Seems like ARK is fueling up the rocket. The volume is high, and the price is rising.
It looks like the price will skyrocket any moment now.
Ark just integrated 2 new programming languages to their platform, PHP a few days ago, and Ruby yesterday.
The amount of new stuff and updates coming from the devs are insane.. They just keep working it seems, no bullshit.

>ARK WILL be a top 10 coin by years end.

We don't know how high the price will go, but can only speculate.
It's a solid investment, and all you got to do now is find your entry point.
It's an easy 10x in a year, but could potentially be 20x as well..

Those who's waiting for the price to go back down to 20k says, I'm sorry.. It just won't happen. You might get lucky and get in at 30k, but it's risky to wait as the price could go way up again.
The community has grown a LOT, and a lot of the holders are here to forge (stake) their coins for the future. Coins are being hoarded and accumulated to earn an even bigger passive income.
ARK hit the exchanges in march, so it's still early to get in, and the current price is still a cheap buy in.

There are many promising projects and coins out there, but if you are looking for a "safe" investment, you better check this coin...

Elon Musk is in this coin according to some other autist user

These deluded ARKies will literally fall for anything

You can call me whatever you want. I don't really care, nor does most ARK holders. I'm guessing you haven't even studied the project, or seen their wallet or the website.
You will eat your own words in 6 months time.

just stop
there are loads of p&d coins, ark isn't one of them, it's meant for value investing based on fundamental that are yet to be delivered

what we witnessed the other day was NOE/OMG locust relocating money into a low volume coin so after they leave it for another target things will return to mid-20ksats

shitcoin will tank faster than you can say aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrk

the wallet is probably the best in crypto right now

holding 22k right now.. bought in months ago. Feels pretty good mang

ARK is -guaranteed- to take off again when:

>It gets added to Poloniex
>Smartbridge hits the shelf

I think it's a $10-$20 coin easily

How many ark are you getting from Dpos staking daily?

about 6-8 daily

Holy shit, that's a lot! Wouldn't be surprised if you could live off of that someday!

Well I don't know if I'd hold it THAT long, probably cut it down to half and hold BTC/ETH too

I have that 22k and 2500 in SHIFT as well. When the last ARK pump happened my $23,000 turned into $67,000... I was a fool not to sell and buy back in, but I couldn't pull the trigger. I have been burned too many times doing that before.

I didn't sell either.. Couldn't actually, was at work. I'm holding until at least $50 per coin

whales obviously want to hold it at 39 this morning

I'm starting to think that we're never going to see cheap sub 30k Ark again...

I don't think so either. Better buy now, before it reaches $2

about to be overbought, wait a few minutes for a dip. been flipping ARK all morning

ARK is going to moon either way. At least $100 by the end of the year.
I have 1k and am probably going to throw another $2000 at it soon.

this going up from there?

I will buy some right now.

Ark gonna moon again today, last stop before the departure!

there's the dip fellas

0/2 confirmations o.o

I'm bullish as fuck about Ark, I've been buying in since April, but $100 by the end of the year is a rediculous target. In 2-5 years maybe.

$5-10 by the end of the year is more realistic.

5-10$ is more than enough though

When eth shittokens like omisego are approaching 1bil over the course of a week anything is possible

Im fucking all in on OMG and ARK these coins have massive potential. Already up 50% on OMG and I'm hoping to see ARK rise above $2 by the end of the week.

Yup, that'd make for some comfy staking rewards whilst it's growth being healthy and giving enough time to buy in whilst Ark is still undervalued. Once Smart bridging is added I think Ark will be a serious top 10 contender.

$0.4 raise, yay.

Well, I am going balls deep into ARK right now, can some retard sell his ARKs so I can buy them cheaper please?

Still comfy guaranteed safe gains. Go ahead and chase the PND if you dont like ARK.

this current dip is about to correct back up.

Well, that's the reason why I am buying now, but I want it to go down to 0.00035

>ark going down across the board
explain in detail why you believe your dying shitcoin is going to increase again

Please crash, I missed the moon.

>price stabilizing to a new floor after a crazy bull run a couple of days ago
>major releases imminent over the next month and a half
>lol its dying guys

people were just panicking with the btc bull run, now that dust settles it will clim again

here we are

Doshit coin. Only awards the absolute biggest holders, everyone else can fuck off. It serves no purpose. No matter how often this fucker crashes a child comes on here pretending to be an expert in crypto giving assurances that it wont crash again. Next day, another crash. Get out of this shit before its 25 sats.

>Only awards the absolute biggest holders
The biz_classic delegate is designed so that small wallets get more benefits than whales

Thank you passive income machine commies. You are my greatest allies.

would it be worth staking if i only have 50 ark?


Can someone tell me how to buy this coin? I am located in Denmark, and I have downloaded the wallet. I cannot seem to find a place to buy...

says 100% payouts for small bag holders

NIGGA, if this shit hits 25 Sats ill buy 5btc worth and watch it turn to a milli. Your fudding in a thread on a coin you know nothing about, people that are holding ark have been in since the beginning because it has actual use-cases.


Ok kid dont listen to me I'm only the guy getting weekly payouts for a month now. No way I know what i'm talking about.

Why did the ARK price jump on the 13th? This is the first time it's been worth more than a $1 a coin, yes? Is it just riding the BTC coattails?

>not the original person i asked
>only says "no" providing no context and seems conflicting to the biz_classic delegate website

yeah bud you sure seem credible

Did you know that on Veeky Forums you can click a persons post id and it will highlight that user's posts in the thread?

I would definitely recommend having more ARK, but you'll be getting more than 0. Set it to monthly payouts so you only end up losing .1 ARK/mo on fees. This is only really if you're planning on holding your ARK. If you're day trading it I guess it's not worth it, but if you're holding it's better than just leaving it in your bittrex wallet



I bought at 48.7k and am holding 2300 on bittrex. I hope you're right user.

NIGGA you stupid. You literally just FOMO'd.

Don't buy in for anymore than 33k sats or less.

t. 10k ark holder here since 20k sats

You're all good in the long run, but next time wait for the dip, never buy at the top.

Any paper/hardware wallet compatibility for ark? I never feel comfortable keeping crypto on a digital wallet

Ledger in September

>NIGGA you stupid


Looks like it's just jumping around with the price of BTC. If anything I'm seeing a dump soon.

>Seems like ARK is fueling up the rocket.

translates as: "a number of gullible pajeets is wasting some real money" website is your usual yadda-yadda mountain of useless buzzwords.

The Ark White Paper is literally white paper with moar and moar useless stinkin' interplanetary buzzwords.

And the organization behind it is four (literally four) bizarre-faced guys expecting you to throw your money into it.

Maybe one of them is the actual ShillOP of this ShillThread.

mooning faggots