Other urls found in this thread:
We can't embed the video if it's in the subject line ya dingus.
> battlefags are triggered by this
Here's the embeddable version
it was on purpose, I'd rather not have phoneposters in my thread
That's the most random form of discrimination I've ever heard of.
That's because this guy is probably from /pol/
With how little traffic this board gets there is 0 need to worry about phone posters.
/pol/ posters on the other hand...
Why does it matter if someone is on here with their phone or a computer? That sounds like a really roundabout way of discriminating against poor people.
It's not. Phone posters are more likely to be under aged "normies" according to /pol/ and /r9k/
Computers are usually cheaper than smartphones
Phoneposters are just here to kill time. They don't care about contributing content or quality posting.
phoneposters are normie redditors
bumping thread for interest
holy kek
Pol posters are probably the most informed people on Veeky Forums. The worst are the liberals.
the most informed people on Veeky Forums are those that were here before 2014. The least informed are the newfags, most of which come from /pol/ unfortunately.
most of which come from r/the_donald* I should say
Half the shitpost threads are image.jpg OPs
>computer posters caring
Yeah I forgot that trolling didn't exist till phone posters came along. Certainly threads were never derailed before then. Oh yes the paradise we lost when phone posters came along.
All I see is a faggot Cuck
They aren't they problem, it's the Leftist from Reddit
>Most informed
I'd rather a moderate liberal then the average /pol/ poster who believes the crap they post. There won't be constant talk about (((them))) and the black mans blessed dick coming to penetrate your wife.
>says the redditor newfag from r/the_donald
r/the_donald and r/kotakuinaction are still reddit faggot
>They aren't the problem
>They agree with me
They are the problem.
Those kinds of liberals don't exist.
Oh you must come from r/the_donald because you are genuinely retarded or you're just doing this for the (you)'s. Keep digging yourself deeper into your ideology and keep demonizing your enemies, it looks great. While you're at it make sure to tell Sargon his vids are amazing. Totally red pilled praise kek.
Ah yes, the two subs that trigger the Reddit libs that can't stand that there are people that don't conform to the hive mind. I'm sure you have no problem with politics, news or the dozen anti Trump subs that spam all the time. It's the ones that dare to go against the hive mind you have a problem with.
Yep you're triggered.
Sorry, 4 Chan isn't your safe space.
dude you're retarded, I'm /pol/ and I fucking hate you. There are half of /pol/ right now trying to find ways of filtering your retarded ass. No one wants you on this site. Please go back to where you came from.
>missing the point this much
not him but I hate immigrants in my country, I want all non-natives deported. I can't believe I need to spell this out for you - we want you out because you're a fucking retard, not because of your politics. Get it through your thick head already.
I've been on Veeky Forums since 2005.
>Mad because he's seen as a bigger nuisance than his enemy
>Doesn't fix his behavior to alleviate the problem
sorry bruh your just not integrating with our boards culture, you're gonna have to go back to /pol/. Veeky Forums for the Veeky Forums /pol/ for the retarded
Veeky Forums is pol
Wrong and retarded. Each board has its own culture so you should go back to the ones you fit into the most, for example /b/, /lgbt/, and /pol/.
Also a lot of people on Veeky Forums hate /pol/
The /pol/ culture is all encompassing.
Ah so now you're just trolling since you've been called out. Go ahead and troll but know you were genuinely retarded in this thread and everybody on this site genuinely hates you. Go ahead and lie to your self and say you were trolling the entire time.
I think you and your leddit liberals need to head back. At this point you add nothing of value. You looking distress is plain annoying.
Fuck off, retard. Phoneposters are cancer that's killing Veeky Forums. Phones are not suited for long and well though-out replies and, as a result, phone users don't post anything meaningful.
Not to mention, people who use their phones instead of a computer for browsing the Internet are normalfags and don't belong here.
>tfw never go on reddit
>tfw only sub reddit you know about is r/the_donald
>tfw you only know about it because of cancerous people like you
Feel bad
well, this thread proves that excluding phoneposters doesn't guarantee you some level of discourse either
I don't go to Reddit. Why are your so triggered?
I'm not you're just actually stupid. You're just annoying that's all there is to it. All this lib cuck shit makes to very obvious where you're from and you're earlier defense of those sub reddits makes it obvious you do in fact go to reddit.
yes it does, this influx of people to /pol/ coincided with the phoneposter trend. There's an infographic for this but I don't have it saved. /pol/ itself isn't bad it's just what it's become over the last 2-3 years, especially after Trump. And the r/the_donald fag itt definitely isn't an oldfag.
That's because all the "omg alt-right, pepe = nazis" bullshit BuzzFeed and shit were pushing.
Didn't defend. Just pointed out that like most liberals you send oddly triggered by a single sub on there vs the massive cancers that is that site.
>oddly triggered
You keep using that word. There is not a massive amount of liberal cancer on this site. You defiantly haven't been here as long as you say you have. I'm I don't like /pol/ and r/the_donald for different reasons. I don't like /pol/ because while their threads are fun to read their shit will seep into other boards and if told to go away or stop they just continue. I don't like r/the _donald posters because they are actually retarded and defend their points like 8th graders while calling liberals cancer when they can't see that they are acting the same way.
>can't make an argument without ressorting to buzzwords
Fuck off brainlet
good thing you found a way to feel superior to them both
can you two mongoloids take your argument somewhere else
i don't think there's a singel on topic post in this thread
It's easy when you're not a fucking idiot
duning-kruger etc. etc.
yet, when you spot a pig, you take the first chance to hurl yourself to mud and shit to wrestle with him, while loudly proclaiming your superiority. Thread is already 50 posts in and there's no sign of you stopping
Hmm good point.
lol shut up faggot
Fuck's your problem? I just want to take a shit and browse Veeky Forums briefly
Meant for
I am a phoneposter!
>Try to start a John Green thread
>It turns into a discussion about phoneposting
>Which then turns into a fight about /pol/ and reddit
It's not like if it had been kept on topic it would be much better.
>general Hooker
Why is he so fucking arrogant?
/pol/ and /r9k/ are by and large themselves underaged.
Well those are the kind of faggots your John Green would attract. You knew this before posting.
I'm willing to bet that only /k/ has an older age than /pol/
He's a liberal
wow what a cunt. I don't even like military history but this is just being rude and smug
What's wrong with phone posting? I'm not always at my computer, so my phone's a good medium to browse Veeky Forums when I'm away. Am I inherently a worse person or something?
People on Veeky Forums are some of the biggest virgin-faggots I've ever had the misfortune of interacting with. They're childish and have 2-second attention spans they'd rather use to fight each other with rather than address an actual topic. Petty and typical.
Okay, this post on, let's get back back to OP.
Referring to the video:
>Military history is not 'cause and effect'
>Snarly, passive-aggressive attitude towards people who like military history
>Extremely pretentious and elitist tone, you can tell he looks down on the subject
>While video just listing battles, nothing on the tactical, strategic, logistical, economic, or political ramifications of any of the events, no war narrative
>Random rid-bit in the middle referencing the 54th Massachusetts Regiment, because he had to mention something progressive, I guess?
>Mentioning them without further information only further disserves them, since they're really only a point so he can highlight his social justice agenda, not other facts pop up like this throughout the whole video
>Sand Creek Massacre a "battle," a horrible and unjustified act against Native Americans, but is far from a major battle of or even related at all to the Civil War, mentioned for some reason anyway
>Actually dissing the fans who enthusiastically pushed him to make the video
>AP high school kids in the comments trying to defend him
Why did he make this video? What kind of person do you have to be to go out of your way and use up a week's video just to preach to people how stupid you think their interests are?
Furthermore, I don't believe that John's an idiot. He seems pretty smart. So how on Earth does he dismiss military history and somehow use some form of mental gymnastics to assert that it has no ramifications on history?
That's not true at all
Regardless of one's own personal ideology it seems really difficult to deny that his videos are at least somewhat influenced by his own liberal views. I can't think of a single video of his that isn't misleading in some way. His infamous video about Alexander was about 20% actual history and 80% bitching about how there are so few women throughout history to hold the title of "Great". It's so fucked that history teachers show his videos in class or even recommend them.
What's this guy's big problem? How did they, in any point in production of this episode, not think that maybe this approach would tick some of their viewers off?
Probably the fact that 90% of their viewer base are highschool students and the other 10% are triggered Veeky Forumstorians.
When you take the dose of ideology it seeps through. He probably looks down on it because of lack of obscurity and how people with even a small interest in history gravitate toward world changing events. He dislikes war, who doesn't, so in turn thinks it's not important. Many have changed the world because of their ramifications.
His arrogance really shows with the video description.
>We leave behind the world of thoughtful analysis and just list some facts. Don't worry though. We've already got our brains turned back on for next week
Sent from my iPhone
Veeky Forums, I give you,, a masterpiece:
way to prove his point