Was just reading about the Guanche people of the Canary islands. They were wiped from existence by spanish conquest. Then realized all Island people get destroyed.
Are island people doomed?
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Sealers engaged in raids along the coasts to abduct Aboriginal women and were reported to have killed Aboriginal men in the process. By 1810 seal numbers had been greatly reduced. An Aboriginal woman by the name of Bulrer related her experience to Robinson, that sealers had rushed her camp and stolen six women including herself "the white men tie them and then they flog them very much, plenty much blood, plenty cry." Sealing captain, James Kelly, wrote in 1816 that the custom of the sealers was to each have "two to five of these native women for their own use and benefit." A shortage of women available "in trade" resulted in abduction becoming common and in 1830 it was reported that at least fifty Aboriginal women were "kept in slavery" on the Bass Strait islands.[25]
"Harrington, a sealer, procured ten or fifteen native women, and placed them on different islands in Bass's Straits, where he left them to procure skins; if, however, when he returned, they had not obtained enough, he punished them by tying them up to trees for twenty-four to thirty-six hours together, flogging them at intervals, and he killed them not infrequently if they proved stubborn." (H.W.Parker The Rise, Progress, and Present State of V. D. Land 1833)[26]
The raids for, and trade in, Aboriginal women contributed to the rapid depletion of the numbers of Aboriginal women in the northern areas of Tasmania, "by 1830 only three women survived in northeast Tasmania among 72 men"[7]:pp 58–60 and thus contributed in a significant manner to the demise of the full-blooded Aboriginal population of Tasmania.
Depends how big the island is and how close it is to other civilized lands. Japan and Britain benefited immensely from being island nations. Even small islands sometimes do well if they're in important locations, Hong Kong, Malta, Venice, Singapore.
I think Rapa nui people of Easter island has one of the saddest stories.
They already had developed writting-
Hong Kong is in the middle of China not at sea, it's their capital ffs.
The first-recorded European contact with the island took place on 5 April (Easter Sunday) 1722 when Dutch navigator Jacob Roggeveen visited for a week and estimated there were 2,000 to 3,000 inhabitants on the island. This was an estimate, not a census, and archaeologists estimate the population may have been as high as 10,000 to 12,000 a few decades earlier. His party reported "remarkable, tall, stone figures, a good 30 feet in height", the island had rich soil and a good climate and "all the country was under cultivation.
in mid-March 1774, British explorer James Cook visited Easter Island. Cook himself was too sick to walk far, but a small group explored the island.[24]:26 They reported the statues as being neglected with some having fallen down; no sign of the three crosses and his botanist described it as "a poor land". He had a Tahitian interpreter who could partially understand the language.[24]:26 Other than in counting, though, the language was unintelligible.[25] Cook later estimated that there were about 700 people on the island. He saw only three or four canoes, all unseaworthy. Parts of the island were cultivated with banana, sugarcane, and sweet potatoes, while other parts looked like they had once been cultivated but had fallen into disuse. Georg Forster reported in his account that he saw no trees over ten feet tall on the island.
A series of devastating events killed almost the entire population of Easter Island in the 1860s.
In December 1862, slave raiders struck Easter Island. Violent abductions continued for several months, eventually capturing or killing around 1500 men and women, about half of the island's population.
most of them had already died of tuberculosis, smallpox and dysentery. Finally, a dozen islanders managed to return from the horrors of Peru, but brought with them smallpox and started an epidemic, which reduced the island's population to the point where some of the dead were not even buried.
The population of britain was genocided by the Saxons. So its true.
Celts never had a chanceNow the question is will Australia by conquered by asians?
>Guanche people were wiped from existence
I mean, you could call it an ethnocide in the sense that they were assimilated and their way of life is now probably identical to other Spaniards, but they still exist.
Do you actually think this or are you shitposting?
>In December 1862, slave raiders struck Easter Island. Violent abductions continued for several months, eventually capturing or killing around 1500 men and women, about half of the island's population.
most of them had already died of tuberculosis, smallpox and dysentery. Finally, a dozen islanders managed to return from the horrors of Peru, but brought with them smallpox and started an epidemic, which reduced the island's population to the point where some of the dead were not even buried.
The Spanish Empire really did ruin everything it touched, didn't it?
I don't care if you're just pretending, cut that shit out.
One of these rongorongo wood tablets was fucking lost when G*rmans burned the library where it was archived in Belgium.
Talk shit to God, get smitten.
Well culturally genocided at least, aren't the Celtic languages dead?
What's worst actually is that the people who could read them died.
The Selknam lived in a barren island minding their own busines then some ranchers say hey lets just take their land for grazing cattle. And hunted them down like animals, also using poisoned food =/.
Polynesians seem to be surviving just fine
They were both ethnically and culturally Anschlussed. In the early period the Saxons destroyed the cities and towns of the Brits such as London. The last Celtic bishop of London fled with the survivors leaving the kingdom relatively uninhibited and later colonized by the germanics. After the Saxon kingdoms became catholic they managed to eventually slowly assimilate the Celtic peoples which were spared(such as those which lived in the kingdom of Emet).
who genocided the Picts, or what happened to them?
>Celtic languages dead
>Breton, Scots and Irish Gaelic don't exist
>Venice, Singapore.
Get a load of this retard
>Then realized all Island people get destroyed
Sardinians didnt
The Gaelic Scots and Picts blended together, in part due to the need for an alliance against the Vikings. The Pictish Kings of the 9th century were considered Kings of Scotland, so by about the 10th they had fully blended.
>I mean, you could call it an ethnocide in the sense that they were assimilated and their way of life is now probably identical to other Spaniards, but they still exist.
Nah.They were massively enslaved
they were culturally enriched
Wow can't even feel bad about Euros getting overrun with migrants after reading this shit, they deserve far worse if anything.
Incas colonized those islanders anyway.
Honestly half the people in this thread are just trolling including OP.