How did the Jews get so rich and powerful? What's their secret?

How did the Jews get so rich and powerful? What's their secret?

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Scam people and teach your kids how to scam people and teach your kids how to tear their kids to scam people.

Iterate over 1000 years.

The end.

Controlling the world stage through deception and double standards.

They pioneered the banking industry and became protectionist after thousands of years of persecution.

They're pretty much a hivemind and work together whereas everyone in the west is an individual so its a lot easier to make it big. Jews cant make it in countries like Japan because they're a collectivist society so its like trying to climb mount everest for the jews

Nah, thats more like because the yellow skins are as jew as them.

Chinese are but not Japanese

They don't stab each other in the back as often as whites do to each other, thats basically it. Higher trust groups/societies are exponentially more successful that lower trust ones.

>everyone in the west is an individual
we were made to be that way by them

nepotism and good parenting



we felt bad for them after ww2

I used Ford on purpose nigs. Ford took his midlife crisis bullshit back in his later years... wonder why. The reality is - jews are HIGHLY successful. High trust groups bound by traditionalism and obligations to each other don't need as many resources to operate (e.g. lawyers for partnerships, bankers for loans, etc...). Your typical white cattle throws their own siblings and people under the bus if they can make a buck. How do you think the greatest country in the world became the shithole it is now? Finest American engineers and scientists fucked over by poos for lower wages and higher corporate profits. American bluecollar workers fucked over permanently for the same reason. Don't get me started on healthcare. Did the jews do this? Even if they may have, it was not without help from millions of dumb whites. Thats the redpill /pol finds impossible to accept.

Wasn't there some math showing that the Nazis would have to gas 5 million of them everyday to achieve the holocaust death toll?

your image demonstrates just that...

I can tell youre a real thinking man

nah you claim that but dont know much about western history i would say the rice theory has something to do with it possibly by the fact that when we stopped becoming hunters and gatherers we also stopped working in groups due to the ease of single man agriculture. i could also put blame on christianity because from what some japanese leaders from the 17th century saw when the portuguese brought christianity to japan the leaders noticed the christian people becoming more antisocial and that could have had the same effect on europeans but no one really documented it

the only actual impressive thing they were able to do was use global horror at the holocaust to get their own country, then repeatedly expose just how breathtakingly shit arabs are at modern warfare

the most commonly cited death toll for the holocaust is 6 million jews, 4 million other undesirables (gypsies, homosexuals, people with severe birth defects, political prisoners, and Soviet POWs). So no they would not have had to gas 5 million people a day, as ww2 lasted for more than 2 days. I always found it odd that people say numbers that high were impossible, when the war in total killed 55 million civilians and 25 million soldiers. Hell if you look at other genocides they were even faster, the Hutus in Rwanda killed nearly a million Tutsis in 3 months.

Christian capitalists are race traitors this is not news to anyone

>christian people becoming more antisocial
>encouraged to pray together and have communities (churches)

doesnt add up

Usury is forbidden in Christianity and Islam but not Judaism giving (((them))) a head start in the money lending game.

IQ, and they also baptized everyone who is stupid

jews can only charge interest to goyim

Usury is forbidden period. The kings and queens of the lands (not the priests) caved in and let the jews practice usury in hopes of improving their economy. Think about if the world committed to ending usury. Debt slavery would not exist and the accumulation of general wealth in the hands of a few would not exist

Christianty tried freeing us. Our greed grabbed the shackles and put them back on

every race is like that except ironically jews have programmed you to act against your own best interests

im not a psychologist or whatever so i dont have any good explanation why it would cause antisocial behaviors but you have to understand christianity holds a disdain for life promising a better one after death maybe its the fact that they teach that every human is a sinner and makes you feel worthless. from what ive seen lots of christians love to live in secluded locations with not too many people just think where most christians in the usa live (definitely not in the cities)

they live in secluded locations because the modern world is sinful not the other way around. christianity came at a time when people were actively enslaved and young boys lived in fear of being raped on the way to school.

christianity gave them hope and reformed the debauchery of its time. we are now going in full circle back to those times

That tribal mentality helps too.
Yeah Jesus BTFOd the merchants from the temple for a reason. Europeans were so busy fighting eachother for centuries and draining eachothers treasuries that they were forced to borrow money from families like the fuggers and rothschilds

>Europeans were so busy fighting eachother for centuries
People need to read the Merchant of Venice and see why that was so


people were enslaved? mate what are you talking about. christianity came from the middle east by those who followed judaism and it spread around europe thanks to the roman empire. christians didnt peacefully convert all the european pagan people who had their own native beliefs theyve killed millions at the sword who didnt convert. more europeans died to christianity than any religion and i wont even mention ww2. europe fell into the dark ages because of christianity it was the christians who enslaved the irish and then the africans that religion is a disease that corrupted the spirits of the european people and to this day its still ruining europe. see: Merkels christian party

Thanks for the suggestion.

merkel is not a christian or conservative
she is fucking evil

I was in a lecture once where the lecturer was a jew and a vice president for a very large company, where he told us lots of things and tips on how he reached his position. A lot of memes were true to my surprise. He would often value his company more over his employees in many decisions, in a distasteful fashion.

>people were enslaved?
Never heard of slave trades?

> it spread around europe thanks to the roman empire. christians didnt peacefully convert all the european pagan people who had their own native beliefs theyve killed millions at the sword who didnt convert.

The Romans killed colonies that didn't bow to their statues long before Christianity.

> i wont even mention ww2
Why not? A war against jewish banking? Christians taking a stand or something...

>europe fell into the dark ages
I hate this fucking meme. Christian scholars, monks and priests were the biggest movers of early science

If it's such a disease why is there a coordinated effort to destroy it? You have been brainwashed friend.

Daily reminder Jesus is a jew who got sick of what his slimy brethren has been doing and decided to give the goyims a chance of freedom.

Remember one highlight point of Christianity is that a goyim was allowed to convert into their religion.

just like any christian mate, its a religion created by ex jews. All religions from the middle east are evil, Christianity (and its derivatives) Judaism and Islam. modern christians are just less evil because its practiced by european people. yo should know europe had several civilizations before christianity came along and threw it into the bin as did the middle east and look where it stands with islam around. so many great philisophers during pre-christian europe but you cant wont be able to name me one renowned christian philosopher. europe started to get back on its tracks around the time christianity started to become unpopular, the 16th-17th century and had to relocate to the americas for religious freedom by doing what they do best and killing yet another few million people

yes the slave trades were operated by christians
the romans did kill european tribes before christianity thats true but the number of deaths escalated with christianity. several infights between christians occured in europe too equivalent to what shiite and sunni muslims are doing now. and no mate science was not well liked under christianity. that religion will always be a foreign religion to white people and its kind of funny how many people who favor hitler dont realise he persecuted christians and catholics and was a big fan of nietzsche (an anti-christian philosopher)

you need to look more at what the religion teaches and less what corrupted people who thought they were christians did

the infighting and murder is expressly made a sin in the bible. i find it strange you have an issue with murder seeing as pagans sacrificed regularly. perhaps your morals are based on hellenized european ethics and you don't realize it?

>but you cant wont be able to name me one renowned christian philosopher
saint augustine

>its kind of funny how many people who favor hitler dont realise he persecuted christians and catholics
you are seriously an idiot

the ancient greeks also practiced human sacrifice. user is silly

they did sacrifice people youre right but i stand by traditionalism and knowing our roots. christianity is not in our roots its a weed i mean just look at the name of europe itself it comes from the greek goddess europa. our holidays like christmas involve dressing up a tree which has pagan roots and not christian same for collecting eggs during easter that has nothing to do with the ressurection of jesus. all im saying is we should practice not what some foreigners especially ex-jewish people brought to us but practice and hold the same beliefs the true white european man did and i see something noble and that includes not forgetting those who refused to convert to christianity and died because of it

Kinda this. There was a video which compared jews vs. others as part of a network system.
Normies are nodes, jews are hubs.

>Hell if you look at other genocides they were even faster, the Hutus in Rwanda killed nearly a million Tutsis in 3 months.

Except they didn't dispose of the bodies. That the problem here, there is no evidence of 6 million jew bodies. They claim that's because they burned them, but that's bullshit because it takes quite a lot of energy and time to burn a body to ash. No evidence of massive furnaces were ever found.

Read about the testimonies of the jews. They speak of ridiculous things like rollercoasters that dumped jews by the dozens into gigantic furnaces, it's obvious the holocaust is wildly exaggerated. And most likely the majority of people who died in concentration camps died from disease.

and this

>its obvious the holocaust is a lie if you just focus on the few ridiculous exaggerations

>the money changers

Show me the evidence of millions of murdered jews. Fucking retard.

wikipedia propaganda

> Its harder to be woke than to close your eyes and be a cuck.

well at least you tried mate theres no denying hitler was going to end christianity as well that was part of his final solution

Jews don't believe in "equality" and don't throw each other under the bus to pander to niggers or other subhumans like Whites do.

NO NAZI. Ever. Ever. Was a Holocaust denier.

This one, simple fact shows that everything the modern deniers try to claim is a silly contrivance. From 1945 onwards, thousands of Nazis were captured and hundreds tried for their part in the Holocaust and other crimes against humanity. They tried to pretend they were someone else, they tried to pretend they didn't know what was happening, they tried to pretend they didn't have as much to do with it as others, they tried to claim they were just following orders and they tried to justify it as "the kind of thing that happens in war." But what NOT ONE of them EVER did was DENY it happened.

Even men on trial for their lives, in the full knowledge they would be hanged if convicted, never stood up in the courtroom and shouted "This is all a lie! This is a fabrication! There were no gas chambers and no crematoria! I'M BEING FRAMED!!!!" On the contrary, they gave great detail as to precisely how they had helped build and helped run the mechanics of mass murder, some of them even seeming proud of how they had achieved something so complex and on such a vast scale.

Here, have some primary sources

Eichmann's confession.

Original documentary used in the Nuremberg trial.

Eyewitness testimony from a German engineer

Eyewitness testimonies for Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor.

Secondary source rather than primary but this databse of victims has been worked on for decades.

Excerpts from Goebbel's diary.

Information about Jan Karski an important Polish witness.

The Wanssee protocol - a discussion between high ranking Nazi officials on "the Jewish question".

Heinrich Himmler makes a speech about the extermination of the Jews.

Testimony of Oskar Groening.

weren't most of these trials at nuremburg done under duress?

Treblinka's ashes are mixed with sand and spread 237,000 square feet around the monuments. Human bones have been found in shallow excavations of the soil containing the sand/ash mixture.

Official Nazi SS records indicate exactly 750,000 were transported to Treblinka. As far as these records are concerned, Treblinka I and II are the same camp.

The camp was designed to kill starting with dehydration, sickness, starvation, injury, and hypothermia occuring on the train rides. Diabetics, small children, infants, and elderly were particularly susceptible to these methods.

Workers preformed janitorial work, cooking, laundry, digging, stoved fires, and logging (to keep the building warm). Those who worked with corpses extracted gold teeth and valubles while later on mashing bones. They worked while fed a starvation diet designed to kill. The sick were denied medical care. These workers were often replaced daily by necessity.

Those who fought or ran were shot and a selection of men, women, and children that were too young to work were gassed to incite fear.

Only late in Treblinka's run did large gassing operations and mass burning take place.

Raul Hilberg, he consulted official Nazi documents in 1947 which indicated 750,000 by train.

Bones and the sand/ash mixture. This is accounts of those who lived in the town which regularly saw the trains along with brutal occurrences.

nepotism, usury, usurpation of power - all euphemistically known as recruitment, business development, lobbying


the time saved cleaning off dick cheese and wiping up piss that has gone everywhere goes a long way. Not only that, but it makes them more aerodynamic. That's why many jews are accountants.

The idea of nuremburg could be questioned from a legal perspective, because people were being tried for "crimes against humanity" which was never law of the land in Germany so they were technically being tried ex post facto. But as to the actual trials and testimony no, it wasn't a show trial. The accused were always allowed to tell their own side of the story and some were acquitted or given minor sentences. It's where the term "Nuremberg defense" comes from, arguing that you can't be held at fault for a crime because you were simply following legal orders.

The Stroop Report details the 'liquidation' of the Warsaw ghetto.

The Jäger Report is a tally sheet of actions by Einsatzkommando 3

The original.

The English translation.

oh well holocaust or not we're still gonna gas the kikes

go fuck off in israel shlomo this is a white mans country

They support their own people and work against others.
Imagine if everyone from your town would help you with: finding job, investing, finding a girl, wining in court, fixing your problems etc etc.

Same with the Amish, they help each other, they are always on top.

In 1946 the British government set up an inquiry with the specific intent of discrediting Jewish immigration to Palestine and downplaying the Holocaust. It was headed by centre-right, non-Jewish, senior judges, civil servants and diplomats from America and the UK.

Its reluctant findings estimated the number of Jewish victims from the Holocaust at 5.7 million...

Germany - 195,000
Austria - 53,000
Czechoslovakia - 255,000
Denmark - 1,500
France - 140,000
Belgium - 57,000
Luxemburg - 3,000
Norway - 1,000
Holland - 120,000
Italy - 20,000
Yugoslavia - 64,000
Greece - 64,000
Bulgaria - 5,000
Romania - 530,000
Hungary - 200,000
Poland - 3,271,000
USSR - 1,050,000

Total Number Jews Killed - 5,721,500

Those are the bodies of Germans killed by the allies.

>he thinks /pol/ is serious

Einsatzkommandos are a reference of local groups fighting against partisans.

>almost every civilization has at one point expelled the Jews
>it can't definitely be the Jews fault and it's just anti-semitism, goy

This has to be a shill bot. Thanks for bringing them here pol.

do you have any facts to back up that claim

the photo is from this article

with the caption
>Mass grave at Bergen-Belsen, April 1945.
George Rodger—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images

Spotted the filthy kike.

What was the purpose of the 4 Einsatzgruppen units (each consisting of 500-1000 members of the SS and Gestapo) during Operation Barbarossa? How were these units different than the Wehrmacht's Security Divisions (Sicherungs-Divisionen) and Guard Units (Landesschützen)?

A group IQ a standard deviation above average, valuing education, nepotism, living in the World's most powerful country, etc.

global rule 3 is enforced on this board

>he thinks I go to the r/thedonald

ok then you're just an idiot

the nazis were not white supremacists, they were german supremacists

Working camps
No gasing

>no gasing
what's this for then?

to store your mum, lol.

the title says corpse cellar translated

It's very simply, OP.

It doesn't have anything to do with some evil Jew conspiracy. It's all about genetics.

Average Jew IQ is about 115. Smart people are proven to make more money over their lifetimes. No Jew wants to marry a poor Jew, so poor Jews don't procreate. Thus, the idiots are weeded out over generations. Then, over time, they use their natural intelligence to become powerful.

This is why you won't see other groups like sub-saharan Africans becoming successful even as their standard of living increases. Because Jews are one of the few groups to see intelligence as a required quality in a mate.

the forensic reports conducted found trace amounts of iron-cyanide compounds in the samples taken from those gas chambers. Why were even trace amounts there, if the claim is that nobody was gassed?
Also why would you need to heat a "corpse cellar"? The only time you'd need to "heat" a corpse cellar is to have a lethal temperature of the Zyklon B
>Let us recap: 1kg of Zyklon-B emptied into the Krema II gas chamber, at a temperature of 25°C, and an evaporation rate of 1.66% per minute, will, after 13 minutes, have created a concentration of 300ppm throughout the chamber. And that's what it takes to kill humans. Official figures say 5-7 kgs were used instead, therefore within this time frame, an even higher concentration could be reached. Rudolf's curve at 15°C (ten degrees cooler) shows that by 15 minutes, 25% of the Zyklon will have outgassed into the room.

You clearly didn't do any research, shitface, so yeah, to store your mom.

Oy vey
Good thing they were not built after ww2

This is a really pathetic post, you should feel ashamed. Look at the post right above yours.

Also if its not used for gassing then why is there a "gas-tight door" in there (Gasdichte Tür)?

not an argument

it would be extremely easy to plant evidence or fake all those forensic investigations after the complete destruction of a country. happens in every war.

Oh the gas tight wooden doors to jerk jewish boys to death I forgot

More like you don't see the argument
