What are the historical or theological proofs that Christianity is false? Are there any?
If so, why do people still follow it?
What are the historical or theological proofs that Christianity is false? Are there any?
If so, why do people still follow it?
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Paul was a liar, for one.
My feelings are real
Therefore christfagtardianity is real
Now where all the nigger feet at? They´re not going to lick themselves you now...
I was hoping for some real arguments and not fedora tipping.
It`s easy Jesus existed. Thats why it`s worth to consider more then Islam.
I identify as Christian negropodophile, you insensitive prick!
Mohammad existed
Which religion will allow me to maximize the sucking, licking and gentle caressing of nigger feet?
The same is the true religion.
My Christian priest promised me that I´ll get 72 young African bulls in Christian heaven. Is this true? Wow, I love Christianity so fucking much.
Nice bait habibi
>humility is a bad thing
I know, fucking degenerates judging me because I identify as negropodophile aka Christian. Shame on them!
There are simply too many contradictions in the bible. But chstians still find way to explain these or to ignore them.
Here is a youtube video of bible contradictions : m.youtube.com
Consider that in order for Christianity to be true, God needed to have deliberately mislead literally millions of people as to what compromises salvation of the soul in between the revelations that lead to the Old Testament being penned and the New Testament.
Furthermore, stuff like Deuteronomy's 4th chapter, in which God promises that no matter h ow badly the Israelites sin, their covenant is eternal, are simply lies from a supposedly omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent god.
>What are the historical or theological proofs that Christianity is false? Are there any?
Jesus and his disciples expected the apocalypse to happen in their lifetimes according to the earliest Christian sources (synoptic gospels, Paul)
>If so, why do people still follow it?
The apocalypticism was toned down until the Christianity we're familiar with today began to emerge in the 2nd century.
"And behold I saw I vision in the sky, and it spelled BBC 247" (Book of BBC 7:24)
What did this Christian prophecy mean by this?
Do I have to wait until the milennium until I can start enjoying the BBC?
What can I do to accelerate the second cumming?
What does Christian doctrine have to say about that?
>stuff like Deuteronomy's 4th chapter, in which God promises that no matter h ow badly the Israelites sin, their covenant is eternal, are simply lies from a supposedly omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent god.
How did he lie?
Why would you even bother. Watching gay nigger traps fucking each other is more productive than the BBC.
Supercessionism posits that the Old Covenant between God and the Israelites, the various laws in the Old Testament, are not longer applicable. By rejecting Jesus, the Jews shot their bolt, and are no longer possessing any special virtue.
Considering god promises otherwise, and says that no matter how badly they sin, what punishments they endure, if they repent and go back to the ways of their forefathers, they can return to the land and it will all be good again, you pretty much have God out and out lying in order to support supercessionsist doctrine.
All I care about is the true Christian doctrine of mystic hypostatic union with the great BBC in the sky, and the beatific vision of its circumcised cosmic gland, as taught by scripture and the fathers.
Wouldn't rejecting Jesus be tantamount to "not going back to the ways of the forefathers"?
If all they need to do is repent, then they'd be right back in God's good graces.
I just don't see how this makes God a liar.
Coincidence? Nothing in the Christian doctrine is coincidence. And it all comes down to the mystic BBC in the sky.
Ah, now I see. I'm grateful for this sharing of an ancient wisdom.
>Wouldn't rejecting Jesus be tantamount to "not going back to the ways of the forefathers"?
Not really, no. All those commandments about ritual purity and animal sacrifice and garment checking and what you can eat that are either irrelevant or at worst actively harmful weren't put in there for no reason, or just for God's lulz.
>If all they need to do is repent, then they'd be right back in God's good graces.
Which the OT mentions how to do, and nary a mention of Jesus involved, thus contradicting the NT.
>I just don't see how this makes God a liar.
>The Mosiatic covenant is eternal, no matter how badly you sin. The Israelites status is irrevocable.
>Except not really.
It's pretty simple dude.
Is the Christian eschatological concept of the great ever-squirting, ever-hard BBC in the sky literal or is it just an allegory? Because if it´s just an allegory I´m fucking out. Why would you lie to people like that?
Okay, but what if that means that it's the OT that is wrong, and not the NT?
Then you have to wonder why Jesus and Paul both repeatedly cite to the OT, and why every Christian group I'm aware of considers it inerrant ward of god scripture.
Blessed are those who have the knowledge of BBChristus and his twelve spermatozoa, as who celebrate the holy sacrament of negrus feetus, namely the washing, licking, sucking, caressing and gently biting negro appendages.
Get help.
>implying the P*pe is even Christian
Because they were preaching to Jews and so used terms and examples they would understand?
>preaching to Jews
There is no real archeological evidence of Exodus when there should be. I guess that puts a damper on the claim that the Bible is literally true, to say nothing of Genesis.
Wouldn't Paul's problems be merely reflections on Paul though?
>My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black triplets.
Wow, Protestantism is so based. Consider me red-pilled.
Considering that Paul is the author and source for pretty much all of Christian theology that we have it today, with things like innate human fallibility, the need for Grace, the notion that Jesus was sacfiriced for our sins, which enables the achievement of Grace since it cannot coe-exist with sin, that's all Paul. You say that Paul's theology is flawed, and suddenly you lose over half the New Testament and pretty much all of Christianity.
Well, Paul did preach to the Jews, they rejected him.
Going to preach to gentiles after that doesn't necessarily constitute a flaw.
Yahweh is such a generous g*d.
He only asks for the foreskin for himself. You can get the whole gland, corona, corpus spongiosum, corpora cavernosa and urethra all for yourself!
Praise Yahweh!
You're missing the point. The foundational thinker of Christian theology accepted the Old Testament as actual word of God communication to people. (Even if he seems to have muddled a few concepts). His rejection by the Jews or his preaching to the Greeks doesn't change the fact that according to the foundational Christian thinker, you should be able to rely on the book of Deuteronomy.
If he's wrong about that, hell, if Paul is wrong about just about anything, you don't have Christianity as a religion, since Paul invented most of the doctrine.
>Paul is a God
*tip* *tip* Way miss the point completely, retard.
And was he wrong?
A psalm for the Lord
Ooga booga
Yahu akbar
Yahu akbar
Booga Ooga
Ooga booga
Booga ooga
Gib foreskin
Yahu akbar
Swallow African seed
Praise Geebus and Yahu
Don´t have children
Adopt African calves
Praise Yahu and Geebus
Be gay for Israel and refugees
Wow, such a holy religion...
I never stated nor implied that. Paul is not held to be God by any mainstream group I'm aware of. Rather, Paul is the theological foundation thinker of Christianity, and him being in error means that you have to discard pretty much the entirety of Christian doctrine.
I fail to see how he can be right, since he simultaneously holds that the Old Testament is inerrent and word of God communication, while simultaneously espousing things that are blatantly contradictory to it. I mean, you've got extensive apologetics for the epistles, but I don't find them particularly convincing myself.
How many foreskins can yahweh the volcano god consume in one day?
Six gazillion per second.
Wow. How can I convert to this holy religion?
Bar bar
Yahu Akbar
Yahu ak yahu ak
Bar kbar bar bar
(Bar bar bar)
Bar bar
Yahu Akbar
Wow, another holy psalm. This is the kind of music the angels sing. *_*
Yahweh is the black foreskin
Geebus is the rosy gland
The Holy Spirit is the white-hot cum
Wow I finally get the holy trinity!
So this is the power of Judeo-Christianity!
Yahweh ak bar (baaar)
Yahweh ak bar (baaar)
A mighty volcano is our g*d
Black as coal is he
Squirting with hot lava (abba)
and smoke
24 hours a day yeah
Give your daughters
To the sons of Cush
And money to Jacob's seed
Yahweh ak bar (baaar)
Yahweh ak bar (baaar)
I'm literally enraptured by the holiness of judeo-Christianity!
>drink he black man´s seed - Geebus (book of cuckoldry 24:7)
Wow. How can a religion be so based? Western civilization wouldn´t survive without it.
>theological proofs
O gee, I dunno fag, try doing a miracle in jesus name.
>misinterpreting the gospel
It actually says:
>Verily verily I say unto you, before you die you will see your daughters swallowing the BBC whole (but only if you convert to my religion) (Book of Cuck 360:6)
No one can deny that's what really happens.
Wow. Praise geebus.
>They kill me and I come back with heaven and the kingdom
>Comes back
>Oh shit guys look I know we had plans but there's some crazy shit going down in another quadrant of the universe you won't discover for like 100,000 years.
Who gives a fuck about random
people collecticuck
Proves nothing.
Of course, who cares that jesus failed? You have to believe likewise. And who cares about any failing? It proves nothing to the mind of the indoctrinated.
>He doesn't know Jesus is going to fulfill "failed" prophecies in the New Kingdom
>all the JIDF larping as /pol/acks ITT
Yes Jesus was Jewish and that is why the Jews hate him so much. Modern Judaism is based off the Pharisees the same people who had Jesus crucified so it is only fitting that their descendants continue to slander His name and do everything they can to oppose Christianity.
Ok Mohammed, now go back to raping children.
Well you can trace Yahweh back to the Canaanite pantheon and trace that (and pretty much all Near East and Western) mythology all the way back to Sumerian gods.
Yahweh (who was very intermixed with El) isn't even close to eternal, in name or personality.
Pharisees, Josephus, Roman pagans, and Christians all atest to Him being crucified. All from that time or shortly after. Then 2000 years later you decide he wasn't. (Or maybe 600 years later if you're a Muslim). Still, what is more lukley, the immediate story, or centuries later?
>Christ was crucified.
>Well you can trace Yahweh back to the Canaanite pantheon and trace that (and pretty much all Near East and Western) mythology all the way back to Sumerian gods.
No you can't.
Two books for those sceptical of the Truth of Christianity:
>Seeking Allah Finding Jesus
>Thirsting for God in a Land of Shallow Wells
The first is for atheists and Muslims, the second is for Protestants and Roman Catholics. If you believe youre rock solid in your beliefs, then by all means read them. If you're questioning of your faith, by all means read them. God bless your journey truly to Christ and His One Orthodox Church.
How does this prove Christianity is true?
False: Failed Prophecy of Tyre
True: Final Vision of Daniel
Objective analysis on historical events, pointing to the most likely scenario. Against Islam, Christianity wins based on the existence of Christ, His Crucifixion, and His Resurrection. Against Protestantism, it shows the short-sightedness of man-made traditions found in all Protestant sects.
>Objective analysis on historical events
>Christ wasn't even crucified most likely
>Pilate wasn't in Judea
>No reliable mention of any global darkness during the supposed crucifixion
>that one autistic archon riding around in the shopping cart
Stay in your board, you fool.
>not a single proof in this thread
So this is the power of Veeky Forums...
Man, all these /pol/acks need to go back to their containment board
>get proof
>say it is not proof
I can win this way too.
Uh, it's a religion. Subjective ideas cannot be proven 'true' or 'false.' Beliefs based on faith are not falsifiable.
Why Christianity obviously.