What are some historical examples of countries allowing themselves to be taken over by a foreign population without fighting back at all? Or is this just a modern phenomena?
What are some historical examples of countries allowing themselves to be taken over by a foreign population without...
The Britons invited Anglo Saxon fighters into the island to help fight against the Picts. The Britons tried to resist but when the Anglo Saxons turned on them but AS culture absorbed most of south east England, driving what was left into wales and Cornwall
I don't think the abbos in Australia fought the British too hard
He was asking about people not animals.
They tried, but they're really shit at fighting
t. Australian
>a statistically irrelevant number of brown people
Fuck off.
Thinly-veiled troll thread.
Smash that motherfuckin like button if you agree.
They have literally taken over two of the largest cities in Europe
Almost all of history is plagued by examples.
>caring about large cities
I you think back in pre-roman Europe many tribes and groups were combining and expanding militarily or culturally. We can think back to the celtic peoples rise within with celts spreading from britain all the way to asia minor and many simply accepted celtic ways as they were either:
1. very close to their own 2. simply didn't notice in time before populations migrated to them and started changing ways
so i guess that's one example :p
>Not caring about the economic, cultural and administrative centres of your country.
It's a constant phenomenon throughout history, beginning with the Sumerians themselves, who were replaced in their own homelands by culturally backwards Semites.
When London is more Brown than native it's a problem.
Abbosv are barely human
>Grand replacement
>White Genocide
stupid faggot
The un calls it replacement do you know something they don't?
There is no replacement, it's just a shitty conspiracy theory racists use as an excuse to discriminate.
>UN literally had a research paper that advocated migration for population replacement
if there wasn't ample audiovisual evidence of politicians - even prime ministers and such - talking to full assemblies of other politicians - in no uncertain terms - about mixing European populations up on purpose, as if it was a some kind of noble thing to do, I would dismiss people calling this shit out as needlessly paranoid
alas this is fucking real and they aren't even trying to hide it
humans are animals
and what problem is that?
Its not the color that is the problem its the fact that they are not assimilating
Why is Veeky Forums so full of neoprogressives?
There's research papers on lots of things. Where is your proof of them sitting down and deciding to do it?
>ameritard meming about french culture without knowing shit
Islam is a part of France since 1830, the french muslim population integrate well for the most part, on millions of muslim women only like a thousand waar the burqa and most of the ones who wears it are converts.
Muslim natality is not even outstanding
If I worried about a minority taking over I would look at subsaharan.
>ample audiovisual evidence of politicians
Post it then
>no source
Gib evidences or you're a faggot
I dunno read a newspaper from time to time or something
>its another /pol/ nigger thinks that culture is static thread
Im from southern Germany and almost everybody here has some italian ancestory, because in the 19th century there was a huge migration wave from southern italy to northern europe. This is also why southern germans are generally signifcantly darker than other germans. I also know that the Rhine area has a lot of polish ancestry.
>the report considers
So, some guy who wrote the report says it's a good idea? That's not what u asked for. When did the UN meet and formally agree to put this into action?
The pdf use the world replacement is the sense of replacing the few percent of people laking due to low fertility, not in the sense replacing all native population.
They're coming in by the millions and they breed more than whites. It's population. And it's being done by the Jews.
*population replacement
>in a continent of 731 million
1. in what way
2. why is that a problem
knock yourself out
this one contains pretty much all relevant speeches of european politicians
bon appetit
Oh now you're going to start being deliberately obtuse where you can't think two steps ahead and think about the long term demographic consequences of such a practice okay got it
Are people retarded or just statistically illiterate? Western Europeans will be minorities in their own countries by 2100.
There were once a totally distinct people in most areas of China that have been totally replaced by Han peoples.
It happened so long ago, nobody talks about it.
Also Japan was doing a very good job with Korea, Koreans were even taking Japanese names.
You clearly don't understand demographics. If you bring million of one certain age group into a demographic you can over time easily overtake the whole group.
Lets assume that in a population of 700 million there are 150 million people who fit into the demographic group "male, aged 18-35".
Now you can just bring in 150 million people who fit that demographic group, and within one generation the whole population will have partial or full immigration background.
This is just an example, but this is what is already happening in Europe. Just with the muslims that are already living there, so no future immigration, the population of a lot of european countries (Germany, France, Benelux, etc.) will have 30-40% partially or full muslim population within one generation.
Watch out, the liberals that infest this board will tell you to go back to /pol/. I'm surprised people are defending the muzzies on this board.
>I'm surprised people are defending the muzzies on this board.
I'm not. Veeky Forums has a high number of leftycucks.
The ancient Assyrian Empire wilfully (I think) replaced Akkadian with the Aramaic which their conquered subjects spoke (and I speak).
>It happened so long ago, nobody talks about it.
I don't think it was that long ago in Manchuria and some other places. They haven't been totally replaced most of the time.
>everyone who desagree with me is a leftist
>le muslim boogeyman
>I'm a radical centrist tee hee XD
>it's fine for there to be 5 million muslim immigrants, because there are also 5 million european immigrants, and we all know; since we're highly educated liberals, that europeans and muslims are exactly the same and interchangeable peoples.
It's not even going to be the muslims. Anti-Islam resentments are already strong in Europe and the muslim countries actually don't have such super high fertility rates anymore. It's going to be Africans. Black-Africa is going to double it size (one BILLION people more) within just the next 30 years. Also note that there are already around 10 million black africans living in EU+UK (compared to around 20 million muslims).
Africans seemingly come to Europe to either drive taxis or sell drugs.
Muslims are literally an enemy occupation force.
>provides proof
>umm, actually what they meant was...
Begone, Jew
>in what way
Refuse to follow county's laws and mores
>why is that a problem
This is your brain on cultural relativism
Don't worry, Muslims are super-racist and are not going to want to migrate to black Europe anymore.
most muslim migrants simply see Europe as a decadant society. That's why they rape so much - they think it's fair game because the women are so liberal with their appearance.
They merely want to rape, get passports and benefits and take advantage of the final days of western civilisation.
>I'm a radical centrist tee hee XD
How was he even implying that you fucking moron?
>Muslims are super-racist
You're delusional
Muslims aren't racist at all, they're the good goys of the kikes
Why is no one pointing out that most of the fuckers we fish out of the Mediterranean these days are sent back?
>Why is no one pointing out that most of the fuckers we fish out of the Mediterranean these days are sent back?
Because 100k every year that still make it are soon going to be 200k and that is significant over time. In 2050 up to 100 million Europeans could be full or partially african.
Because they're not?
Sent back where? To Germany and London? I mean those are muslim controlled areas but they don't originate from there user kun
It's funny how the OP posts a pic of an aussie acting as a "swede". Pretty sure the OP isn't swedish.
>OP posts a picture of an actor who plays a VIKING
>durr this means he ain't a Swede
Based stretch man
Can this thread be moved back to /pol/ where it belongs?
Before it does can you explainand
/pol/ BTFO
Well the statistics differ from country to country of course. The UK and Germany sent back the most in 2016 which was close to half of the asylum seekers, and the number of rejectees is expected to rise in 2017. Most if not all economic refugees are omitted hese days, and those from war zones are given only temporary permits.
Many hebrew religions, especially hasidic/orthodox jews, forbid them to fight back or retaliate against their government. Jewish friend told me about that, it's one of their 77 commandment or something
Look up Christian Nubia
arm the fucking nukes
Hnng that qt Arab got BLACKED later on that night
Reported for being a thinly veiled /pol/ thread.