Question for commie /leftypol/ shills. First off, we know you're here. No need to deny it.
In communism, there is no privatization. This includes property. Would you be fine with outsiders entering in and out of your property freely? Would you be ok with pic related entering your (oh wait, it's not yours) house, eating your (oh wait, it's not yours) food and sleeping on your little sisters (oh wait, it's not hers) bed whenever he feels like it? Rejecting any of this is against communism and will get you executed or sent to a gulag-like camp. Do you like this idea?
>Le real communism has never been practiced
Well no shit. I wonder why.
Boggles me how any retard with atleast a neuron would support this shit (((ideology))).
most communist consitutions recognize personal property, the soviet certainly did
Angel Harris
>Le real communism has never been practiced
Hunter Nelson
Uh he didn't say that?
Adrian Barnes
it certainly has and it had written constitutions
Nolan Gray
States that officially were following communist ideology were 'communist' in the sense that was their official ideology, not in that they were actually communist entities.
Also note that there was no set definition on what a state following communist ideology (often just called 'communist states' for simplicities sake, which is where all the confusion and 'not true communism' stuff comes from) would be. Remember that it was Lenin and not Marx who came up with the 'vanguard party' idea, and even then Marx wasn't the person who invented the term communist. The Paris communards could not be called Marxists.
So we live in a world where you can have 30 different people talking about 'communism' and not one of them agreeing with each other on what communism even is.
Jaxon Torres
In unregulationism the same individual is allowed to apply for a job as a bounty hunter with no need for licensing and walk into your home and point a gun at you and your family when some bail skipper list their address as yours. He can also apply for muscle in various other places to brutalize you if you violate the NAP. If your lucky and are an economically stable bourgeois you can hire a private lawyer to defend you on your behalf but if your a poor wage earner like the majority you'll be too tired and demoralized to do anything about it.
Juan Garcia
Personal vs private property, you stupid fuck. A quick google and you would have found your answer.
Justin Parker
That is the most terrifying Negro i ever seen
Kevin Jenkins
The NEP only lasted a few years during the 1920s.
Nathaniel Gutierrez
Personal property exists in communism you moron. I'm not even a communist and I know that.
Jordan Powell
read the USSR constitution of 1936, Article / Personal property includes house, cattle, poultry, tools and vehicles
Landon Bell
Veeky Forums always had a sort of leftist anti-/pol/ slant, dunno where you've been.
Oliver Rivera
>le "Personal property exists in Communism" get out of jail free card
No it doesn't.
Leo Ross
Communists all think they'll get to be the "Revolutionary Guides"
Gabriel Thompson
Question for nazi /poltards/ trolls. First off, we know you're here. No need to deny it.
In pure capitalism, there is no cooperation. This includes community and government. Would you be fine with mothers throwing their babies into dumpsters to fend for themselves? Would you be ok with pic related happening in your house (oh wait, its not yours, it was seized by your armed neighbor), yiffing your kids, and having a snack from your refrigerator (oh wait, you don't have one because a fellow anarcho-capitalist took it). Rejecting any of this is against true capitalism and will get you labeled a commie and executed via electric chair paid for by your property which was seized by the local execution corporation. Do you like this idea?
>Le real capitalism has never been tried
Well no shit, I wonder why?????
Just totally confused why any sheeple would support his """"""""free""""""""" """market"""" """"system""""
Christian Turner
We oppose the private control of capital -- industrial properties used to generate profit.
Nobody wants to redistribute your sock collection.
Jacob Brooks
The NEP recognized private property, which later under Stalin was abolished.
No society has ever attempted or desired to abolish personal property. Why would you want to?
Ryan Stewart
>would you be fine with pic related happenining in your house nigger have you seen the sheer amount of firearms I have here no furfags are yiffing my kids, that's for fucking sure.
Nathan Stewart
>implying furries won't just mortar your house If they've got the dosh for a fursuit, they've got the dosh for a crew-served weapon.
Matthew Martinez
Remember when there were far less of those edgy left and right wing kids shitting up the board...
Fuck what happened to Veeky Forums, I don't want to watch you shill for your far right or left ideology man, i just want to talk about alexander the great and napoleon and other cool history shit.
Fuck is everything politics to you people?
Asher Martinez
Veeky Forums was great for the first week when people got those who discussed politics and current events to fuck off to /pol/, but that quickly stopped and Veeky Forums is now total shit.
John Jackson
In communism it wouldn't be a problem because he would have his own food, house and bed.