Why do anti white leftypol shills on Veeky Forums label anyone who doesn't support black supremacists or zionism to be a stormfag?
Why do anti white leftypol shills on Veeky Forums label anyone who doesn't support black supremacists or zionism to be...
Because they unironically repeat stormcunt slogans and talking points, if not out right posting stormcunt info graphics, word for word?
Ao you leftists want to ban things that don't go with your anti white agenda?
Why is it so hard for people like you to talk about history instead of treating this place like another /pol/?
I see Frank is throwing one of his tantrums again because his mom ate his last hot pocket.
Because leftists want to convert Veeky Forums into another anti white leftypol safespace
Who said anything about banning things?
If it looks like a stormcunt, walks like a stormcunt and mindlessly posts stormcunt propaganda, people are going to assume it's a stormcunt.
>stormniggers have an entire board to themselves
Why the fuck is (((Rosenberg))) claiming that white civilization can withstand the biggest threat it has ever faced? It can't! White people are fucking stupid.
Why am I stormfront for not worshipping niggers like you puny lefty cucks?
Mainly that whole "using stormcunt talking points" thing
fools, just report and move on
Why are you SJWs so triggered that some white people aren't cucks like you?
report and ignore low quality threads
You are a cuck of a different sort
>posts a thread crying that noone likes him and calls him names
>n..no its y..y...you who is t..t..tr...triggered!
>I'm a cuck for not hating my own race
You subhuman leftists are pathetic
Why do you leftists want a safespace?
You're a cuck because you're a cuck. It's not complicated.
isn't this the third thread you've made today?
do you not have anything better to do, like a job? do you live with your parents who are also alt-shite filth? I bet you have scabies you fucking
The only one crying about safe spaces is you.
Because white men already have one and we minorities want what white men have without working for it
Really jogs the noggin
I'm not the one who wants to ban all right wing discussion
>alt-shite filth
why are you so triggered by pro white people?
because /pol/ has clearly failed as a containment board
when is summer over
>Rosenbergis a Germanic-language family name and toponym. Its principal meaning is "mountain of roses", fromRose+Berg
Again, the only talking about banning things, is you
>ban all right wing discussion
confirmed for never going outside, you must be 18 years or older to post on Veeky Forums
You're the one who seems to be crying for a safe space. You're whining like a bitch
you want right wing opinions to be banned, you SJWs are organizing raids right now
go back to leftypol, you cuck