Any other successful neets here?

Muh parents don't know about all my crypto gains. How I put the money they give me straight into crypto each time.

I tell ya Biz, the best biz is family biz. If you can get money at 26 just for being familily you're gonna make it. I figure I'll move out when I have $50k in gainz. Muh parents will be so proud

No job for me, though. I plan to be a professional neet and live off my crypto dividends. Swing trading to recoup my volume.

Will I make it?

this is my dream. gotta work on it

I'm poor, in fact I give my mum money out of my student loan.
>tfw wageslave awaiting me as an MechE

50k is nothing if you plan on moving out with no job. Enjoy moving back home after a few months with nothing to show for it except that you couldn't function out in the real world.

that would be nothing if you pulled out 50k and sat on it, not if you were to reinvest large chunks.


I have about 50k now and am going to be fired from my job soon and I moved out a while ago. I'm fucking terrified. 50k won't last that long.

What's weird is that I imagine things like "ohhh if only I had 100k instead of 50k my life would be so much better.. All I ever had to do was put it all on X coin yesterday and I could have made it today" but it's never that simple.

Right, if you had no bills to pay, no food to pay for, and other expenses, and assuming you'll always make good trades.

step 1: take 1000$
step 2: buy ark, omg, btm and cvc for 250$ each
step 3: ???
step 4: profit

lol you guys are nuts. How can you not make 50k last?

I'm a simple man.

I'd simply take out 10k to live on for a couple months and invest the rest in Civic, Pay, OMG, and Ark and I'd probably have 100k in two months.

how much does it cost to live in your area? expenses for me would be like 1500 a month max maybe even less, theres a big gap between that and 50k

You don't trade at that level. You buy good coins and sit on them for a month or two.

I think I'd add iota to my list.

> successful
> neet

pick one

You could have bought 25k BTC a month or two ago and sold today and kept the difference to play with shitcoins. Damn people with all this money and no desire to take any risk... Ever.


make sure not to empty out your room, kid

50k is an ok amount, but after taxes, rent/food/expenses while keeping a good base in crypto it really isnt that much.
will you be able to hold through a 50% dip or trades that go poorly when you know you got expenses coming up every month

easy to say, hard to do.

but like all things in life, things are better taught with experience. try it for a few months and see if it works for you.

many have tried to make a living from day trading crypto's few succeed.

if you think you can do 50k profit in 2months, that would be amazing, 300k a year? consistently if you can pull it off.

Fucking pathetic, you should be ashamed. Also it's fucking easy to make money now, what happens when there's a 4 month long bear market? You will go right back to your parent's basement you faggot.

All the coins I listed will be $10-$50 and in OMGs case, $200 usd in a couple months. It would be easy to make $50k off $40k. I think $150k is more likely.

I choose NEET

I am NEET and already surpassed $50K
I'm not happy at all because I know I need at least ten times more to stop living with parents

Crypto dividends, thought it was just a stock meme? What coins are giving out thoses?

Best of luck to you user.
