Post old political cartoons
Historical political cartoons
Not that old but probably can be regarded as historical already.
Guy in the boot is former president of Lithuania and leader of the Nationalist Union.
Text on right: "Decade of Fascism in Lithuania"
Boot stomping in order: Parliament, Democracy, Constitution.
LKP - Lithuanian Communist Party
based death.
A Polish comic regarding "Polish-Lithuanian Relations." Not sure when it was done but most likely mid 20s'.
The writing on the sausage held by Piłsudski says "agreement" or "accord." The writing on dog's collar says "Lithuania," obviously. The dog is barking the Polish name of current Lithuanian capital, which was held by the Poles during Interbellum.
The text below the image:
Marshall Piłsudski: Take the sausage, doggy...
Doggy: Even if you gave me Vilnius, I would start barking for Grodna and Białystok - that's just how I am...
Oh, I forgot the damn picture, of course.
Kek. I like this one.
Why the French deserve this?
Early Modern Era: The Game
TIL Death is /ourguy/.
Was Indian migration to NZ an actual thing to worry about
What went wrong?
>,,In der Loge lacht man nicht, Emil, das ist Sache der billigeren Platze!“
>"You do not laugh in the box, Emil, that's the matter of the cheaper places!"
What does it mean by this?
love that one
I don't get this one
It's about one of the many San Francisco earthquakes