is he the best youtube historian?
>btfos sjw revisionists
>is based
>uses our memes to fight in based meme war
>uses cool Latin phrases like Vae Victis
>uses cool ancient roman scupltures as his avatars
>chose an obscure cool historical as his handle
truly based
Is he the best youtube historian?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm about to donate to his patreon. Have y'all donated yet?
What did he do to piss of Anita?
Nah it's Lindy Beige. Anyone who claims otherwise is probably foreign.
why haven't you donated to his patreon?
>google sargon of Akkad
>get retarded overweight reddit youtuber
No, it's John Green
no it is just clickbait
This upsets me so much more than his idiot opinions, he has dragged the name of one of the greatest figures in history down to the level of a JewTube nobody.
I would pay good money for the opportunity of beating Carl of Swindon to death with his own computer monitor.
Why do people like him? Especially after he kissed Anita Sarkeesians ass for acting like a massive cunt.
lol sounds like someone's an sjw
What's your issue with him?
I've never encountered anyone who wasn't being ironic when they praised him
sargon is truly sleepy now
go to bed sargon
Pretty much, Sargon is a really interesting figure but the fucking Wikipedia page for the shit YouTube star shows up before the emperor Sargon
This really upsets me.
possibly becausee Carl Benjamin has more significance to the modern world than some Arab emperor lol
I have to scratch my head why people are so bothered by a small time YouTuber.
Then I remember 4 Chan had had an influx of "moderate not at all leftists" lately.
>not being triggered some retards making twice as much as you
I shiggy diggy my niggy
>Makes at the time reasonable prediction of the UK snap election fairly early
>Doesn't change prediction to accommodate the surge in Labour's polling
>gets utterly BTFO
>blames the PM for ruining his prediction
How can anyone take him seriously after that?
Are you being serious OP?
nah senpai he's a clown. Did you see him on Joe Rogan? I don't watch his videos so I'm kinda rediscovering him
Absolute clown.
>is based
Why did you kekistani cringe faggots have to ruin that word?
your fault for not bullying them early enough user
So why does he bother you so much?
watch the video he's a complete retard and made a fool of himself
doesn't bother me senpai it's just amazing he got this far
Don't watch Joe Rogane. He's pathetic mate
You already outed yourself as retarded, you can leave now.
Why is he even on a history page?
Since when does Jonathan Frakes have a youtube channel?
First of all, how can one be the """"Best"""" youtube historian when you by and large are busy being a political commentator?
That aside, while he regularly does raise good points (as if that isn't a hard thing to do nowadays), he lives in his own idiological bubble just as hard as the people he bitches against.
>Sargon "the political right has NEVER EVER tried to hurt/discrimate against their fellow human beings, I-I swear guiz"ofAkkad
>fully rides the whole Kekistani train without having any knowledge about exactly what /pol/ is
(Protip: they only care about either keks, or a political idiology contrary to his own)
>see . He bitches about how his party aligned themselves with actual racists, but happily tells his viewers to vote for LePen.
>can't take what he dishes out.
In general, he doesn't appear to know that he has to do exactly what the Left has to do: making sure that the actual extreme part of their political side doesn't hijack their narrative and biggyback their success.
Who is this turk?
>Uses a name of a ruler as a pseudonym for his Youtube persona
Does this person have a huge ego?
Akkad is one of the first civilisations, and seeing how little arabs had when Rome was at its height do you really think he was Arabic
>carl of swindon
Jesus christ, nobody should be made to suffer that much
based sargon btfoing cucks everywhere
No, he's a pseud and an idiot. Also advertising is against the rules.
>Arab emperor lol
Unironically Kill Yourself you Imbecile.
I seen him calling out Anita's nonsense.
Feel like there are a lot of Shaun and hah fanboys here.
no he belongs in a massgrave like all frogposters
How is Le pen a racist?
Nice satire, i almost took the bait
Why do the few liberals on Veeky Forums whine about people so much vs making sound arguments.
>The average Sargon fan
Never watched one of his videos too this thread made me. So far he seems like a pretty educated guy. More so than your usual YouTube moron.
Is it because he doesn't to the liberal lie?
He got owned in an Islam debate my Michael Brooks and also got owned by some YouTube feminist in a feminist debate.
He's not a historian. He's an activist by his own admission.
He sat in a fucking chair. We all know only black women are allowed to do that. This violence against women of color caused Anita to lose her temper.
what makes them "sargon fanboys"?
>cool latin phrases
>meme shitter
>Cringe master
>Knows things about things he later says he doesn't know anything about.
Yes sounds like a real youtuber.
Reminder that SargonJusticeWarriors are a real thing and this is how they think:
>youtube historian
>4 Chan
ty senpai :)
dude he got all his friends all of whom have obsessively made 50+ videos specifically on Anita to take up the front 3 rows of her panel. By their own admission they did it to freak her out. There were 50+ people involved and they all said this going in.
plz provide sauce 4 ur claim
none of the things you mentioned make him a good historian
he might be an interesting you tuber, but he's no historian. he is more like a history buff
Nice bait
>1/4 black
>One drop rule
I hope this changes your opinion of him.
>>our memes
>>meme war
Sure thing Reddit