>tfw americans ruined eagle heraldry
Tfw americans ruined eagle heraldry
Cry harder cuck
>tfw americans made eagle heraldry great again
And why is it that we ruined it? Go sit in the corner Hans.
You're honestly telling me pic related isn't sexy?
lmao fuck off back to stormfront faggot
>European heraldry including an eagle
>We traced our heritage back to the SPQR, and see them as the originator state of this current government, therefore, we use the roman eagle.
>American eagle
>>We traced our heritage back to the SPQR
loving every lel
Why didn't you listen?
Prove me wrong. You can't, burger.
people with mental defects shouldn't attempt drawing complex things like avians
You are simply a man of poor and ignorant taste
Why are Euros always so salty? You guys just never seem happy.
Prussia has nothing to do with stormfags.
do you think people really do this? hang one of those polymer flags without ironing it first?
I'm a burger whose ancestry is recorded unto SPQR, ask me anything.
>we trace our heritage back to the SPQR
where was there a senate in any of these monarchies that you speak of
>the originator state of this current government
how is a republic that was overrun by Germanic kingdoms in any way the originator state of European monarchies
>therefore, we use the roman eagle
Meanwhile, America is ACTUALLY a republic.
That flag is so shitty. And I'm not talking about the heraldry, but the flag itself. Could have at least done what said and at least iron it out a little. Jesus Fritz, get your shit together.
They really have no reason to exist unfortunately. Their little countries have no glory to live for anymore, and they have lost sense of what their purpose is. Even their continental charade is fracturing.
>ironing polymer
this creates mustard gas
surely you have the steam iron
>Rome wasn't a monarchy
>The HRE or Byzantium has no claim to Rome, and the states that formed from them have no claim to them
>hyurr America is a republic though!!
iron your flag, you degenerate foreigner
Ever heard of the Roman Kingdom? Original Rome was a kingdom then a republic and then an Empire.
>burgers trying too hard to be proud of 3 centuries of fighting each other and screwing up every time they venture outside their autism containment continent
It looks a tad fat
>blaming the us for ukraine
>iran not sponsoring terrorism itself
shoo shoo ivan
I was not aware we held court with mayors and city councilmen
>bald eagle
literal cuckbird
that's not the HRE flag you inbred ameritrash
I think he's managed to bait you mon ami.
Well if you're German or Celt you're sort of wearing the rotting corpse of the people you helped brutally murdered
Oy vey
I suppose you tried.
Oversized seagull
>be American
It looks like the eagle is flashing the viewer and they put a flag-themed censor bar over it.
Seriously, I'm not the only one who sees that, right?
>Bald eagle
>A fish eater that only looks cool, and whose cry sounds like a deflating balloon that's just stubbed its toe.
ms paint tier, design and execution-wise.