>leave the foreskins to me
What did Yahweh mean by this?
Leave the foreskins to me
this is what He meant
don't do it Shechem!
Tldr: it feels too good so cut it off
Is G-d circumcised
fortunately Jesus told us that minutia wasn't important
Probably some tribal offering, as cutting off foreskins of the enemy was something the Egyptians did. I just wonder how it went from negative to positive? Maybe most males were circumcised due to war, and to remain a defeated people they were imposed on circumcision, this became a tradition justified by religious doctrine later on.
says that adam was created w/o foreskin, thus God never had a foreskin.
It's an Egyptian custom, brought by Moses and the Levites from Egypt to Canaan and imposed by them on the converts to their new religion.
As to why the Egyptians did it, no-one is quite sure. Could be to do with all the sand in Egypt causing problems for uncut dongs, seems unlikely to me, more likely it's for some obscure religious reason lost to the mists of time.
>tfw circumcised Christian
Can someone explain to me why and when did circumcision become a common practice in US hospitals?
Did you know, you can charge people thousands of dollars to perform this totally unnecessary procedure on their newborn sons? Well, (((someone))) realized this and BOOM the industry was born.
That religious nut Kellogg thought it would prevent kids from raping themselves.
It signifies your status as a good goy. America are useful servants.
>sinful habits are called the "foreskin" of the heart
Egyptians were circumcised
Other Semites did it too
Why would G-d create foreskin only to cut it out?
As a test you tard, did you even read the first post?
Why would an all-knowing God test things? He knows before doing so what the outcome will be.
/pol/tards will tell you it was the Jews, this is a lie. It was the work of the eternal Pr*testant
>implying there's a difference
>the volcano demon is testing us
>people living in the 21st century, having access to all the knowledge in the world have this mentality
He's literally bored as shit.
here's some more Rabbinic commentary on Genesis 17:9-14 (Circumcision)
Here's some more Rabbinic commentary on Genesis 17:9-14 (Circumcision)
Are there any pdf version of this stuff?
not that I know of, this is the print version of The Stone Edition Chumash off of ArtScroll
Protestant here, I can confirm we are actually Jews in disguise
To prevent you from fapping or at least make it more difficult, as it was originally introduced as a punishment for mastrubating.
The same guy also proposed to burn off clitorises with acid, but for some strange reason that never caught on
Numbs the tip of the penis, makes warriors better rapists.
Otherwise sanitation reasons when you're in a desert riding a camel.
1 Samuel 18:25-27
25 And Saul said, "So shall you say to David, 'The king has no desire in a dowry, but in one hundred foreskins of Philistines, to avenge himself upon the king's enemies.' " But Saul thought to make David fall by the hand of the Philistines.
26 And his servants told David these words, and the thing pleased David to become the king's son-in-law, and the days had not expired.
27 And David arose, and he and his men went, and he slew two hundred men of the Philistines, and brought their foreskins, and they delivered them in full to the king, in order to become the king's son-in-law. And the king gave him Michal, his daughter, as a wife.
>Implying he existed
Wew lad
The Jews believed that circumcision facilitated infidelity and so taught the goyim men to remove their foreskins so they could get their women
Does that means that sins forms a kind of shell that protect your heart from external aggression ?
No, you dense faggot, what I did was explicitly state that Moses existed, I didn't imply it.
>Otherwise sanitation reasons when you're in a desert riding a camel.
Sure removing protective skin does give you a clear medical advantage.
>sanitation reasons
Mentioned again and again by people that got their dicks mutilated but nobody has ever provided evidence for it battered wife syndrome nothing else.
>Moses existed
LOL, what are you going to say next? That the Israelites wonder 40 days trough the desert?
so you have evidence for his existence ?
The bible is as much evidence for him existing as a harry potter book is for dumbledore.
Judaism is the evidence that he existed. The fact that even his political rivals could not deny his status as prophet and founder of the new religion is further evidence.
I'm arguing for him not existing pal. It's this guy who claims people who talk with burning plants existed.
Hinduism is the evidence of Krishna's existence. The fact that even his political rivals could not deny his status as avatar and founder of the new religion is further evidence.
If Man is made in the image of God, does that mean God has a penis? If so, how large is it, and what would he use it for?
Apparently, the soul of the Man was made in the image of God, not his body.
>the soul of the Man was made in the image of God
Arbitrary, selfish, greedy and pulpable?
Well, before eating the fruit I guess.
>tfw Catholic and not circumcised
Comfy desu
according to genesis eating the fruit made humans more like God. it says that they were kicked out so they couldn't eat from the tree of life and become like "us":
>22 Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever”— 23 therefore the Lord God sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken. 24 So He drove out the man; and He placed cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life.
Hugh... Why does the Ancient Testament have to be so much complicated ?
Bar bar Yahweh Akbar
Bar bar Yahweh Akbar
(Ancient Israelite song)
purported medical benefits
Retards aren't allowed here. GTFO
What other cultures practiced circumcision?
>does that mean God has a penis? If so, how large