't have no military back then, but the way the Nazis militarized was only sustainable through wars of conquest and robbing foreign countries.

*shouldn't have a military


That's my point you dingus.

Prussia was the only part of Germany that still had anything resembling a remotely-functional democracy by 1932 and that son of a bitch von Papen destroyed it in one fell swoop. That would be the equivalent of Santa Anna deposing Stephen Austin and appointing his cronies to run the region directly.

I very much prefer paying taxes to being forced into slave labour in a factory somewhere, not knowing when my services will be thanked with a bullet in the back of my head.

>Is it worse to be slave to a state that acts in the common interest than slave of a Capitalist who acts in his own interest?
Are you implying nazis cared about the common interest?

The Jewish connection is real.

>That's my point
Then you haven't expressed yourself correctly because what you describe actually happened in your timeline.

>Are you implying nazis cared about the common interest?
Definitely more than Shlomo Goldbergstein.

So who's better for the common interest?
A group of people that minds it's own business and doesn't do anything wrong?
Or a group of people that destroys its own country and murders anyone they don't like?
Though question for sure

>Or a group of people that destroys its own country
The Nazis did not destroy their own country. Their enemies did.

>and murders anyone they don't like?
If they are detrimental to the common good, why not?

But I love it OP.
Noticing a lot of you lefties are shilling every board that isn't /pol/. I get why ya'll hate us, but these anti-/pol/fags seem to be way worse and more butthurt shills

Feel like we've seen a influx of Reddit Leftists.

Either read the previous posts
and read up on the topic or fuck off to your echochamber, the Nazis were traitors and murderers, get over it.

>e-everyone who isn't a stormfag is a leftist antifa redditor

Back to your containment board

Well, it's been tried exactly once. And that one time, it went completely apeshit and killed millions of innocent people. And was this an accident? No, it's pretty much baked into the nature of the concept. So you tell me, OP, why I'm against it. You tell me.

>The USA doesn't even practice separation of church and state.

You're going to have to substantiate this.

Because I'm 99% sure you're confusing the relationship of church and state with jurisprudence and precedent that protects free exercise.

While accomodationists can get out of control the US government has an obligation not just to abide by the establishment clause but also the free exercise clause.

Except Prussians did not follow the example of their American cousins. They did not revolt, secede, or even threaten it as the Nazi Party stripped their homeland of its independence and rendered all of them servile to the government in Berlin. The 13 Colonies, the Vendee, United Ireland, Texas, and the Confederacy all raised entire armies in rebellion over far lesser perceived infringements on their right to self-governance.

>the Nazis were traitors and murderers, get over it.
Not an argument.

Germany has throughout history always been fairly good at dealing with revolutionary attempts.

Yes retard, it is an argument in a thread dedicated to the assessment of Nazism

Insulting the other party is not an argument.

Do you dispute that the Nazis were traitors and murderers? Or is it that you feel traitors and murderers have been unfairly maligned, and their value should be reassessed?

General fascism and you might have a point - strong collective identity, respect for national institutions, reverence for the better parts of tradition, etc. You can sell this. Hell, some might argue that this mode of government is very close to how Erdogan's operating and he has the support of the majority of Turks, for better or for worse.

But National Socialism is an autistic REEEEEEE that starts off with "Germans are superior because I say so" (ignoring the fact that prior to the late 19th century there never really was a cohesive Germany, except as the barbaric 'Other' in opposition to civilized Rome) and then proceeds with "and let's kill everyone else".

>proud German
There's your problem. It's like non-American converts to Mormonism: you're missing the fucking point.

Asking Frenchmen, Italians, Brits, Greeks, etc. to believe in Nazism is beyond ludicrous.

If you care about the white race at all you should despise Nazism, as it killed tens of millions of white people and destroyed European imperialism and white pride as a concept.

Veeky Forums is our board.

You wish fag

How about you first elaborate on how they are traitors and murderers?

Have you ever heard of a man named Ernst Rohm, by chance?

>If you enslave someone directly through physical force or indirectly through monetary dependency makes little difference.
Spoken as someone who has, at most, only ever experienced the latter. Fucking idiot.


So your problem is not the National Socialist ideology but the fact that they made their peace with the bourgeoisie?