I'm about to start manually shorting $400 in bitcoin

I'm about to start manually shorting $400 in bitcoin.

And I mean REALLY shorting, like buying and selling every few minutes.

I work from home so I have all day every day.

What am I in for?

My gif turned into a PNG for some reason.

an ass raping

who are you borrowing from

You know buy high sell low is a meme right

lol have fun going broke

You are trying to time the market of a deflationary currency System with logarithmic growth, manually.

Use a coin that swings hard in price not btc.

I have the most experience with bitcoin though.
Been going long for a while now, all this time having one eye on a few little charts open on my side monitor.

It's also the one coin I believe is likely to keep climbing the most.

Also, bitcoin will only really go deflationary once everything has been mined, I think.

>use a coin that swings hard in price
Wouldn't that simply increase the risk/reward ratio?

>I work from home so I have all day every day
>What am I in for?


Never trusted marginal trading. Are you given limits on how long you have to sell?

He is right though. You would make more doing it with Etherium, it swings harder than btc. BTC also influences it so it acts very much like BTC.

>Use a coin that swings hard in price not btc.


Make sure you leave enough money for a rope

The past year I always watched CCI, MACD, and RSI for my long position.

Anything in particular reason you mentioned RSI?

I'm not margin trading, just straight up my own 400$.

Not sure I want harder swings. Maybe I'll work my way up after messing around with bitcoin a little.

You don't honestly think $400 is my life savings, do you?

OP is a whale, not when it comes to coins though he's just very blubbery.

What the fuck is manually shorting?
And then you say really shorting.
What the fuck does this mean?
Shorting doesn't mean buying and selling every few minutes

You need to margin trade to short.
What the hell is wrong with you

>Shorting doesn't mean buying and selling every few minutes
I just mean short-term trading.

If you ask me, "shorting" as in "short selling" is a very specific technique, and I think the term "shorting" deserves a much more general meaning.

you probably mean intra-day trading

>if you ask me
Thank god no one asked you for your opinion on how common financial terms should be used.

Never heard of that term.

How would you call what I want to do?

that man had a family

How does that work.
The whole idea of shorting is selling someone else's asset to re-buy it later.
If you buy it yourself and then sell.. you won't earn shit.


That's not what shorting means you fucking faggot. Words mean whatever the majority decides and what you described is called day trading.

No man, shorting means what it means.


You will, eventually, lose it all.

"Shorting" is a dumb name anyway for the actual specific transaction anyway.
"Short selling" refers to making money off a drop, not a relatively short length of time.

No man, shorting means what it means.

I know.

Seriously though what's the point of day trading with $400? How much are you expecting to make? 95% of day traders lose money in the long run. You gonna be the one savant that sees 100% returns in a year and makes a whopping.. $400? A better return for your time spent doing this would be interning at McDonald's for 10 cents an hour.

I'd rather make less while watching Chinese cartoons and shitposting on a Tibetan claymation image board than being a burger flipping nigger

The fact that op is just ignoring the actual meaning of "shorting" is triggering me

manlet detected.

What you are wanting to do is called scalp trading

Ivestopedia here:
"Short selling is also known as "shorting," "selling short" or "going short." To be short a security or asset implies that one is bearish on it and expects the price to decline."

its better than nothing faggot

>thinks 100% gains are savant level in crypto
that is truly adorable

So "short" is used to mean "the stock is going to go down so the list of people who will have a lot becomes ***short¨***"?

Veeky Forums knows jack shit. This is what 90% actually mean when they say "shorting".

Actual Investopedia here:
What is 'Short Selling'

Short selling is the sale of a security that is not owned by the seller, or that the seller has borrowed

stress, heart problems, loss, depression, shotgun mouthwash

go play roulette or something. this isnt a game you can win.

So "short" is used to mean "you do not own the security you are selling, so you are ***short*** one security"?

>doesn't know what short means
>tries to invent his own meaning and play it off

Holy shit OP is retarded. Gonna be funny as fuck when you lose all your money

Scroll down past the few first lines. You will see what i just posted:



become a whale and do this with some random shitcoin, you dumbass. if you do this with btc, you'll only lose all your money



you gonna get raped by fees

In the same way that everything you eat turns into blubber.

You have a way with words. Sort of like the Shakespeare of Veeky Forums.

It's like when a nigger pawns the bicycle he just stole, he's shorting the bike.

LOL. you dont know the difference between short term trading and shorting. Jesus fuck, you literally have no idea what you're doing, and you came here to see if your strategy was good.
i have no sides and i must kek.

I set about 0.03 btc for margin trading 3 months ago (even made a thread about it but forgot the trip) and now it's 0.30. Fiat wise the gains are even bigger.

See you on the other side.

I do know what I'm doing, the terminology is just dumb.

>shorting = 'short term trading'

Fuck dude. I just laughed out loud in the bathroom stall while taking a shit at work. You're going places, man, I really think trading is for you.

I abbreviate whichever way I want.

shorting a HODL coin
nice b8

>the terminology is just dumb
sorry to be the one to tell you this OP, but it's you that's dumb. I honestly feel bad for you, so I'm going to help you out.
[a] you will get eaten alive by exchange fees and the spread if you're doing intra-day trades with $400.
[b] you can actually short trades with $400. but i wouldn't recommend it. Anyway this is how it works. When a stock/coin/commodity/derivative is at a value where you think it is overbought, you have the option to Short it. That means you essentially borrow the security on margin from the exchange, and sell it. Into your wallet goes the $ that you sell it for. You do this with the anticipation that it will go down in market value. Once it does this, you buy the security back, and close your position. The difference between the price you sold it for originally, and the price you bought it back for, LESS exchange fees and LESS margin fees, is your profit. if the price goes up instead of down though, you're fucked, and you start eating into the $400 reserve that you have in your account. There are limits to the margin amounts that any exchange will offer you. Please stop calling intra-day trades "shorts," it's embarrassing.

OP is usually a faget but OP you are a flaming attention whore to boot.

This is bait

So how am I supposed to get rich then?

thats not what "shorting" means in an investing sense

to short something means to borrow it and sell it now, with the intention to buy it back later at a cheaper price to cover your borrow

And people actually do this with bitcoin?

I mean, if you just buy and hold, the price might eventually rise even if it does drop; but with short selling it seems like you just lose all your shit if things don't go the way you want.

nah, it's not... I also thought that when reading about shitcoin trading, at least until I read the definition used by pro traders... shorting does sound like doing short (as in, in a short timeframe) trades

I still wonder, how do you do this? you pay someone to lend you their btc for some time, and then give them back the original amount? how would you find people/companies that let you do this?

Well you can go long with margin trading too. Basically you borrow x from the exchange where x is the current price of a coin. When the price rises to y, you sell and give back x to the exchange, less fees. Yes margin trading is the fastest way to get rich or lose everything.

okay but dont be surprised when everyone thinks you're a retard

Using the term "shorting" makes a lot more sense for "short-term trading" than for "betting on the price going down".

Words mean whatever the majority decides. You you look like an idiot and can't communicate if you decide to invent your own meaning to words.

I was talking about what made more sense, not what the majority decides.

I turned .144 into .31 btc but the exchange I was using increased the spread and increased funding fees on btc by a factor of 10, and increased the fees on ETH positions by 50%. I ended up losing .26 btc

This is a bad idea because all your tiny gains will be destroyed by both commission fees and the occasional several percent drop that will eventually happen every now and then.

Study chart patterns as well as fundemental triggers (real world things that will affect bitcoin) and buy bitcoin when it's about to break out and sell when it's about to crash.

Or put like a 10% trailing stop loss and enjoy the ride

>I'm about to start manually shorting $400 in bitcoin.
What a faggot


dude, but shorting means shorting.