Civic CVC

we be mooning son

munching on my moon soon

Civic is a long term hold. It's pretty much the only thing that gets shilled on Veeky Forums that has an actual working product that quite possibly could see mass adoption by ordinary people, which will obviously mean megabucks for those who got in early. I'm talking apple-shares-purchased-in-1989 megabucks

Stop going crazy over random fucking ICOs and shitcoins that have some weird and ambiguous use case. Things like CVC have *actual* use cases and real unique value propositions. Veeky Forums just doesn't like to spend time doing research and hops on the hype-wagon every time.

CVC is a long hold but that is how megabucks are made, not by buying something, hoping for it to moon overnight, and sulking when it doesn't immediately make you 1000x gains

I bought in at .38 USD and sold when it doubled. Should I buy back in?

Yes. It's sailing along fairly steadily at the moment so it's a nice long (in crypto terms) accummulation phase. The CEO is doing a Q and A on google hangouts next week I think which should bring a lot more information forwards. The product is already being used on wikihow, and soon wordpress will be installing it. The mass adoption has already begun and people are still relatively unaware, at some point this will explode in real-world usage and prices will skyrocket

Will-do. Thanks user

thanks for the tip OP

how tf do u buy cvc

Bittrex you better hurry no coiners

bought 300

When do I regret this decision?

Seriously? Fucking bittrex of course

Moon can be confirmed by charts.
Going to flirt with ATH today then drop back.
Put them sell orders right, it will be a quick one.

im in at 15048 sats
where can i find news about civic ?
are there any anouncements pending ?


You are supposed to ask those questions before buying user lmao


CVC news coming...

If you are an investor download the Civic App for iOS and Android and shill the shit out of the coin.

we be ready to moon boys!! 25k sats target

i already invested in CVC and i just am reading what its about.

The idea is fantastic, trying to protect your own personal information but the one thing i cant get around is that in order for Civic to protect al your personal information you have to give the everything...
What prevents them from selling/using the information ?

It's stored on your device user, not their server...none of your information actually goes anywhere when you use the app. It only goes to websites that request it i.e. when you sign up to a website with your email address the website requests your email address

Impossible for civic to be hacked and lose your personal information because they dont have it

A oke ! sounds legit

But in order for civic to grow big it needs a company of the size like facebook to get the ball rolling am i right ?
And facebook will never use something like Civic because then they cant use our info to make profits which they currently are doing

I get the feeling i dont fully understand the work of Civic

I trust you user, I put 0.2 BTC into it

I am offering tangible civic token coins, with a picture of Vinny Linghams asshole smack in the middle of the tail side. Heads shows a cropped pic of Vinny's ball sack under a photo copier. Unique offer, only a few thousand available.

Facebook may or may not use it, but a whole host of other websites will. Think how whatsapp became such an ubiquitous messaging app, and see the potential for civic to become a near ubiquitous logging in/ID verification means. Then also note how they have a significant first mover advantage in this niche.

why would we need a cryptocurrency for this shit.. there are already other companies out there that do this. what is the value of the cvc coin?

Here's an idea, read the whitepaper and find out? They have a whole section explaining the need for the token.

The need for the token is pretty damn clear...this is why you research before you invest, jesus christ.

This is why people are losing so much money in crypto. They just want to throw money around willy nilly hoping for a "moon"

>read the whitepaper and find out?
thats not how it works,those are full of shit 99% of the time.

So no mooning after all? Hodling for the announcement then.

Forget this. Timereum is going to triple your money.

It just broke the trendline :)

>56 coin wall

okeee where did al these buys come from !

So bittrex shows me my CVC wallet is offline due to routine maintenance.. never seen this before ?

Is this legit or am i being scammed like usually

This is normal, nothing to worry about. Lasts usually around a few to 24 hours max.

I think you can even trade while its under maintenance

Any upcoming news?