What did Dark Ages/Post-Roman Britain look like? What were the population densities of different regions, how closely were villages spaced, where was the wilderness? How quickly did Romano-British culture fade or morph with Constantine's military withdrawal? What did people look like, what did the military garb look like? It's a period that looks very fascinating but one that I know little about.
Dark Ages Britain
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Sorry but I dont really want to type all of that out. Look into bede, he is probably the best English scholar close to the time youre thinking of
Britain was inhabited by Celtic speaking Romano Brits the region was controlled by many different warlords who were weak from defending against the Pictish raiders from the north and Irish pirates to the west. As for population density it was probably depopulated as with the other western roman provinces of Gaul, Hispania, and Italy, Illyria. Saxons shoah'd them by destroying their cities and towns and forcing refugees to move west to Cornwall, Wales, Cumbria, or to the European mainland in Brittany or the top of Asturias in Spain.
Play Brytenwalda you scrub and try to find a city in North Scotland
It was more a heap of questions thrown out to try and engender some discussion on a non-meme Veeky Forums topic so it doesn't die in a dozen posts or so; but do you have any recs for analysis on Bede?
Cheers m8
Military of the British kingdoms looked like this. Not much different from the western roman army. The people probably looked like what welsh people looked like from the kingdom of emet.
bump :)
It is a very underrated period of British history, there a whole lot of myths and legends set during that time, the grail cycle, Arthur, welsh legends,Sarmatian knights, Merlin and celtic paganism etc.
Basically read Bernard Cornwell Warlord books