>family is good
Wow how amazing Confucius! So very deep and enlightening!
Family is good
Other urls found in this thread:
Tell us about when your parents divorced.
I was 12 and my brother had just died
Americans are taught to HATE their parents and abandon their family as soon as they possibly can.
From what I've heard they don't even talk to their family at all and only care about worshipping the state.
That's why liberalism and degeneracy has taken root so deeply in the western mind and that's why americans are doomed.
Sure it was the jews who put the initial seed in the american mind, but the conditions were perfect for it to thrive.
Confucius has a point. Many people back then and now treat their families like shit.
Kind of a sad commentary when I actually can't tell whether this is bait or not anymore.
>Thought John in his studio apartment, chuckling to himself as he clicked post
>"Those chinks just don't get how great independence is" he mused to himself before realizing his girlfriend had ignored his fourth call, with the familiar voice of a large charcoal gentleman as the voicemail box
>Obey ur elders and worship them like gods.
>Also worship your government
>muh harmony
I wouldn't be suprised if he was the reason why East Asia started to lag behind europe
>I have literally never read the analects
Nigga what the fuck are you on about
Aren't the PRC actively discouraging Confucianism? Or was that during the cultural revolution...
a lot of families are shit
You are only 50 years behind
Slightly off, in China terms.
No, they low-key support it
They teach a sense of Independence, but nothing like what you're describing
Not him, but I'll talk anyways
My parents started consistently arguing when I was maybe 12, they divorced when I was 14
Being an only child you have the looking thought of "this is my fault, they were fine before me, what did I do"
And it was sorta justified, they had been together since they were 13, now 28 years later they split up? What changed? Me?
Anyhow, my dad and I moved out, which was cool for the first few days. Him and I have always been close, my mom isn't the nicest of people and I relished the break from constantly being near her and her general negativity
It took a but for the reality to set in, that it wasn't some kind of vacation with my dad, that we weren't spending the day out, that we weren't going home
I'd visit my mom occasionally, spend weekends there, see her often. As I grew older I slept there less, my father and I's apartment became more like home and I stopped spending nights with my mom when I was around 17
Funny enough, after all this time they decided to get back together
Well, that's my rant
>baby can't handle independence
>not living with your entire extended family like a Mexican means you hate them
Fuck off faggot
Yes, it's a virtually shame for them o talk to their mothers via phone even when they don't live with her anymore I've read on Veeky Forums
>uses extended family
>claims not to hate his family
My mom has been living with me since my dad passed away. I don't hate my family. I'm a full grown man who appreciates his privacy and independence, and I don't need every cousin, uncle, and grandparent living with me. I talk to my brother and sister almost daily through the phone and see them at least twice a week. Like I said, I just enjoy privacy.
>Worship your government.
>China topples more governments than the French do on a good day based on same Confucian morality.
You missed out the part where Confucianism believes that the relationship is mutual? Parents taking care of the family, rulers governing wisely?
Your brain on /pol/
I know what kind of thread you wanted, sorry it got off track. I'll try to get it back.
>we should help people
Truly, a messiah for all time!
In one of these previous "so enlightening" joke threads, there was actually a pretty quality post that explained that a lot of the important civilization philosophies were about fighting against the most common attributes of the cultures.
It pointed out that the Chinese are among the most rebellious and chaotic civilizations ever, and so the major philosophies emphasized obedience and loyalty, and as a contrast it cited how western Christianity emphasized humility and peace to counteract the arrogance and violence of western civilizations.
G*rmans don't understand the concept of independence. Most continentals struggle with it to be frank. Saying that as an American.
>slightly off in China terms
So like losing 50 million people in some war; it's no biggie?
this is literally why Europe started to decline*, once it abandoned the rule of the Mos Maiorum and came under the sway of Semitic demonolatry.
Read Fustel de Coulanges Ancient City.
*we obviously have a different value system, I'm willing to acknowledge that. You have a semite outlook.
I believe that was your humble servant. I was paraphrasing a contemporary Chinese Confucian/Buddhist master, and I was pointing out how the Christian notion of love was more aimed at the perfidious Hebrews than at European peoples.
>It pointed out that the Chinese are among the most rebellious and chaotic civilizations ever
Where can I read about this?
Do you read Chinese, m8? I don't think that article or book was in English, but I may be mistaken.
on their rebellions and their justification (according to the Mandate of Heaven etc), see TT Meadows' book, here: archive.org
They suppressed it for a couple of decades because they believed it was holding back China from progress, but they could never get rid of it since Confucianism is an integral part of their identity. It's having a revival now and the government is funding Confucian temples, events, universities, etc. I guess maybe they saw the Four Asian Tigers and attributed their success to Confucian values.
Nope. I guess I should try learning it. China has an interesting history and I'm impressed it still exists when all the other cradles are dead (especially considering how much bloodshed and collapse it has seen).
Yea chink philosophy is pretty basic alright
t. DPRK citizen
they encourage certain aspects more than others:
Respect for authority: duh, one party state.
Filial piety: cheaper to promote than healthcare for the elderly.
Morality etc: keeps crime down because muh culture.
You get the idea.
Americans are literally dependent on the state because the state forms the American nationality.
Without their nationality, the United States would cease to exist as Americans have nothing in common.
>family is bad
Wow how amazing Foucault!
Quite groundbreaking there, Lord Shang.
Hence Fustel de Coulanges on the ancient Europeans, and Liang Shuming on the Chinese.
>Everyone should be equal t.b.h. P.S. War is bad.
Riveting insight, Mozi.
>*hits blunt*
>The tao that can be taught is not the real tao lyl.
Wow, Laozi, how absolutely profound.
Someone explain what the fuck Taoism is.
It cannot be explained.
>desu the ideal government is led by a benevolent farmer king works alongside the people in tilling the fields and is not paid by the government through its treasuries; but via the profits he earns working in the fields. Division of labour is bad desu, the economic policies of a country need to be based upon an egalitarian self sufficiency. Also fixed prices are pretty based, all similar goods, regardless of differences in quality and demand, shold set at exactly the same, unchanging price.
Wow Nongjia Philosphical School, that's
That's pretty fucked up.
Just beee urself and don't worry 2 much. Don't worry about da tao too.
People are confusing Confucianism with Legalism again.
Legalism has no moral core. It doesn't state people should be obediente, it explains how to make people obey.