>"don't hurt others"
>because would you want someone to hurt you?
Why do people act like this makes sense?
"don't hurt others"
Other urls found in this thread:
>"don't hurt others"
>because we don't hurt others in this society
>"don't hurt others"
>because society will eventually punish you if you do
Do these make more sense?
It does when you're not a degenerate sociopath or capitalist.
Same thing I guess.
Ok, then why aren't you stealing everything you want and doing whatever you feel like right now? Why are you paying for food? Why are you paying for the internet?
You know it's true, stop LARPing as a warmongering weeb...
it makes sense if you have a functioning self-preservation instinct, because a hulking majority of people around you have signed the social contract and will bunch up to fuck you up if you do them wrong
So it's okay if you get away with it?
our definitions of "okay" may differ
Being a conscious detriment to society, which only exists because people in your line of thought were most likely violently culled from the genepool isn't okay for me.
It might be okay for you though.
You think you can get away with it, but you don't really know that.
"okay" is what you gamble your chances on.
When you hurt others, others will try to hurt you. No one wins in this situation, especially when both hurt each other as result.
No one likes to be hurt, thus hurting others makes no sense as it would hurt you in return.
>but im a masochist
>"be moral"
>"because it's right"
>"because we'll beat you up"
its called empathy. You wouldn't understand being autistic and all.
You can ruin other's people life. Others people can ruin your life.
It is in our mutual interest to not. We call that the social contract. Break it and you will meet angry people with sticks.
>isn't okay for me.
>When you hurt others, others will try to hurt you
It depends if benefits outweigh risk.
>No one likes to be hurt, thus hurting others makes no sense as it would hurt you in return.
That doesn't follow. How will it hurt me in return?
>everybody kills each other
>get stuck in the stone age forever
>haha no god no rules!!! I'm the true ubermensch!!!!!!
If you hurt people, they will come and get you. If you keep acting like an amoral little shit they might just come and get you anyway.
>how will it hurt me
Go try punching people randomly on the street.
I will guarantee you that people will defend against it and attack you. Unless they're disabled, old, babies. In which case, if there are people nearby, be prepared to be attacked.
If you continue this route, be prepared to be tacked by the police and punched in the face. Then sent to jail where you'd have to be a bitch boy.
>Ask others why it is not okay for them if he hurt others
Even you can see why.
>How will it hurt me in return?
You seriously excpect to punch people and to get nothing in return?
Have you ever been hurt by someone else in any way, OP? Physically or otherwise? It fucking sucks, right? So, knowing how bad it is, why would you want to inflict that pain on other people? Do you doubt that they are truly human, and if you try to hurt them they won't actually feel the same pain as you would?
>If you hurt people, they will come and get you
This depends on the situation.
>Go try punching people randomly on the street.
Nice strawman. What if I steal from an old lady without anybody seeing? What if I infect people's computers with ransom ware? What if I shoot someone without being seen?
I thought there was supposed to be more to this morality thing than just "do it or else...."
>why would you want to inflict that pain on other people?
To get what you want?
There are laws designed to protect people.
You can get away some of the time, but not always. When you do get hit up, this will bite back.
Well I know you're trying to be the edge here, but its kinda getting stale.
>What if I steal from an old lady without anybody seeing? What if I infect people's computers with ransom ware? What if I shoot someone without being seen?
Well then those people are going to have a terrible day. I can imagine how terrible it would be if this happened to me, because I'm a human being and have empathy, and as such I won't do it, not because I fear the consequences, but because I don't want to inflict pain on other humans who did absolutely nothing to deserve such a treatment.
>because I don't want to inflict pain on other humans who did absolutely nothing to deserve such a treatment.
>I thought there was supposed to be more to this morality thing than just "do it or else...."
You live in a society. It is in your best interest that this society stay civil and don't chimp all the time.
You do enjoy your nice, safe and pleasant suburb with white picket fences, right? Start to kill people and the quality of life will downgrade for everyone, including you.
>What if I steal from an old lady without anybody seeing? What if I infect people's computers with ransom ware? What if I shoot someone without being seen?
there is a chance you will still get caught after doing any of this
the entire field of forensics was developed so that people who think like this will think twice
>I thought there was supposed to be more to this morality thing than just "do it or else...."
entire social contract is about people stopping being shit eating apes who will stone each other to death over breadcrumbs, because they figured out that if they behave and work together they can roll in fucking bread and they will also have numbers to deter any shithead who doesnt' subscribe to the idea and just wants some crumbs
Only if you're caught.
Rich cyber criminals have better lives than anybody itt.
Because if pain is given without consequence, many people will start doing so. Do you seriously think you are unique, or not like the others? We are all the same brand of assholes and you are just one of the dickheads in a field of dickheads.
Just in case you ask, you don't want many people to inflict pain in society because eventually it will happen to you.
Because I don't like to feel those things, therefore I believe no other person would either. It's circular, OP, and there's nothing wrong with that.
My decision to inflict pain is unlikely to impact my future chance of receiving pain.
No, not only if you are caught. Read again.
The rich cybercriminal you think of have created a wave of ransomware and probably got one of their computer infected at some point.
I sometimes wonder if these "nihilistic" edge lords are actually retarded and think they can get away with some of the most brazen acts.
we hear these stories all the time in news stories about robbers/murderers/rapists getting caught. Do they not understand there are billion dollars industries designed around catching these people and punishing them? Is it just that they suspend their rationality and do not acknowledge the consequences.
Your success in inflicting pain without being caught will inspire others in doing so. The chances that you will receive pain grow.
>Your success in inflicting pain without being caught will inspire others in doing so. The chances that you will receive pain grow.
Incredibly negligible given the size of our society.
some people are naturally fucking stupid
some people are actually mentally ill
some just don't have anything to lose and if anything, jail is an actual living standard upgrade for them
t. brainlet
If society is big, it mean there is many people like you trying from time to time to inflict pain without being caught. Just look at Chicago: millions of people inflicting pain to others because they think they can (and most of the time can)
No matter how big or small a rock is, it fall at the same speed because it take more energy to make it accelerate but it give more energy due to his weight.
None of which was caused by a single individuals actions.
Criminology book says there's a 10 IQ point discrepancy between non-criminals and criminals. So by large, criminals are dumber on across the board compared to general society. That's with race/class accounted for.
every time.
doesn't include the ones who get away with t
With modern security cameras, its kinda getting hard to get away.
Different user here. Unless you happen to be living in the UK or China, there are less security cameras than you think. A good portion have shit quality video too.
>what is white collar crime
A different user as well. Who cares.
The society as a whole is smarter than you, the government is smarter than you, they have more resources and more information than you, too.
All things considered, hurting people just isn't a viable life strategy.
I completely agree, I just had the urge to jump in and talk about CCTV cameras.
>anons try to explain empathy to either a sociopathic autist or skillrd shitposter
>hurting people just isn't a viable life strategy.
It is for the state.
It makes sense if you are not a sociopath.
OP, you've got some explaining to do.
Luckily for the state, it isn't an individual.
Serving one's community is a major part of most human's lives.
Because I'm not a piece of shit, You're not cute or funny, you're just an edge lord. There's actually some ok arguments to be made for egoism and you don't have any.
No it isn't.
>Because I'm not a piece of shit
Not really a convincing argument dude.
Why would I need to address non-arguments with legitimate points? People have explained why you shouldn't be a dick. One day you'll be a dick to the wrong person and he'll just beat the shit out of you.
You shouldn't be nice. One day you'll be nice to the wrong person and he'll just the beat the shit out of you.
OP, would you want someone to hurt you? Answer the question.
Except they probably won't?
Except they probably won't.
Consequences can't dissuade bad people because what makes people bad is that they don't think about consequences.
Because you are a little autistic child who's never experienced ego death, apparently.
We are all one, the mind just divides us temporarily, but we're all faces of the same dice, to say it poetically
8 year old tier
It saddens me how the intellectual depth of this baord doesn't go beyond middle school tier
OP is clearly pretending to be amoral as opposed to immoral.
>Hurr killing people isn't bad prove to me that killing is wrong
What if they're people who might hurt you in the future?
Then you're gambling by not hurting them
ITT: OP struggles from concept the ancients from Greece to China have long understood.
Might makes right, and I have a gun, fagget
That is a perfectly reasonable argument.
Unless you can plunge your hand into boiling water and endure the pain, you have already decided that your pain is "bad" and there is no reason why this moral judgment should only apply to you unless you can prove you are a special snowflake.
However, I wouldn't say inflicting pain on others or yourself is bad in every case. What is wrong are your reasons for doing so.
If you torture animals in your basement or abuse someone vulnerable, that is what you turn into when there are no consequences to your actions, it is a form of degeneracy. You never question the psychology behind your actions, why it gives you an adrenaline rush, a sense of revenge/catharsis or whatever. You have never pondered why you are a sapient being, existence or such things, you are like a toddler throwing a tantrum or an animal, you have decided to spend your only life as a creature despite being capable of more. If you did (and understood) you would see the pointlessness of it.
On the other hand if you are motivated by things besides animalistic self-gratification it is a passion. If a serene temple has been reduced to a noisy hive of money grubbling and you are enraged by this and spill their hard earned coins everywhere and cause a few cuts and scrapes in the process of casting them out, you are not in the wrong.
Okay pot head.
umm its a human emotion called empathy sweety. did your autism awareness classes not talk about this?
Because no matter what it's not a good strategy in the long term. Working with others will always be more effective and conducive to achieve it what you want then conflict.
>and there is no reason why this moral judgment should only apply to you
Why does it make it bad when you torture animals? I can understand why it would be bad when I am tortured. As I don't like that myself. But why animals? Animals dont have souls according to Jesus. So its perfectly acceptable. No one is hurt when you hurt an animal.
You could say its a descecration of sacred objects given by Jesus/God but that is not in any way bad to someone who doesn't believe in God's good will. Would that not mean there is literally nothing wrong with torturing animals?
>I like meat so animals don't get moral consideration but torturing them is still bad for some reason m'kay?
Well the basis of any argument like this lies in the morality you subscribe too. If you place no inherent value on any but yourself then you have no reason not harm someone as long as it wont result in more harm to yourself.
The truth is that you must base your logic and morality on a something that cant be proven to be logical or moral.
>Animals dont have souls according to Jesus
can you get fucked please?
not onlyisarguing with you fucking tiring it's also fucking stupid and it lowers general IQ
It doesn't. But we better fucking pretend it does. You don't want that.
If animals have souls then why are we eating one another?
It would look contradictory to an outside observer.
It is more the effect it has on you, not the animal. Or maybe more accurately the reasons why you are doing it.
Humane slaughter is not torture.
to gather spirit energy and collect dragon balls
i love you
Because you'll get away with it until you don't, and then we'll fuck you up
empathy isn't logical. obeying your feelings of empathy however is.
You can't deny it, the real reason we don't is because we all decided it's best to not get fucked over, and so we all decided not to fuck over each other, and when someone goes about fucking over other people, we fuck them up
though perhaps a logical explanation for it and an evolutionary reason for why we do it I don't think at any point such a social contract was created for those reasons, consciously at least
>you have already decided that your pain is "bad" and there is no reason why this moral judgment should only apply to you unless you can prove you are a special snowflake.
deciding that you don't like pain isn't the same as making the moral judgement that this pain is morally bad
To be a good person first and foremost
Otherwise negative actions in cut negative karma. Every shitty thing that has happened to you in this life is directly a result of you doing something shitty to another in your past life. Likewise, all good things come from your past good deeds.
>unironically believing in karma
>What if I shoot someone without being seen?
What if someone shoots you without being seen?
Wouldn't you have preferred to have agreed to not shoot people?
Because the people who tell you not to hurt others know what it feels like to get hurt and have something called EMPATHY.
It is natural not to want pain or to inflict it, once you feel it. What are you? A sociopath?
Still not an argument.
ITT: Ressentiment
Anti-social degenerates are a danger to society and should be purged.
>its called empathy.
And what the fuck does that have to do with anything?
Seriously, 21st century language has turned a good term into some fuzzy hippie feeling.
Empathy is neutral and amoral as fuck, since its just "imagine you are that guy".
Scammers and rapists use empathy to find ways to fuck their victims.
>its just "imagine you are that guy".
>9yo tier arguments in trying to save the idiot's guide to game theory;
>So, knowing how bad it is, why would you want to inflict that pain on other people?
Do babby tier philosphers actually need to be explained by, in abstract, people like hurting each other?
It's some primal dominance and adrenaline shit everyone from bullies to internet justice mobs have.
delete this
>Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within the other person's frame of reference, i.e., the capacity to place oneself in another's position
Yeah, at the base of it, empathy is just "imagine you are that guy"
And it has jack shit to do with morality.
I can imagine im that hobo, and my reaction can range from "poor guy, i should give him some change and buy him a coffee" to "fuck that parasite. Serves him right for being a lazy good-for-nothing that doesn't want to work and just does drugs"
I can imagine im a syrian refugee, and be anything from "#refugeeswelcome", to "scum-sucking, islamic subhuman that has come to leech welfare and implement Sharia in my backyard. Hope his shitty boat drowns in the sea".
I can imagine i'm a pensioner, and either help them out with groceries, or how to make said pensioner expose his account so i can steal his life savings.
In fact, certain studies have shown it can make you MORE racist and want to hurt that guy