Post your best Historical comics Veeky Forums
Post your best Historical comics Veeky Forums
Murena: the life of Nero seen through the eye of a fictionnal character (a patrician named Murena).
Pretty neat.
Just finished it, It's still running right? Otherwise the end is shit..
Yep but the cartoonist (Delaby) died recently so they had to find another one.
Anyone got some Baroque or Renaissance comics?
what comic is this? i wanna read this. alstublieft
The Eagles Of Rome
Where can I read this?
thanks my friend.
Does it have Sporus?
Is he cute? :3
Nope, Poppea is still alive
Arabs started the slave trade. They also never stopped.
Aw, that sucks.
Might give it a read anyhow though
The Atlantic slave trade?
they only care about our brief history with slavery because we're white :(
First is "The Battle" - detailed story of battle of Aspern-Essling 1809
The second is "The Grand Duke" - a story of German fighter ace and Soviet Night Witch
wheres all the clouds of gunsmoke?
y'all niggas need to be posting some sources and links up in this bitch
Korean war witnessed some crazy shit (Battlefields)
Why didn't you link the old thread?
You had one job
There was nun.
Who painted this? I wish to sodomize this woman but in the vagina and that's rare for me..
Should Veeky Forums make its own historical comic/manga?
Oh, bad news. Didn't know.
Adventures of pregnant Anne Frank and Charlie, the king of special needs
10/10 would read
>Jodorowski and Manara.
I can't draw for shit but I am willing to write a draft for that if Based Drawfag came back
>Anne Frank is sitting packed in a cattle car full of Jews somewhere deep within Germany
>she cradles her stomach and quietly weeps, consumed by fear for her family, for Peter, for her unborn child, and for herself
>she hears the most unusual of sounds, a bugle call
>the roar of gunfire, galloping horses, and the cacophony of what can only be described as a foxhunt yip mixed up with a banshee squall erupts, echoing throughout the countryside
>in the darkened car, Anne and other occupants listen in a mixture of terror and hope
>"Could it be a rescue?"
>Anne presses her eyes up to a hole in the wall of the car, trying to get a better view
>she sees an SS soldier firing his MP40 wildly
>the sudden cleave of a saber takes his head clean off, spraying Anne's eyes with blood like that flashback scene from Samurai Jack
>the door flings open
>a tall and imposing figure wearing a pair of riding boots leaps into the car, turns, and extends his arm out to Anne
>Anne accepts and is swiftly pulled from the car and into the sunlight
>it takes a few moments for her eyes to readjust after spending over a day in a darkened railcar
>its General George Patton
>"Sorry about the delay miss, old Monty kept us held up with his absurd plan to seize some bridges over the Rhine."
>Anne looks around
>soldiers in grey uniforms wearing a mix of cowboy hats and kepis are dismounting from their horses and using axes to destroy the locks on the doors of the other cars
>a ghostly-like bearded man in an impeccable hat with a Colonel's insignia on his uniform rides up
>Patton immediately salutes him
>it's John S. Mosby, Patton's childhood mentor
>disgusted at how the Germans would lock an expectant mother in a boxcar like an animal, Mosby unholsters an M1851 Colt Navy revolver and tosses it to Anne
>"You'll probably need this more than I will."
>he rides off without another word
>some days later
>Anne is creeping through the darkened hallways of the Grafeneck Euthanasia Centre
>she snuck inside after carjacking a Gemeinnützige Krankentransport
>the encounter with these strange Americans whose chivalry and code of honor seem like something from an Old West film has inspired a newfound confidence in Anne, who now fights so that her baby will never know the terror and tyranny of the Swastika
>She has one hand firmly gripped on her Colt Navy, and the other protectively holding her belly
>as she creeps along, she can hear the screaming and the stench of carbon monoxide come a makeshift gas chamber on the floor above
>she clenches her teeth in growing fiery rage, knowing that the victims are mostly children and mentally disabled adults incapable of defending themselves
>she creeps up on the stairs and comes across an SS-Schütze with his back turned
>she produces a fighting knife, given to her by a man named Bowie, and slams it into the trooper's spine, killing him
>withdrawing the blade, she continues to creep toward a half-open door with the light on
>she can hear incoherent cries for help from the room, there's still someone alive that she can save.
>she breaks into a waddle down the hallway, as she can't exactly run
>finally reaching the door, she pulls back the hammer on her revolver, and kicks the door open with all her strength
>inside, she can see a black-haired SS officer in a lab coat holding a syringe and a hapless lad restrained on a gurney
>it's Karl Brandt
>without thinking, Anne fires her revolver into Brandt's head, painting the white walls red
>as the wretched SS officer crumbles to the ground, Anne enters the room and walks up to Brandt's would-be victim
>a young man not much older than her, frail, pale, with a badly deformed jaw, and yelping incoherent words in terror
>it's Charles II of Spain
Classic French comic "Hitler=SS", banned in France;
Looks nice, but those uniforms are completely wrong
Based Yi
War Stories anthology series.
[spoiler]Uber. Don't actually read it tho [/spoiler]
>before the war, Anne would have found him repulsive, but witnessing the cruelty the Nazis displayed toward the weak and misshapen firsthand has stirred a new sense of altruism in her. She's willing to come to the aid of all those who live under the Nazis' terror, regardless of their color or deformity.
>Anne holsters her revolver and unties Charles II from the gurney and offers him her hand
>"Come with me if you want to live"
>fighting the pain in his jaw, Charles utters a simple "thank you" and takes her hand
>Anne leads him back down the hall to the stairwell
>a fireteam of SS guards, alerted by the gunshot appear running up from the previous floor
>Anne gets the drop on them and kills the first two with a pair of well placed headshots
>her next trigger pull lands on empty chamber
>Anne sees her short life and the life her child could've had flash before her eyes as the third SS soldiers takes aim
>Anne watches the soldier tumble back down the stairs, bleeding to death
>she turns her head to see Charles holding a smoking Kar 98k he pulled from the guard Anne had stabbed to death earlier
>"I... Good... Shot."
>"That's a good skill to have in these times."
>Anne finishes reloading her Colt Navy and takes the lead once more
>the pair make it outside and hide behind a corner as more German soldiers rush in through the front door
>"fools" Anne says under her breath
>Anne and Charles eventually reach a motor pool where Anne had parked the bus she had jacked earlier
>Anne takes the wheel and Charles takes cover in the back with the rifle just in case German sentries notice
>Anne drives the bus right past a platoon of SS troopers as they rush inside the building
>Anne quietly looks at a watch in her pocket
>"Any moment now..."
>A bag loaded with dynamite she had dumped in a crematorium oven earlier overheats as the flames build around it
>Grafeneck is suddenly engulfed in a fiery explosion as the bus disappears into the open countryside
>end of issue one
What do you think? Is that Veeky Forums enough for you?
Beautiful. Moving. This is art
10/10 would subscribe for further issues
Great, all we need now is Based Drawfag (or any other reasonably talented drawfag really) to work his magic.
I might add a shorter second part for lulz later
Well, I want to know whats gonna happen to Titus.
correct me if im wrong but wasn't Lindybeige trying to help fund a graphic novel about Haannibal?
No, he was not "trying to help fund" a comic.
He's literally writing the comic himself and doing massive amounts of research for it.
And the funding is already over, it exceeded all goal benchmarks by a huge margin.
Probably out in 2018 February or something.
>set at night in a former mental hospital turned makeshift extermination centre
>"Come with me if you want to live"
Anne Frank confirmed for advanced Cyberdyne Systems Model T-6000000 Terminator
Bumping for interest
I'll greentext a shorter second issue if you guys want
Daughter of Rome.
>pictured: Vercingetorix and Commius at Alesia
I do wonder why European artists always have incredible amounts of sex in their comics. You'd think they want to make erotica, not badly researched historical comics.
That's rape you numbnuts.
Dumb question, why would you rape a girl while you're burning her village instead of waiting until afterward where you're not distracted by smoke and flames everywhere?
Jesus the cancer is spreading.
Fanfulla, by master Hugo Pratt
Is this Ezquerra?
Speaking of historical media, anyone know a good podcast I can listen to that is both entertaining and will expand my knowledge of ancient history?
I'm talking about European comics in general and you've obviously not read the rest of the comic. You're a fucking idiot.
I used to love that French series, Les Sept Vies de l'Epervier, had so much riding and blood and guts in it.
hated it after I discovered the whole commie/SJW angle to it though. Fuckin' fags.
What was the first part?
best oglaf
Hold up, I'll repost it.
>Anne Frank is sitting packed in a cattle car full of Jews somewhere deep within Germany
>she cradles her stomach and quietly weeps, consumed by fear for her family, for Peter, for her unborn child, and for herself
>she hears the most unusual of sounds, a bugle call
>the roar of gunfire, galloping horses, and the cacophony of what can only be described as a foxhunt yip mixed up with a banshee squall erupts, echoing throughout the countryside
>in the darkened car, Anne and other occupants listen in a mixture of terror and hope
>"Could it be a rescue?"
>Anne presses her eyes up to a hole in the wall of the car, trying to get a better view
>she sees an SS soldier firing his MP40 wildly
>the sudden cleave of a saber takes his head clean off, spraying Anne's eyes with blood like that flashback scene from Samurai Jack
>the door flings open
>a tall and imposing figure wearing a pair of riding boots leaps into the car, turns, and extends his arm out to Anne
>Anne accepts and is swiftly pulled from the car and into the sunlight
>it takes a few moments for her eyes to readjust after spending over a day in a darkened railcar
>its General George Patton
>"Sorry about the delay miss, old Monty kept us held up with his absurd plan to seize some bridges over the Rhine."
>Anne looks around
>soldiers in grey uniforms wearing a mix of cowboy hats and kepis are dismounting from their horses and using axes to destroy the locks on the doors of the other cars
>a ghostly-like bearded man in an impeccable hat with a Colonel's insignia on his uniform rides up
>Patton immediately salutes him
>it's John S. Mosby, Patton's childhood mentor
>disgusted at how the Germans would lock an expectant mother in a boxcar like an animal, Mosby unholsters an M1851 Colt Navy revolver and tosses it to Anne
>"You'll probably need this more than I will."
>he rides off without another word
You guys want more? I'll post more if you want.
pure cancer
Sex and violence are both very stimulating and important. I quess thats why people are so interested about those issues and want to see / read about it in thei entertainment.
It's a photograph, Stevie Wonder.
What? You don't want to see Veeky Forums's mascots fighting the autistic Austrian corporal and his gang of murdering bandits together?
if im to be honest, no
Goddamit, just read it, where's the sequel?
Truly Germans are always pieces of shit.
>Ultra marine army
Smurf loving faggots
Holy shit the pretentiousness of this sentence
Punisher Max: Born aka the Frankening
>Germans designate the "untermenschen" as the destructive force of history
/her/ autists getting mad at a fictional comical
Geht raped by a barbarian
[remove sauerkraut intensifies]
They were being invaded by a corrupt slaver empire. If anything they were being generous and we know that Roman lady wouldn't have batted an eye if it was some other group getting raped or if it was a slave girl and not her.
does anybody have this PDF
But they stopped the empire expansion towards the Elbe, and by doing this sealing the empire fate, that's why the germans deserve no pity.
>sex isn't part of life or history
Why are Americans so retarded?
So someone else doesn't do it first
Leaves a greater impression
please stop
Let me think about that... No.
I'm writing the greentext for issue 2 btw
>cavalry charging directly into a large mass of muskets and bayonets
not in pdf, but here's a zip
B-but it worked in M&B...
Ad Astra seems pretty good.