Why is the western world abandoning Christianity?
Why is the western world abandoning Christianity?
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I personally think it's because
-the Western world is more well off than other cultures so people don't really need religion as much in their lives.
-Christianity has a lot of things that are corrupt in it and have been exposed, such as the actions of the Catholic church and people like Peter Popoff on the Protestant side of things., evangelicalism also gives a bad name to Christianity
-Christianity has a more idealistic version of God than other religions do.
What do you mean a more "idealistic" version of God? Wouldn't that promote the worship of such a figure?
Why is Christianity abandoning western civilization?
It's own ideology is contradictory, and while it upholds general western morals, it also falls into contradiction with our material society.
People are more educated than ever before.
When education increases, religious convictions tend to decrease.
>Western Civilization
Isn't real it's just a false concept meant to propagate the White mans mind so that he can value himself more than what he is actually worth.
>Why is the western world abandoning Christianity?
Literacy has been fucking Christianity pretty hard for the last couple centuries. All the good parts of the religion were the Roman pagan traditions and militancy that the Catholic church absorbed into itself. The Bible was written as a reference guide for priests, not something for the masses. When anybody can just read the Bible, they either get stupid commie crap about tolerance or they notice the inconsistencies and become "religion is just symbolism" fags.
that is yet to see, christianity has an amazing power of adaptation
Higher IQs and better education
Literacy has fucked with religion in general. Just look at the world today. Islam is the exception of course. Something powerful in that drug.
No I agree, I think Christians are deluded with this omnibenevolence crap. The whole point of Job despite being the idea that you don't question God is more about how God might fuck your shit because he's capable of just as much evil as good, being all things at once. Jews today understand this, the dualistic "face" of God is central to Kabbalism
This is actually the issue. Why would western man want to have anything to do with an organization that is actively working to displace him?
Nice job falling for spooks.
I thought Job was more perseverance and true belief rather than duality per se
>Moral relativism
Found the jew/goatfucker/gnosticnerd.
Read Irenaeus, retard.
i don't think u can compare jews and gnostic, all the serious jews ive met want to be as close to god as possible, gnostics have told me they want to be above god
Science, education, apathy
ive thought about what you said and I think you miss the point. god isn't dualistic. he cares about all of us, but the means he does it through seem brutal because he is at a level so much above us and they teach us lessons (job is about perserverance and having faith against all odds)
Because Christianity is meant for a specific spiritual age. It's meant for the Kali Yuga, which is the least powerful spiritual age. Christianity and the other Abrahamics are strict and people needed that sort of strictness in their lives because of their low affinity to spirituality. They stressed heaven instead of moksha/enlightenment because moksha was too hefty a task for most people of the Kali Yuga. Right now we are coming out of this age and people are letting go of the religion in favor of more freedom. Eventually a new spirituality will form, one that is less strict and more personalized.
Also since Christianity was big in the Kali Yuga, it didn't work very well, as in it wasn't very conducive to spirituality- just preserving at least SOME spirituality- so people's impressions from their previous lives are popping up in this life and less and less people are interested in it now that spirituality has increased in their souls.
This is my take anyway.
Because it no longer services the desires of people to fit within a larger narrative and context. The new religion is nationalism in rural areas and cosmopolitanism in urban ones. Christianity, especially things like the catholic church, cannot compete with industrial-age ideologies in an industrialized world. Hence why Islam does so well in Islamic areas, because those areas are not industrialized.
On the whole it is not, but with the catholic church their only bastions of popular support left are in rural south america and africa. As the church doesn't concern itself with race, only political control over individual municipalities, they lean into them instead of trying to fight a losing battle in Europe.
God is the creator of all good and all evil. He is beyond mortal ideas of morality. God is the ultimate fear and the ultimate hope. We are merely his to do with as he pleases.
> the catholic church cannot compete with industrial-age ideologies
you think jews are the only smart people?
because the displacement makes everyone equally brown and (most importantly) catholic. Or at least that's the given justification. Skin color is of little concern for those who care about what they beilive to be god's word above all else
i don't really like the sound of a political ideology that lacks any sort of spiritual development becoming the new religion
Christianity is a desert religion. So the west isn't abandoning something western, but rather a an ancient desert religion that has no relevance today.
It won't don't worry.
God does not please or desire for anything to happen. Else he would lack something- that which he desires.
It doesn't follow that I am a moral relativist. There are certainly aspects of God we can better comprehend than others.
>has no relevance
>2.4 billion adherents
2 billion something mud people? I'm pretty sure OP made clear he was talking about western civilization.
>He thinks billions of people are irrelevant simply because they are from Africa and the Middle-East
Yeah, I'm sure Europeans will say the same in 30 years.
Sure they're "relevant" in the same way that a robber trying to break into your house is "relevant", but that's not what OP meant. What does Christianity have to offer to western civilization that NGOs don't already have?
>What does Christianity have to offer to western civilization that NGOs don't already have?
So, the only good thing about something is its utility?
So why do you love your parents? Just to get money?
You shouldn't, because you've been living in such a context for two centuries now.
It already has, see WW1, WW2 and the Cold War. All those battles and deaths over nationalism, communism and cosmopolitanism. Meanwhile the church has run aground and is starting to sink.
>my parents
I don't understand the analogy here.
What I'm saying is all Christianity ever does is shill for socialism and more refugees, and for that we already have NGOs and political parties so Christianity is more of the same. What's so special about it?
What a mountain of evidence you have. You think the world wars were a result of nationalism only? Not to mention that nationalism and religion are not mutually exclusive and exist side by side for a LOT of people.
>shill for socialism and more refugees
Okay /pol/tard, time to go back to your containment board.
Lmao. That's the message Christianity has to give? Accept more refugees for get called names? Wow. I'm sold. When can I start donating?
You christians sure do a terrific job of selling your product.
Your governments are bringing in massive amounts of migrants not a religion, you buffoon.
That's what I'm saying! We already have other organizations that do the exact same thing that Christianity does, so Christianity is pretty redundant. Don't need to pay twice to get the same thing.
Yes but one has to become dominant. Nationalism built nuclear weapons, the vatican has a fancy estate in the middle of Italy.
You're saying that one has to be dominant for it to be a religion? Cause that should be your position based on what we're arguing here... but that makes no sense. Unless you're interpreting the OP as using the word "religion" to simply mean "popular ideology" or something. This is stupid.
Go back and read,
There will always be a spiritual outlet in society. People are spiritual. OP's concern was that nationalism and the like are not spiritual entities and therefore them gaining control is not a good thing. I told him that this will never happen. They will never gain control over society such that a spiritual outlet will no longer exist. Maybe if Communism took control, as it actively tries to remove religion from society altogether. But I suspect (though admittedly know nothing about this) that Soviets had their spiritual outlets too.
Tell me how nationalism is destroying religion.
American protestants and their philosemitism, as well as all the dumb things they do gave good ammunition for others to attack christianity.
And I think the rise of individualism as well has obviously decreased religious attendance. And a growing liberalism within most christian denominations.
>Why is Christianity abandoning western civilization?
Because Western civilization has abandoned Christianity two hundred years ago in the French Revolution and adopted Liberalism as it's new religion.
Makes place for islam
This is only true in Europe
Wait a second, Christianity isn't even a western thing. It was invented in the middle east and it's supposed to be universal.
Neo-liberal economic policy.
It's not immigrants
It's not Jews
It's not communists
It's not a grand conspiracy
It's just neo-liberalism diversely, progressively and tolerantly sacrificing every race, every tradition, every ethnicity, every culture, every prosperous future and birthright and every nation upon its blood-soaked altar of infinite material expansion, at any and all costs to the individuals unlucky enough to not be part of that top ten percent of society which benefits from that relentless expansion and increasing wealth concentration.
It cannot be overstated, Neo-liberalism is the optimistic, smiling mask of this brutal international Beast, which is responsible for arresting and grinding all forms of humanity into a shape and form which benefits itself and only itself. It is not a democracy, it is not freedom, it is not for the people.
Until you prioritize your sovereignty and culture above material goods and promises of wealth that will ultimately never materialize for the common people, you are only waiting for your turn to be sacrificed upon the altar of infinite growth upon a finite plane.
I don't buy the literacy thing. The last few religious holdouts in Western Europe are mostly upper class and upper middle class old money families and traditional conservatives (us wasps equivalents) with excellent education.
the west has abandoned the spiritual in favor of the material
>all powerful
>all loving
>allows shitty things to happen
He's either incompetent, doesn't care and is hence not all loving or he likes it this way. Making god all powerful was a mistake tbqh.
Christianity has always sheltered the poor, refugees and sick though. Maybe not all the time, but it's what they're supposed to do at least.
Because it's wrong.
1. Knowledge of the sciences has increased, and called some of religion's core principles into question. As examples, all creation myths have more or less been proven false (besides maybe the "God put dinosaur bones there to test our faith" argument), and questions like, "If the universe is made of matter, where are heaven and hell?"
2. The notion of the Christian God does not seem to be worth upholding. I'll defer to the Brothers Karamazov on this one. Maybe we can imagine adults going through endless bullshit for a higher purpose, but a god who allows CHILDREN to starve, or be tortured, or fight in wars? Or a church that claims these things as justifiable due to original sin? A lot of people say "Count me out" when they begin to consider such things.
3. Marx wrote that capitalism holds nothing sacred, and eventually begins to commodify everything, including religion. People seeing televangelists making millions of dollars selling their books and DVDs that can save your soul (like indulgences), interstate billboards telling you to call the 555-KILL-GAY hotline or else you'll go to hell, "cool" Christian stores selling t-shirts with Jesus among pot leaves, etc. has done a lot to erode the respect for the religion. It no longer seems awe-inspiring and otherworldly, it just looks like there's nothing more to it than a bunch of people trying to make money off of believers.
That's my two cents.
Because Western Europe experienced the first World War that shattered any notion of a Good in Heaven. If there was, how could he have let that senseless slaughter happen?
They are religious as a social club, not as a devotional thing. Churches are dying for the religious because of things like the internet, the world around them, and the church lacking appeal.
For the record, that's largely due to the Christians being stubbornly pacifistic at this current century. Jews have made nukes in the name of Judaism and the Muslims have their own, but the Catholics want to keep their high-horse and abstain. The largest problem with Christianity is that they're unwilling to fight for what the believe in anymore which is why they lose followers to raw Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism which give their followers an outlet to show their fervency through violence, be it through conquest or burning down that infedel's business down the street because he refuses to follow the tenants of the DNC.
With any hope though, Islam will eventually force these people to reconsider their positions as their own followings prevent them from openly condemning fanatics of a religious bend, and we will see a return of more conventional Christians to combat the threat in a game of faith chess, as it should be. It's all just a phase in society like the enlightenment, and with time it will fade.
Because we are at the end of the age of Pisces and the Zeitgeist that empowered the rise of Christianity is waning as we wait for the new Zarathustra-like revelation of Truth for the coming of the age of Aquarius.
>Literacy has fucked with religion in general
> Islam is the exception of course
Not really
Christianity got too tolerant, basically, combined with economic prosperity fostering individualism since no one depended on institutions anymore.
Firstly, because it's shit.
Secondly, because there's no authority to enforce it anymore. Christianity as an institution has been declawed, and good riddance.
good infidel
Wait until Christianity starts becoming a minority in the west and radicalizing because of it.
We'll see ISIS tier Christardery in the west again, much like Christianity outside of the west that you never hear about in media.
>ISIS-tier Chistardery
Already exists and it's called Murrica.
The fact that Murrica is the beacon of christiniaty nowadays is the ultimate evidence of the decadence and disarray of this religion.
>Already exists and it's called Murrica.
Careful flaying, you'll knock off your fedora. Please list a time that an American Christian has lit someone on fire, in the name of Christianity?
Because Christianity is retarded.
Its a religion based on everybody being equal before God and that possessions and lineages and nations are less important than saving other people. It's always been that way.
There literally never was ISIS tier Christian acts. You should return that fedora.
>There literally never was ISIS tier Christian acts.
>Whats the 30 years war for $500?
The 30 year war was small time compared to half the things since in the name of Islam in India only. Christianity is a pacifist joke.
The only place that matters.
Because is theologically retarded, gives no practical solutions or applications, isn't compatible with science and gives no answer to nihilism.
>a dead kike on a stick
Only amerishits are retarded enough to believe in cucktianity in the XXI century
Yeah that's why it's only prevalent in JEWSA as americucks aren't westerners but an abomination of humanity and kike slaves
Because it isn't true.
Bcoz it gay
>Since 1973, 41 bombings, 173 arsons, 91 attempted bombings or arsons
This statistic does not include murders, shootings, or other crimes, though those can be found in the article. Though some of the acts are politically motivated, some of them are religiously motivated. See The Army of God: en.m.wikipedia.org
>Army of God
>literal DEUS VULT autismo IRL
Top kek dumb bastards
The West is still Christian and will be for some time, people who claim they follow no god are lying to themselves. They were raised Christian and have Christian morals and standards, they are effectively Christian atheists who may not believe in the Christian god but still follow at least seven of the Ten Commandments.
Westerners don't want to believe in God anymore because of, ironically, the Christian teaching that everyone and everything is equal. Western philosophers influenced by Christianity have been developing the idea for centuries but now we have arrived at the final stage of Christian theology: "Liberation from all the bonds of civilization, from every kind of form and custom, from all the people whose mode of life they feel in their dull fury to be superior". This includes God, for in a religion that teaches absolute equality it's only a matter of time before the practitioners realize that the concept of an omnipotent being defies their own beliefs.
nice post my fellow atheist
>the washing of feet triggers /pol/
Based Francis
protestantism is for homos
Religion arises when times are tough. When things get better people don't care about some deity who may or may not exist.
A rich man doesn't pray for anything, same as how he doesn't buy lottery tickets.
Because modern knowledge makes the fact that it's most likely false more evident. I mean, the christian concept of heaven sounds nice, I'd like it to be real but you just know it's not