*breaths in*...
The devs addressed every issue raised in this article on the 0x subreddit. FUD.
why? its hilarious you guys hype everything that mentions ethereum or neo
Blown the fuck out yet again. Eth and anything eth related is a fucking scam. Reddit tier garbage.
Cancelled all orders thank kek
Yes goyim, surely ETH is a scam.
Tell me one thing it can actually do apart from create more scam coins
Metropolis is coming you mouthbreathing cumguzzler.
Not an argument
who gives a fuck what a bunch of boomer nocoiners think
this is a young mans game
Nigga put your money back in, the guy who led the article runs a blockchain direct competition to Project 0x, hes a sneaky fuck
yawn, this was posted yesterday and the dev team already wrote a response on their subreddit. This doesnt change anything. This fud is fucking stupid too, the logic makes no sense
>he missed registration
Fuck outta here nocoiner. Enjoy earth
>first exchange to list it is literally the myspace of exchanges
>code incomplete after release
>muh moon cause ethereum
ya id rather stick to my other alternatives
*asian mans game
>code is incomplete
Is that a joke? Of course it isn't, that's the reason they raise money!
Prediction markets.
fucking brainlet. you dont release an ICO when the code is still incomplete
wow, are you really that new here?
The same shit came out about neo, literally JUST before it mooned
SWARM and Metropolis coming to ETH!!!
this coin will be 5x the ICO price. The volume that has flooded just the shitty protocol exchange etherdelta is indicative of that. Just wait till this hits a better exchange and the normans come round about.
5x within a week probably. wouldn't be surprised by a 10x+ within the month tho
>t. Nocoiner
If you don't see the value of this in an emergent market boyo...stay broke.
Screen capped. I've got 90k zrx right now
You really dropped 10 grand USD on this? You're obviously rich as fuck, please give me money. The gain will mean a lot more to me than the loss will mean to you
Seems to me that the coin is absolutely useless and it's only purpose is to fund the dev team. The project is solid, but there's just no need for the token. I wonder if they'll even get listed on any exchanges.
>You really dropped 10 grand USD on this? You're obviously rich as fuck
Man 10 grand doesn't mean shit, I invested 5 grand in crypto months ago and I was 8 grand in debt 12 months ago. there's no reason it couldn't be 50 grand today, I just fucking suck at trading. Start with a grand if you have it and try and work your way up to 2 with modest gains rather than trying to chase pumps (although some FOMO doesn't always hurt, some of the biggest gains that happen on this board come from buying into pumps mid pump. but don't bet on those, chasing pumps is as good as gambling because there's not really any sure fire way of knowing where the top is going to be especially if it's orchestrated behind the scenes)
it sure seems useless until you do your readings that much is true
>zrx is used in two ways: 1) creating a feedback loop where the early adopters of the protocol benefit from larger adoption
Aka ponzi scheme
You people have no shame.