Sorry for asking here instead of /pol/ but, you know

Sorry for asking here instead of /pol/ but, you know...

Where do you think there is a higher level classism and elitism?

In USA or in West European countries?

By this I mean more inequality, disdain for the low class, lack of opportunities, lack of respect, etc

Pic unrelated

Probably Africa.

High society types in the UK have absolute disdain for their working* class, and always have far more than any other country historically.

*White working class, the upper crusts these days seems to absolutely adore all of the newcomers become muh colonial guilt and muh poor brown oppressed people

Anywhere in Third world.

>adore all of the newcomers become muh colonial guilt and muh poor brown oppressed people
Because $$$

USA then?

>always have far more than any other country historically.
Why? Or, in what sense?

The US isn't exactly a single unified culture. Read up on the South and how it's an attempt at replicating British society but within a capitalist system and you'll have your answer.

The US seems to be the worst. You have the whole Urban/Middle-Upper Class vs. Rural/Low Class divide where they basically start to see each other as different entities that are out to destroy each other.
The Rural are more "right"-wing, conservative, religious, slow and see the others as decadent, while the Urban is more "left"-wing, liberal, ireligious, fast-paced and see the others as primitives.
Hating on "rednecks", "white trash", "flyover states" are acceptable forms of prejudice.

Western Europe is more unified than this for the most part. There's still a lot of dividing factors but you don't get to that level. East Germany is still poor and looked down upon, for example.

>an attempt at replicating British society but within a capitalist system
How so?



there is no classicism in the USA

from your inability to spell that word properly I should not be surprised you are ignorant


at least the UK has a model healthcare system
latin american elites are absolutely the worst

>there is no classicism in the USA
>from your inability to spell that word properly I should not be surprised you are ignorant

>latin american elites are absolutely the worst

In 1st world countries? America.

Due to the Internet and the infantile behavior of Americans the white working class and college educated upper class hate each other passionately. It's almost like America is two different countries.

The U.K has the highest amount of classism, USA is either equal to or slightly less, but it manifests itself in different ways.

My bad, did not mean to quote,

Imagine if based Cromwell stuck around. Imagine the British "nobility" SEETHING in exile across the channel.

I'm not sure Americans of different classes interact with each other frequently enough to form a distinct classism. Due to suburbanization, even the most populous of cities do not really have the rich, the poor, and the middle class living amongst each other. They're grouped into collections of neighborhoods with similar socioeconomic status, like districts. And people may spend their entire lives within this district, because the schools and workplaces are always within the district. When we form a city, wl the availability of cheap land allows us to REALLY spread out, and our public transportation system is shit because we don't value it. Therefore, people just stay within their own district.

Just as an example, I've lived in my city for my entire life, but I've never been to the poor east side, because it takes forty-five minutes to get there by car, which is the only form of transportation available. The only reason I know poor people exist is because I went to a magnet school downtown that drew from all districts. And the only reason I know rich people exist is because I made one friend who lived in a mansion even further west from me. Otherwise, I might have just assumed everybody lived in two-story houses and had an office job somewhere.

Couldn't claim to know how it works in Britland, never been. But even if it shares a similar concept of class separation by geography, a rich Londoner might at least pass a poor person on the way to his apartment, or ride with them on the subway on the way to his corner office job. For most Americans outside the biggest cities, that's just not the case.

Classism is lower I feel with younger generations. Yuppies generally even if only virtue signaling make a habit of interacting and engaging poorer folks if they have similar interests. Where as in my experience many young elite from the global south don't associate with poor people upon finding out unless they are very progressive





This sums it up pretty well. It's why you see Liberals in the US completely and honestly saying "I don't get why manual laborers and farmers vote Republican! Don't they know tax raises and outsourcing are in their interests?!": They have absolutely no idea what anyone outside of their bubble thinks because they've never interacted with them. At least TV tells Rednecks what the urban liberal thinks.



In social terms the UK .
In economic terms it's the US

t. redneck white trash from an irrelevant flyover state



I'm from Eastern Europe, but I guess that's the same for you.

How it's the situation there?

The third world.
t. Rich third worlder

USA has so much disrespect is staggering



There's a huge gap between rich and poor and it's worse than in the West, if that's what you're asking.
In Romania at least there was a huge migration to the West, especially Italy and Spain, of people looking for jobs. The urban areas are mostly OK but rural areas are very poor and underdeveloped.
You don't see this in the West. Villages there are basically small towns are well connected to the world.
There's also this bizarre rift between those who stayed and those who emigrated, with the latter having a sense of superiority and entitlement over the others.

I suppose I need not reply to your non reply with what constitutes a proper reply.

Go suck on an egg?

your internet assembled philosophy doesn't match with reality I'm afraid

Did you know that your own personal experiences do not hold for every American?

For instance, I have personally lived across the nation.

>implying your reply isn't a non reply as well

Except for the interaction with your nonsense, I have only ever posted in sincerity.

I really do think you ought to suck on that egg.
