What is next easy x2

missed BNB
missed DNT
missed 0x,
missed yesterday AdEx
missed fuckin everything lately

got shit money to invest now: 300$
most of money are frozen in OMG, BNT but want to hold these fuckers as long as I can

shill me some good shit that will moon x2 at least in next two weeks
i want to multiple these 300$

is stox good to buy now before pump from mayweather fight?

It would be advantageous to buy DNT for so cheap, it's going to be listed on more exchanges in the next couple weeks

Well OMG sort of looks like it could double in next two weeks.

PIE... thank me later

i'm all in on Stox at the moment along with a few other smart people on this board. I think we will see a breakout ATH in the next week or so running up to the fight. i have made a killing day trading it too.

ICN. Some people whine because it's been stagnant for so long; however Binance is adding it within the next few days and everything that touches that exchange fucking rockets.Accumulate now before it hits Binance and it's an easy x2 (minimum.)

Is it going on Binance?

Slow and steady wins the race my friend.

Easier interface being created and it promises to be anonymous.

The roadmap looks pretty promising just hold off on it until 2k18.

Binance, Bittrex, and come other chink exchange

>missed BNB
nah, it will still rise quite a bit. And as long as the trade fee is 0 %, you must be pretty stupid to not jump on that wagon.

Well I have 30k - Meh iz riach soon?


Sì señor

Wait, how is Stox related to the CvF fight?

He fell for the bagholder meme

but BNB, DNT, 0x will be going up for quite a long time.....

Miss CVC too

He is fudding again

which exchange do you buy and sell?

Mayweather's been shilling Stox the last few weeks. Not consistently, but he's been putting it out there.

Most likely, he'll put up some update on twatter about "buy this coin!" and then create a small PnD from that, but I doubt it'll have that much of an effect if any.

Don;t worry OP, you didn't miss out on Digibyte!

McGregor is fucking him, stox will go into hell

0x and DNT are not done yet.

Sadly it got shilled recently, so you missed out on

You're smarter than most OP. Good job holding BNT amongst all the FUD.

>McGregor is fucking him
What did he mean by this?

You know exactly what I mean. Penis in Ass

TME, maybe, MAYBE.

My hope is that it's like three days old.

Buy Bitbean

Buy ETH because it is the ETH of ETH and not some cheap chink scam that is the "chinese ETH"....

Will moon seriously now that people will slowly realise swarm is coming and metropolis which will fix a lot of issues eth has had with the network.

BNT could be game changer but this will not be done overnight


>implying that we "missed" all of these coins that have been trading for 3 days, one of which still has an ICO in progress.

Veeky Forums's tolerance for waiting is nonexistent

>BNB mooning

>missed 0x,
Still time. You can buy on Ether Delta

I also hold longterm but want to multiple these funny 300$