Which ethnic group(s) is the most aesthetically similar to ancient Egyptians?
Ancient Egyptians
Modern Egyptians.
South-eastern mediterranean people.
ancient aliens
Modern Egyptians are not monolithic. There is a substantial amount of physical and phenotypical differences among them.
Modern Egyptians, according DNA test
They are too hairy and pale to fit the description.
>There is a substantial amount of physical and phenotypical differences among them
Just like ancient Egyptians
Ancient Egyptians depilated their whole bodies. It's just simply false that modern egyptians are pale.
no one will ever come close aestethically
fuck perspective
Why are all the cultures to the north depicted as heavily bearded? Why didn't Egyptians have any cultural continuity with their northern neighbors. It's very unlikely that most men could have afforded to be constantly clean shaven in those times. More likely answer is that they couldn't grow full beards.
The most recent study concluded that Copts were more similar to ancient Egyptians than muslims
Modern egyptians. No matter how hard nordicists and niggercentrists try to prove it different.
That guy is Greek.
Pic related are Egyptians.
makes sense, but copts are still modern egyptians
>The Coptic component evolved out of a main Northeast African and Middle Eastern ancestral component that is shared by other Egyptians and also found at high frequencies among other Afro-Asiatic-speaking populations in Northeast Africa (~70%). The scientists suggest that this points to a common origin for the general population of Egypt. They also associate the Coptic component with Ancient Egyptian ancestry, without the later Arabian influence that is present among other Egyptians.
Copts are still modern Egyptians.
inb4 muh upper Egypt
Pick a time period of ancient Egypt. 3100 bc - 30 bc probably features demographic changes, at the very least in the royalty it certainly does. I can't find the source right now but new research tells us that between the dates of around 2100 bc to ?? (I cant remember but probably 0) the Copt are the closest to ancient Egyptians. If anyone could link the source that would be great.
Why does upper Egypt trigger you so much?
Aesthetically Copts look nothing like the ancient Egyptians depicted themselves.
>doesn't link the study
Modern "Egyptians" are more Arab and Black than Ancient Egyptians.
Those studied that formed the basis of the ancient DNA samples were not Egyptians. They were Greek invaders.
Bullshit. Greek period didn't last that long.
>The samples recovered from Middle Egypt span around 1,300 years of ancient Egyptian history from the New Kingdom to the Roman Period. Our analyses reveal that ancient Egyptians shared more ancestry with Near Easterners than present-day Egyptians, who received additional sub-Saharan admixture in more recent times.
How would that be possible. Slaves were taken from deep in Africa even during Egyptian times. It is more likely that this discrepancy highlights a potential flaw in using samples entirely from one site to represent the totality of ancient Egyptians.
A northern invasion colliding with Egyptian natives is what sparked dynastic Egypt. So there has been a northern component in Egypt for a very long time.
What would have made modern Egyptians blacker than ancient ones, what event(s). Enslavement of primitive tribes was always a thing in Egypt. To just jump to an unfounded conclusion that they magically became blacker is very unscientific. The truth is that it likely represent s a flaw in their ancient sample base being used to represent ancient Egyptians.
Your point?
I mean maybe? I don't know why it matters about how they depicted themselves when it's so stylized and most of their sculptures vary from looking straight black to middle eastern.
Did all the samples really come from one site? Is this study a fucking meme?
>What would have made modern Egyptians blacker than ancient ones, what event(s)
I'd assume the advent of Islam and the mixing of Bedouins with the Berber and Tuareg peoples of the Sahara that permitted a far greater movement of Sub-Saharan slaves into the North of Africa than had ever been possible.
A similar line of argument could be made for Slavic genes in Anatolia; yeah, the Greeks were enslaving Slavs way before Muslim Steppe Turks were a thing, but the advent of the Crimean Khanate hastened the ability to capture and import slaves into what was then the Ottoman Empire.
Yes. I don't agree with Afrocentric Americans apropriating East African history, but this "study" is laughably unscientific and brings into question the credibility of certain aspects of mainstream academia at large.
That completely ignores that greek historians themselves said Egyptians were Ethiopian colonists.
Greeks also said Georgians are form Ethiopia
If the notion of a whiter ancient Egypt was true, then why didn't they depict themselves as such. Why did the color themselves darker than levantines and Greeks? They lacked beards and wore microbraids.
Notice how half the "Nubians" in this pic are the same color as the Egyptian.
They might be. Ethiopian tribes did migrate all the way to Europe, and become the "Jews" we know today.
They depicted themselves as tan. I don't know what you're on about.
Besides, skin color is a poor indicator of genetic race when talking about native populations of that latitude. Spanish hunter gatherers had darker skin than modern day North Africans.
Why didn't they just depict themselves as the same color as levantines if they were so "white". Also "black" people come in a wide variety of shades.
Because it was art. Do you believe Libyans were snow white as they were depicted?
I don't think so, they probably looked very similar to Egyptians actually.
Ancient Egyptian art seems to depict skin color fairly accurately.
Tanned Scandinavians have the orange complexion. What does that mean?
You are reaching. Ancient Egypt was an early multicultural society because of where it was at, but it is well documented that its roots were in the south ie. Upper Egypt/Sudan/Ethiopia.
But Ancient Egyptians descended from Near Eastern settlers and indigenous people closely related to Near Easterners.
Those tested were not indigenous ancient Egyptians. If they were from the levant, then why do they depict levantines so drastically different from themselves. There should be at least some level of cultural and aesthetic continuity.
Ancient Egyptian people followed the flow of the Nile, and by their own admission came from the south.
Like I said earlier, skin color is a very poor indicator of genetic race.
If there were dark skinned natives in Spain, why not Egypt?
We don't have really old DNA from Egypt but Natufian DNA is close enough and reveals no affinity towards the Negroid Sub-Saharan Africans. Seems probable that indigenous Egyptians were relatively dark skinned, Natufian related people who mixed with the more advanced Near Eastern people to create the Ancient Egyptians we know.
Isis on the right?
who's on the left?
Are Ethiopians negroid Subsaharan Africans? Subsaharan doesn't exactly equal "black"', and is an all around flawed and racialized concept especially when you consider the Sahara is relatively young. I think the question come down to what one considers "black". If northern Sudanese people are considered black, than the vast majority of working class ancient Egyptians would be considered "black" at least in passing.
Modern day Ethiopians are a can of worms.
But there is DNA from an Ethiopian hunter gatherer from 2000 BC(Mota). If it was proven that this type of DNA was present in Ancient Egypt at meaningful quantities I would concede that there would be SSA influence there, everyone would have to.
I believe there wasn't any though and there was a cline across NE Africa with the two ends being entirely different but converging later.
No, no they didn't.
>thousands of years off
>Like literally thousands of years off
>close enough
>The retarded anthropologist phoneposter is at it again
Kill yourself
>Western Hunter Gatherer
They had dark skin and blue eyes. .
>Ethiopian tribes did migrate all the way to Europe, and become the "Jews" we know today.
Upper/Southern Egyptians
Yeah, the Nubian invaders surely are a good proxy.
They've always lived there. The northern elements are the invaders. Human migration patterns alone dictate that Egypt was initially settled from south to north..
Why are people trying to appropriate the history of Nilo-saharans?
Indeed, Egypt was settled from the south.
This happened about 130-70k years ago and notable descendants of this settlement include the Japanese, Swedes, Patagonian natives, Australian aboriginals and Ancient Egyptians.
According to who?
>It's very unlikely that most men could have afforded to be constantly clean shaven in those times.
Good thing that literally all the art we got is an idealized product made for the dudes who did have the time.
And there was cultural discontinuity because of the fucking desert you nigger. Egypt was an isolated land, that's why it lasted so much more than mesopotamian and syrian political entities. That's also why they didn't follow the beard fashion.
I was referring to Egyptians depicting themselves as tan.
Egyptian Copts. That's the closest you'll get. Their bible is written in a variation of Ancient Egyptian.
You're right but I wouldn't go that far. I think that he fair skimmed Copt-like element was probably around from close to the beginning too. Genetic studies have ruled out later mixture as responsible and some figures are portrayed as that tone; especially some women.
Nevertheless, I think the Southern population was clearly dominant; they look like they're literally pulled from the art. How people can look at this art and deny that they clearly look like Upper Egyptians is beyond me.
checks out
Well I guess the Olmecs and Han were black and Greeks and Romans had grey skin, it all checks out. Art is a 100% accurate afterall
Kinda looks like Osama
much symbolism can only take you so far. Everything else in the art you're replying to is drawn and painted realistically.
Realistically in terms of color I mean. Plus we have people in the area with that shade. It's as easy as putting 2 and 2 together user
>10 foot tall man
Yeah, sure, whatever you say user. Art is absolutely how we should decide on a racial classification for a long dead civilization
I knew you were going to mention scale. You're so consumed by your desire to btfo wewuzzery, that you've now lost as much objectivity as the we-wuzzers themselves. Or maybe you can't stomach the idea of a darker skinned ethnic group building one of the most iconic civilizations of modern imagination. Relax buddy, they're still substantially eurasian genetically
Egypt was like Cuba towards the end.
I don't give a shit how dark they were, using art as some sort of measure is a shit idea and you should feel ashamed, for all you knew they were white as fuck and just idealized the bronzed form like Australian life saving posters of the modern day. It's a shit metric
Im Egyptian (coptic), dark Egyptians are called Sudanese. I'm olive skinned, there's a clear distinction between us and non-Egyptian citizens of Egypt.
No one cares what you call yourselves now. White Americans call ethnically mexican immigrants so it's not a surprise that people that came in later now call themselves the originals.
>dark Egyptians are called Sudanese
Tell that to the ancients that clearly drew themselves as the same color as the ones you call Sudanese
>Im Egyptian (coptic)
>I'm olive skinned, there's a clear distinction between us and non-Egyptian citizens of Egypt.
I've been to Egypt and I've personally seen and have spoken to darker Egyptian citizens in the Southern parts. Secondly, it doesn't really make a difference who you are because ancient egyptian culture is long gone; the only reason we know so much about it is because of western Egyptologists. There is little to no cultural continuity between you and the ancients. If you're a Copt, you might be a throwback to the Roman era at best.
The art clearly shows that the ancient Egyptian population consisted of the phenotype of your southern almost Sudanese/Nubian-like population followed by a significant amount of your phenotype as well.
>Copper skin is the same as full dark
Fucking top yourself you colour blind cunt
Keep splitting hairs, it makes no difference
Keep WUZing about a long dead state, maybe one day you will be a kang
I'm neither African American nor Egyptian. I'm just someone that can look at art objectively
>copper skin
Ok. I guess you're actually retarded for believing that even resembles the color of light skinned copt colors. It's fine if you believe ancient Egyptians were copt but not if you're going off this art.
It's fucking red, if anything they look like Native Americans more than darkies
Nobody's disputing there were some Blacks or Nubians in Ancient Egypt. They still weren't the people who created the civilization and designed the pyramids.
Do you have some sort of color blindness? That is not red.
Not the guy you're responding to but you 0 proof they didn't design the pyramids or a pyramid and to say they didn't help create the civilization sounds dumb. Even if they were slaves of some sort they still would of contributed to the civilization.
Nubian pyramids are small and inferior in type
Then why did they depict themselves like this? Were they trying to fool us?
Ah yes I forgot the Nubian pyramid building gene. There is no way an ancient Nubian could of built a better pyramid because they don't have the great pyramid gene. No, only a copt could build it because of their great triangular gene.
Not that I understand what you're saying because you assume black Egyptian=Nubian and not just Egyptian.
That's not black.
Do you know where Giza is?
>why did they depict themselves like this? Were they trying to fool us?
Guess Romans were black all along
>look like copts
>depict themselves as looking exactly like the people down south who are totally not the real egyptians despite supporting archeological evidence and you're a wewuzzer if you think otherwise
what did they mean by this?
>Do you know where Giza is?
May be you're not understanding but these pyramids were not designed by WHOLE populations of people. They were designed by small groups of people and we only know a few key names. So you can't say that one of them was most definitely not black because we don't know what the people who designed them looked like and for you to say that NOT A SINGULAR Nubian could of helped design those pyramids because native Nubian pyramids were hot garbage is retarded.
Those are Lybians...
Still it's true that Egyptians depicted Levantines as much lighter than them, Syrians were depicted with red hair lol, what the fuck?
Guess I'm black then