Moon missions I've missed out on

>Bitcoin: I heard about it prior to 2010 and MSM said it was a pyramid scheme where all the early adopters already became millionaires and I already missed the boat. Didn't do own research. Because poor fag, no job, had no money to invest until 2013.

>2016/17 Ethereum. The name sounded very try hard. $23 sounded expensive, heard about it again it was $50. "I've missed the boat!" Next time I heard about it was 230USD and gaining. This was was entrance into crypto.

>2017 OmiseGO. Distracted with bancor ICO Because I was a moron. Didn't get into ICO until too late. Pledged 45k, didn't get in. Rich fags and unnamed exchanges and corps got in. Bought in at 90 cents sold at 1.45 because bear market. Mooned several times before I could get back in. Shilled insanely on /biz just as I sold.

>Antshares/NEO: thought it was a PnD similar to Digibyte because of mass shilling. Ignored it until it hit $17 but jumped in for mad profits. Realised this is the next Ethereum, not getting off this rocket!

I've missed literally everything and I've know about Bitcoin since 2009 and been on biz since april when BTC was $1200 and ETH $50. Also wanted to buy ANS since it was $7 but kept putting it off because of biz FUD, hurr durr chink scam. WHen it got to $27 I thought it was too late.

Get on my level, you literally can't its impossible for someone to be a bigger loser than me.

try mining bitcoins at a rate of 5 a day just to buy shit off silkroad

Trust me there are millions of people who have had the same experience.

Think of the poor souls that bought BTC back in 2010 and then lost their hard drives, USB sticks etc.

Now you can jump the moon rocket with actual MoonCoin! ;)

Buy at 1 sell at 10. 10x the profits. It happened before.


Back in 2010 I was pretty much a hopeless, depressed loser browsing Veeky Forums all day. I remember all the hype surrounding bitcoin mining when browsing /g/. I didn't understand it at all, tons of people setting up rigs to mine the shit out of some stupid e-money nobody used.
If only I had just downloaded the stupid mining program and let it run on my shitty PC 24/7, I would've been fucking rich by now. No, instead I wasted my time browsing other bullshit, playing video games and fapping.

I'm literally you, I thought to myself, bah too much hassle to download all this shit to mine internet coins, probably a ponzi scam anyway. Honestly I've gotten over missing out on Bitcoins, seriously, It doesn't even bother me that much to, I was a little shit back then. But what REALLY pisses me is the MASSIVE gains I've missed HIS year since I was in the know, if I would have bought $2000 worth of $ETH at $50 which I wanted to but kept putting it off, and the reinvested into $NEO at $10 which I wanted to since I'm such a huge Matrix nerd, I could have made bank by now. Instead all I did was browse Veeky Forums an laugh at pink wojaks.

>and the reinvested into $NEO at $10 which I wanted to since I'm such a huge Matrix nerd, I could have made bank by now.

Haha, yeah me too, sadly I missed the NEO hype because I had an intense couple of exams for med school. Would've bought just because the matrix is one of my fav movies.
Oh well, I have about 8 BTC by now, and it's still possible to increase that amount by making use of the alt craze that's going on right now.

I have a good few moon coins that thing has not moved as yet!!!!!

>If only I had just downloaded the stupid mining program and let it run on my shitty PC 24/7, I would've been fucking rich by now.

I was that guy. I mined bitcoin from its inception almost. I sold them all at their current prices for shit on silkroad.

I kept a few back later on when they become worth some decent money ($5) I sold them at a huge profit of $5k.

You just have what you are worth at the time.

there are people who as their first two trades bought BTC when it hit 4200 and panic sold when it dipped to 3800 this week

>tfw laughed for years
>this year i aint laughing anymore
>see something called antshares
>interest peaked
>crashes from 10 to 5
>back up the truck
>moon mission to 50

Sometimes life just works out

So now you need to but based on fundamentals and hold. Learn your lesson.

bought DGB at 2k sats
bought SC at 800 sats
bought ARK at 46k sats
bought SYS at 9k sats
bought RISE at 3.2k sats
bought LBCat 37k sats
bought PAY at 156k sats
bought MOON at 10 sats
bought IOT at 23k sats
bought CVC at 18k sats
bought MCO at 160k sats
bought DNT at 4.5k sats
bought GAS at 860k sats
bought RAIN at 1.5k sats
bought NEO at $55USD
bought ETH at $450USD
bought BTC at $4500USD

You Sir are my hero.

What's next?

no OMG yet plz try harder

You can't be serious... but if you are, leave this board forever

Bitcoin is the moon mission

I have all those same feels.
Im in NEO for the Long haul!
Dem any coins, boys.

This thread is not "how I turned 600btc into 200btc"