>The crusades were go-
The crusades were go-
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They were asking for it
People cling to Byzantine cock because muh Roma invicta, but the truth is, by the time Crusades rolled around, the whole ting was a fucking joke.
>the Mediterranean is going a bit too well for my liking
This, plus they massacred all Catholics of Constantinople and sold the few survivors to the Turks like 20 years prior that. Orthodoniggers can get fucked.
>be too incompetent to utilize byzantine trade potential
>grant privilages to italian merchants
>realize they are getting more cash from it than you because you're just a shitty declining empire
>chimp out and massacre latins, sell leftovers as FUCKING SLAVES to turks only because they were more competent at trading than you
Byzantines deserved it "le venetian jew" is just a fucking meme spread by byzaboo retards.
I kek'd hard HARD real hard at this post TOP KEK
>tyrone of honhon
Never gets old
>Byzantine mobs charged into the Italian concessions and began massacring everyone in sight. The new Emperor did nothing at all to stop them or to restore order and the result was butchery on an unimaginable scale. Some of the Italians, sensing the danger, managed to escape before the attack but the vast majority of the 60,000 were trapped and helpless in the face of the Byzantine rampage. Men, women and children were killed in horrific fashion. Homes were destroyed, Catholic churches desecrated, even charitable houses were looted. Priests were tortured and murdered, women and girls were raped and the papal legate was decapitated and had his head tied to a dog and chased through the streets. Sick and dying people were stabbed to death in their hospital beds. It was savagery on an unbelievable scale. Those who were not killed in the bloodbath were sold into slavery to the Muslim Turks. They may well have envied the dead. The boys might have been forced into any number of forms of servitude, the men as well, perhaps serving as galley slaves, the women and girls had it worst of all, many forced into sexual slavery in the harems of the powerful.
daily reminder that the 4th crusade was justified, greek fucking shits deserved all the things coming fo them
No they didn't.
The latins that got involved in city politics got fucked, but the most that died were roman royals
>the orthos dindu nuffin i swear they wuz good boys n shiet they wuz gun turn their life around n stop being schismatics
>The Latin soldiery subjected the greatest city in Europe to an indescribable sack. For three days they murdered, raped, looted and destroyed on a scale which even the ancient Vandals and Goths would have found unbelievable. Constantinople had become a veritable museum of ancient and Byzantine art, an emporium of such incredible wealth that the Latins were astounded at the riches they found. Though the Venetians had an appreciation for the art which they discovered (they were themselves semi-Byzantines) and saved much of it, the French and others destroyed indiscriminately, halting to refresh themselves with wine, violation of nuns, and murder of Orthodox clerics. The Crusaders vented their hatred for the Greeks most spectacularly in the desecration of the greatest Church in Christendom. They smashed the silver iconostasis, the icons and the holy books of Hagia Sophia, and seated upon the patriarchal throne a whore who sang coarse songs as they drank wine from the Church's holy vessels. The estrangement of East and West, which had proceeded over the centuries, culminated in the horrible massacre that accompanied the conquest of Constantinople. The Greeks were convinced that even the Turks, had they taken the city, would not have been as cruel as the Latin Christians. The defeat of Byzantium, already in a state of decline, accelerated political degeneration so that the Byzantines eventually became an easy prey to the Turks. The Fourth Crusade and the crusading movement generally thus resulted, ultimately, in the victory of Islam, a result which was of course the exact opposite of its original intention.
Who did it best? Turks or the Franks?
that the Venetians, the Latins with the most privileges within the City, are not recorded as being present during the massacre, nor did they request any compensation for 1182, as they had for 1171. The massacre of 1182, far from being symbolic Venetian economic influence causing a xenophobic backlash, reflected the punishing of supporters of a failed claimant to the Imperial throne, in an atmosphere charged by the theological conflicts of the 1160s.
Latins, namely German Varangians, were vital in ensuring the success of Andronikos’ operation. The primary victims of his power grab were fellow Romans, mainly those connected to the former Emperor. The only immediate family relation of the deceased Emperor Manuel to survive was his French daughter in law, Agnes. If anything, the coup of Andronikos Kommenos showed the loyalty of Latin forces to their paymaster, in stark contrast to those Imperial forces, whom Niketas Choniatēs records as having swapped sides and abstained from service.
More so than this, in 1184, Andronicus moved to reconcile the Venetians with the Empire, by restarting talks with them. By the eve of the Sicilian invasion of 1185, Andronicus agreed to pay fifteen hundred pounds of full weight gold hyperpers from the Imperial treasury in compensation for their losses in 1171, with one hundred pounds of gold reaching Venice by November. These are hardly the actions of one driven by a xenophobic hatred of western merchants. Andronikos’ coup used anti-Latin sentiment to endear himself to the Constantinopolitan mob and anti-Latin men of influence. The massacre that followed was driven by politically driven xenophobia against those supporting Manuel’s heir, not by xenophobia created by economic damages inflicted by western merchants. The mob in the Capital, as Angold has noted, and can be seen in 1187 attack on the Latin Quarter, did not attack Latins for being different or having privileged positions in the economy. While they may have been resented and viewed with suspicion, the mob of Constantinople only turned against Latins when they became a force in the city’s delicate and violent politics.
The Turks were unironically far kinder to the city than the Franks
i dont know
if i was greek i would rather see it burn that see shit like hagia sophia turned into mosque
it looked better with the towers though
Daily reminder that this is the fate that befalls all schismatics and heretics.
>women having it worst as sex slaves
>men as fucking galley slaves or slaves in a fucking mine not having it the worst
I'd do the same thing if I had to live bext to people that spit in the face of God every time they open their mouths.
Ah well, the cult of Rome is now inviting waves of Muslim invaders into their own homelands while Eastern Europe is going from strength to strength - God's pubishment for destroying his city.
C*tholics deserved worse for worshipping a man and not God while daring to call themselves Christians.
The fact the Franks weren't even able to hold the city against a fractured Byzantium really shows God's displeasure with P*pists.
The larping has got to stop.
Yet God still helps them. I remember the tide turning in favour of the French immediately after Joan of Arc was given a good cooking.
>while Eastern Europe is going from strength to strength
Is that what you tell yourself to sleep at night? lmao
Western Europe has a bigger percentage of practicing Catholics than Eastern Europe has practicing Orthodox.
>This is what Byzaboos actually believe
There are more important things in life than money. Not being a minority in your own nationstate, for example.
You don't have to be roman catholic in order to respect human life.
Pleasantly surprised, tbqh.
Statistics say otherwise.
And now France is turning into an Islamic shithole.
>you can't walk in Russia without stepping over the corpses of human fetuses
Based Poland and Portugal.
if this map had any relation to religion Scandinavia would be purple
Not an argument.
Even your own Pope has abandoned God, guess that's what younget for worshipping a mortal man.
>tfw your pope has fallen from grace
>if this map had any relation to religion Scandinavia would be purple
I'd rather kiss the feet of the poor and downtrodden, than tongue the anuses of local secular rulers as the orthodox are so fond of, tbqh.
It shows that your churches in the east are failing in basic teachings.
The funny thing is, a lot of the western countries are yellow/orange due Eastern European immigrants. For example, 30% of abortions in Italy are done by Romanian women.
>when people ignore the only right answer in the thread
Yeah, frenchies seem to be walking the same road orthodorks have been treading for centuries.
>turkposter is here
hello habibi
>orthoLARPers AND Rome LARPers getting btfo
What is wrong with this picture?
they can't silence the truth here
Were you the one I was bantering in the thread I made about Puerto Rican Orthodox becoming in communion with us Catholics? :^)
which really did fuck them up at the end of it
No, that wasn't me, but I really enjoyed the thread.
glad to hear it inshallah
>say you are for the protection of Christianity
>cause the downfall of the last bulwark of Christianity in the East causing Muslims to take over a third of your continent
thank you Crusaders
np dude
>Muslims believe that the Trinity is the Father, the Son and Mary.
Muslims are just a branch of Eastern Catholicism. :)
Talk shit get hit schismatic
Is there a version of /thread which applies to all future discussions?
/his ?