Por que coño tenemos que aguantar la imposicion cultural americana ,por que mierda no nos unimos el mundo hispanohablante tenemos un mismo enemigo(estados unidos) comun ademas de compartir cultura y religion,y poseer la mayor parte de los recursos del naturales del planeta .
Por que coño tenemos que aguantar la imposicion cultural americana...
Simon Bolivar tried to unite South America
Esto no es /int/
Altos trips, pa
Quien /imperio/ aquí?
Simon bolivar he was an illiterate whore,That all he knew was to make war thanks to shit like that the Hispanic world went to hell.
Porque el mundo Hispanohablante necesita los Estados Unidos para razones economicos.
No lo necesita en ningun sentido actualmente el mundo hispano tiene todos los recursos naturales para no depender de otra nacion ,al contrario los estadounidenses se hacen ricos a costa de los sudamericanos con sus multinacionales.
The Big Satan has more (potential) enemies than just the Spanish-speaking world. Identity politics only keeps us disunited.
Protestants were allowed in, and now we have gender theory shit. They talk about the bible all day but bring their degeneracy to our yet underdeveloped homelands
what do you mean?
1. Por favor habla en ingles, que esto es Veeky Forums.
2. Even though spanish america has common roots there are stark differences between regions (central america, caribbean, andes).
3. Having the resources doesn't actually means having the capacity to use them, otherwise look at Africa. In another note, autarky is an outdated concept, at least if you ask me.
4. What about are you refering to when talking about this cultural imposition, considering that your OP is in spanish?
Have you heard of Francisco de Miranda? His was the idea of a single american country. Bolivar was inspired by him, but reality stood in his way.
I mean that if you want to ever stop sucking up to the EUA, you need a better, more inclusive ideology.
I kinda dig postcolonialism, it's equally relevant to LA, India, Middle East Russia or China.
1.¿¿Wuo se suponia que Veeky Forums era un lugar donde la gente podia expresarse con toda libertad .
2.And matters? All places have differences (stupid answers to stupid questions)
3.Do not compare Africa with the Hispanic world please stupid things in other places
4.Because all the governments lick your ass so you do not do what you do to Venezuela, in addition to moving our capital thanks to your multinational companies.
>why don't we get united?
How do you plan to do it?
It's important that criolle monkeys and mestizo losers get this right. Incas were superior to europeans. History demonstrates it.
Miranda was a traitor and a coward.
By embracing amerindian nationalism. Make mexico and central america a revived aztec empire, only the capital cities of the new triple alliance between Mexico City, San Jose and San Salvador. Bring back the Tawantinsuyu for all of South America minus Brazil. Move the capital to Bogota or Buenos Aires. The Caribbean can be a Taino and Carib Confederacy.
In El Salvador we have a colonia called los Mexicanos. It's a mara nest now though.
Simion Boliviar didn't have direct interaction with bolivians. That would've changed his mind.
Porque los Argentinos son una mierda.
Por que ese pensamiento racista?
trips of the truth
pelotudo habla bien
Please, no.
Latin America went to shit exactly when it stopped tried to integrate itself in the Western world and started playing up its indigenous and African heritage.
We should embrace the United States, not reject it. Just compare the performance of the countries that are pro-American (Colombia, Peru, Chile) with the performance of countries that are anti-American (Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina).
Por que no tenemos un carajo en común aparte del idioma. Mirá lo bien que le fueron """"países"""" multiculturales como Austria-Hungría.
Dios te bendiga.
Mal, re manija el guacho, corte que no tiene parla, le zarparon el chamuyo, le zarparon. Re paragua seguro el gato ese.
Porque no hablan en perfecto español estos negros?
No soy el user a quien has respondido
1. Sí, pero el idioma de Veeky Forums salvo en /int/ es inglés. Si quieres hablar español, ve a /int/ o a Hispa o a cualquier sitio donde se hable el idioma
2. It matters that these differences impede some sort of unified project for the foreseeable future
3. For cultural matters, that's a dumb comparison. But for resources it absolutely is fair. Look how much being a major energy exporter helped Venezuela when their hydroelectric power died out. Having an economy that efficiently coordinates the use of resources is easier said on an imageboard that put into practice. You're not the first pan-hispanist to come up with these ideas
4. Not sure what you mean here, but I don't think you want to do what you do in Venezuela regardless of who is licking your ass not to.
Los argentinos y la argentina son una mierda. Son todos sucios y cagones. No veo la hora de irme de este pais de mierda. Apenas me vaya voy a ponerme en campaña para que prohiban la inmigracion argentina asi ninguno de ustedes mierdas viene a arruinar el mundo civilizado. Y a los que ya estan voy hacer que lo deporten. Y despues el "mejor pais del mundo" va a colapsar de nuevo por milesima vez y se van a quedar encerrados ahi y se va a morir de hambre, o por ahi se van a comer entre ustedes como los perros que son, putos. Chile va a recuperar la Patagonia, Bolivia y Paraguay el Norte, Brasil a Uruguay y la mierda de Buenos Aires va a quedar reducida a un estanque de residuos peor del que ya es. Ni los bolivianos van a cagar sobre sus tumbas porque ni eso merecen, manga de soretes. Y entonces voy a verlos desde mi mansion en Maiami y me voy a cagar de risa viendo como se mueren de hambre mientras prendo un habano con la constitucion argentina, me tomo un champaing de 100000$ y una modelo noruega siliconada me ordeña la pija con los labios. Voy a estar pensando en sus madres mientras me la chupa, o mejor no porque son tan chotos que pensar en ustedes seria rebajarme a su nivel. Valen menos que las moscas, dios y los angeles van a llorar de felicidad cuando vean que la aberracion que son los argentinos fue borrada de la tierra, y en verdad van a sentir un poco de verguenza por haber creado tal mierda. Cuando vayan al infierno ni el diablo los va a querer porque son todavia peor que el, son la mierda de la mierda. Hitler un poroto al lado de los argentinos. Los judios son Gandhi comparados con ustedes. Nadie, me oyen? NADIE los va a extrañar. En menos de 1 segundo el mundo se va a olvidar de que los argentinos alguna vez existieron. Son tan insignificantes que no valen nada, mierdas. Que bueno que soy blanco y europeo, no como ustedes, negros muertos de hambre, lacras piojosas.
>not casteshano
Bolita verdulero detected.
The problem is that Latin America did not have an enlightened age that would awaken the minds of citizens like 8United States, Great Britain, Germany, France) which has left many havoc, united states were formed landowners who went to universities studying law And sometimes exercising judges in South America, the "founding fathers" were only landowners who only wanted to earn more capital at the expense of the Spanish crown had no idea how to govern a nation and this is clear that after independence They could not maintain the unity of large republics.
>Se queja de los yanquis pero los llama "americanos"
Top cuck
Sabes a lo que me referia
This is not really true, many of the founding fathers of Latin America were educated, such as Francisco de Miranda, Andrés Bello and José Bonifácio.
Three people, that does not change that united states had an enlightened elite and a well-educated middle class (and in the colonies of the north the inequality was very little between classes) thing that the Spanish colonies totally lacked the patriotic sentiment that was generated of the Nothing, at that time Spain was in the shit, and its pretext freedom? That freedom if those same "foinding fhaters" were at the top of society (a very unequal society).
There were more than 3 people Jamal. The founding fathers of Argentina and Brazil were also educated. Some of the countries were on a good track at the beginning, until different things happened in the XX century.
Pls take a book and stop projecting Mexico to the entire continent
Los nargentinos
>tfw Brazilian
>tfw the rest of Latin America never comes to us
>tfw we have to content with playing with Portugal's old colonies instead
Soy mexicano y acaso has leido tu algun libro sobre historia ? Y enserio me dices que los padres fundadores de argentina y brazil eran "educados" de todos modos no me refiero a eso como ya dije hasta la clase media yankee estaba bien eduacada el problema es que no habia uan suficiente clase alta y intelectual apoyada de un clase media con una educacion y sin desigualdades que tanto carecia america .Y si fuera lo contrario por que Brazil y Argentina no son paises desarrollados?
Todos los problemas de los paises hispanohablantes se resumen en la iglesia catolica y el conservadurismo que una sociedad controlada por la iglesia provoca
Esto y mil veces esto. El catolicismo destruye cualquier semblanza de individualismo.
>intelectuais mexicanos
English please, meu amigo.