Why is western society so sexualized?
Why is western society so sexualized?
To make it stand more, in contrast, relative to societies which restrict sexuality.
>Contrast of opposites
I could point out an ethnic group that was and is disproportionately involved in the production and promotion of pornography but then you would get mad.
the Jews
sex sells
It's really not though, it is actually deeply repressive and sheltered from centuries of Puritan influence.
t. never visited europe
That's USA and England tho.
Not Europe clearly
Humans are highly sexual beings. Unlike most mammals, we don't have special mating periods... rather, we are sexual 365 days a year. Humans have always been highly sexual. Primitive societies are highly sexual. The ancient world was highly sexual. The Dark Ages were highly sexual. The Renaissance was highly sexual. The Enlightenment was highly sexual... etc.
Sexuality has been more and less shaped, controlled, and suppressed by various cultures. The modern Western world suppresses sexuality fairly little.
Sex sells
>those 3 whiteys just watching while a refugee pins down the woman
What did they mean by this?
Western society is insanely Hedonistic.
white people?
we have a lot of sexual taboos and fears which are easily exploitable
As if Europa is all one country
Italy is much less sexualized than most of the US
Sex is fun and useful. It's the same reason cultures all over the world love food and drink.
Western nations used to have censorship boards but they got dismantled. After that social norms gradually shifted to where we are today. The overwhelming majority of commercials will probably just be high definition clips of BLACKED by the time you're nearing retirement.
In the contemporary western world sex has become a status symbol, in primordial cultures (hunter and gatherers) sex was free for anyone and people were having sex without regulation, just look at Pygmies, Amazonians or primitive islanders.from Oceania, it'd be a tremendous error to confuse tabooless sex with the hypersexualization of today AKA sex being the only important thing and a status symbol such as money
Shut it down
If anything society everywhere is extremely repressive, sexually speaking. We evolved to cum 21 times a month, failing that, we have failed at manhood and apoptosis triggers an early death. Those who claim that society is sick are themselves the bearers of disease. Kill them all.
>We evolved to cum 21 times a month
Just because we can doesn't mean that we should
it´s also the way our species reproduce, that makes it a bit important
Hence why it's useful.
more like THEY
This guy gets it
>not pepetrismegistus
She might be a suicide bomber. They have to check for explosives.
No, we don't get mad at you guys posting retarded shit about Jews, we just hate the way you go about doing it.
I speak for all of Veeky Forums (not /pol/, not /leftypol/) when I say that we would be more than happy to analyze your argument and/or evidence brought to the table and tell you why it is a farce.
the eternal Frank?
what am I even looking at here?
why 21 when there are 30 days in a month?
Why not?
Typical German autism
*Ahem*...Jews ARE rather disproportionately involved in porn, even by the usual Jewish standards of disproportionality.
See, this is why we hate you niggers
>make a claim
>provide nothing to back it up, not even those autistically made "redpill" infographs
Fuck off back to /pol/. I gave you a chance.
I'm not even /pol/, I'm not even invested in autistically "redpilling" people about "the jews" either, but there are quite a lot of jews involved in porn I'll just leave it at that.
Provide proof then
>I'll just leave it at that.
No you won't. Or you will, I don't care, but if you do then nobody is going to listen to you because as user said you need to source your shit nigger
Veeky Forums is pol faggot.
Unironically Jews.
Sex sells. It has been a thing for literally millennia.
yeah and so is /b/, /v/, /mlp/ what the fuck is even your point?
It's like there out for revenge for some reason.... Slow subtle revenge.
The Moon takes 27.3 days to orbit the earth, which we round up for math purposes since that lets us easily divide by seven, 28/7 is 4, which means that we use every fourth day for remission. 21 is just an average, I'm pretty sure the standard deviation is seven days as well, meaning the individual propensity is equally likely to be +- 7 days from that average.