>a hard life is uncomfortable
>a comfortable life makes you soft
Where's the middle ground?
>a hard life is uncomfortable
>a comfortable life makes you soft
Where's the middle ground?
Accepting life is hard and making the most comfort out of the uncomfortable.
What if you're rich enough that life could be easy if you chose.
The middle way, clearly.
Accept the hardness of life, only in the places you know you can't change them.
Don't accept them if you can.
Finding comfort in the hardness
Then find balance and use that wealth to try to help better society. Make artists grants, build museums, libraries, parks, invest in research. Dedicate yourself to humanity.
If you can be cofmy and soft then be comfy & soft. Who gives a shit. Comfiness is the priority always, do you think that fat tiger wants to hunt gazelles in the wild or does he want to spend the rest of his life lazing around sunbathing and eating free food?
At the end you die anyways, so at least you lived a comfortable life. What do you gain from a hard honest life? Absolutely nothing.
In Finland.
that tiger is depressed cuz he has no reason to live
>a comfortable life makes you soft
This really doesn't matter if you're living in a modern industrial society. Strength and endurance are basically useless today aside from pure vanity.
live a comfortable life but do uncomfortable thing, training etc.
Animals never have a "reason" to live. It's all instinct. Stay alive, pass on genes to the next generation. It'd be true to humans, too, but we like to think too much.
live a comfortable life but challenge yourself (do the uncomfortable) so you can always pussy out and go back to comfort if you wish but you usually won't because a bit of stress/challenge feels nice.
>Where's the middle ground?
post more overweight tigers
You should always try to push yourself as hard as possible. There's always problems, even if the problems change.
I think the main difference between now and "then" is that you won't just die if you don't work hard, which means you can afford to be lazy. And this is very problematic because there's still lots to be done.
Embrace suffering.
Live a comfortable life and just work out.
>ywn rely on your own strength, character, and will, striving to provide for you and your loved ones with your efforts alone
i don't want to swallow this red pill
>Where's the middle ground?
The US of A baby.
Get in a lot of fights?
challenge yourself and do uncomfortable things so when you comeback to the comfortable life you appreciate it more
A comfy life but where you are completely responsible for your station in life, i.e. libertarianism.