Why do so many poo in loos reject the notion of an Indo European migration to India?
Why do so many poo in loos reject the notion of an Indo European migration to India?
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Because it's hurtful for their Indian pride
Why do you think OP?
Nationalism is the same everywhere.
Because south (dravidian) India became very important culturally and economically in the subcontinental world, but is mostly absent from the indo-aryan tradition that gave birth to vedic India.
A big factor of Indian nationalism is Hinduism. If Hinduism was proven to come out of the sub-continent than there'd be a massive revolt in society going right down to the core.
Going on a separate tangent here but Islamic rule in Northern India may have been only for a few centuries but it was probably the best thing to happen to the lower castes.
Also Brahmins are trying to regain the power they used to have so they're mostly responsible for spreading this shit.
Because it's as valid as the Ancient Alien Astronaut theory except white Europeans taking credit for the accomplishment of others.
>except white Europeans taking credit for the accomplishment of others.
But that doesn't make any sense. Ancient Hinduism is vastly different to how it was half a millennia later let alone now.
What I wonder is why so many dismiss the notion of blacks first settling in Ancient India.
We wuz brahamyns
Honestly? Because of how the Aryan Invasion Theory was used to subjugate the population intellectually by the British/West.
All of India's acheivements were attributed to the mythical Aryans that came on horses and wrote the vedas and created civilization. Max Mueller even suggested that the British coming back to India was the Aryans coming back to finish the job of creating civilization that the Vedics started.
Then as it turns out it was determined beyond any doubt that the _Invasion_ never happened and people lost all faith in this theory that was used in a very racist way against them. So when the Aryan Invasion Theory turned into the far more credible Aryan Migration Theory people were just not having it.
The usually mild mannered Swami Vivekananda who was ahead of his time in challenging the AIT due to his knowledge of the scriptures which had no allusions to and migration let alone invasion, said this
>According to some, they came from central Tibet, others will have it, they came from central Asia. There are patriotic English men who think that the Aryans were all red haired. If the writer happens to be a black haired man the Aryans were all black haired. Of late, there was an attempt to prove that the Aryans lived on the Swiss lakes. I should not be sorry had they all been drowned there, theory and all. Some say now that they live at the north pole. Lord bless the Aryans and their habitations.
>except white Europeans taking credit for the accomplishment of others.
Except aryans come from Euroasia, sure they had blue eyes and some blonde hair, but they weren't europeans.
Indians use computers, internet, electricity invented by white people, 99% of science has been made by whites and jews.They mostly speak english, an anglo-saxon language.
If they're not offended to use stuff invented by white people, why would they be offended to recognize their religion comes from outside their borders?
Just like Christianity, shitslam, Judaism, Buddhism, Confucianism, they are practiced outside the regions they were created.
>people were just not having it.
Is it the average xenophobic 80 IQ grunt that makes up 90% of India's population that isn't having it because he'd start killing his next door neighbors ?
Is it the government that wants to keep up populist propaganda ?
>If they're not offended to use stuff invented by white people, why would they be offended to recognize their religion comes from outside their borders?
Because nobody has a monopoly of technology while culture is much more intimate.
It's like asking why the Romans should be offended using Arabic numerals and still being hesitant of actually becoming Muslim.
Define black.
Phenotypically ASI looked like andaman islanders aka black.
Genetically they're far from African
retard nationalism
>subjugate the population intellectually
>mythical Aryans that came on horses and wrote the vedas
>far more credible Aryan Migration Theory
It's funny how often invasions are followed by migrations, peaceful or otherwise.
Urban Indians, interact with more ethnicities, languages, cultures and religions in a single day than most of the world outside NY and London do in a week.
>because he'd start killing his next door neighbors
And they do this with far less violence than the Americas (outside perhaps Canada), the only somewhat heterogeneous western countries.
>Is it the government that wants to keep up populist propaganda ?
lol. All govt textbooks still peddle both the AIT and the AMT. It's the normal people who are challenging it.
Come off it, you're not here to discuss the historical roots of the AIT/AMT or the rejection. You're here to shit on Indians, which you're free to do but I'm not going to waste time trying to argue with someone with a chip on their shoulder the size of the vedas.
I gave you examples of how they were used and there are many many more.
Aryans as a race are totally a myth.
>It's funny how often invasions are followed by migrations, peaceful or otherwise.
Any proof of these invasions?
>Because of how the Aryan Invasion Theory was used to subjugate the population intellectually by the British/West.
So why do they speak Indo-European languages?
Because IE languages started in India.
[citation needed]
Indians just make themselves stop by denying the obvious
Is this comparable to southerners pushing for creationism in school?
We are stuck in the 19th century where Sanskrit was the mother of all indo european languages and we were the true inheritors of aryan ness.
The rest of the world has advanced two centuries
>captcha: Panini Grammar.
no he is full of shit. Indian nationalism isn't like european nation state nationalism. India is a federation of states that has a multilingual bureaucracy.
Retarded indians think aryan migrations as if they are british invasions, they associate aryan `theory` with british jingosim
In reality aryans not olny fought, but traded, migrated, raped, get raped, razed and had their cities razed, stole and had their cattle stole, just as the many who interracted with in the area. But for pajeets anyone who says `aryan migration` is implying war and nothing else.
Moreover hinduism was already mixed when rig veda was written down, Indra was surely a recent god, aryans were also influenced by people around them and that shaped their religion.
Really do not debate with indians, they are brainwashed and do not know basic concepts, like language families. One even claimed sanskrit was close to dravidian than latin and greek.
>anglo-saxon language