Say what you want
But this man was right in the end
Say what you want
I really wish redditors would leave Veeky Forums alone
>not the biggest destroyers of real culture
Only lowbrow crowd can praise these barbaric larpers.
This. It's kinda cute watching them get past their nihilist phase. I can't wait for the Christian revival.
what the fuck is wrong with nihilism?
you take that back
Nothing. It's the people who 'practice it'. Most of them don't know a thing about it. And thus become Nazi.
Dumbest words I've read today
Daily reminder that if the Nazis hadn't gone on their autistic rampage throughout Europe, it wouldn't be facing the kinds of problems it is today.
Christianity will always lead to nihilism
no, you take that black
>be 2 days without internet
>stop thinking about jews
Nazi's like the one non-nihilist form of thought, nigga, wtf are you on
>a form of thought
Highly disputable.
>massive leaps forward in computing technology by Britain that lead to the creation of the computer
>massive leaps forward in rocketry technology by germany
>massive leap forward in nuclear technology by America that lead to the development of the Nuke
>these three combined have made it easier to communicate, virtually impossible to start a major war without having a retarded despot at the helm, which regularly fall in light of democracy due to the free exchange of information
"real culture"
>people are cutting their dicks off, dressing like clowns and fucking a person the day you've met became the norm despite the technological advance. People are taught to ignore basic logic since "prejudice is bigoted" and capitalism slows down the scientific progress because the capitalists are only interested in profit
>the technological advance would've most likely be even faster if Nazis won and many of these advancements were done only with the help of former nazis
Way to go mods, really earn that paycheck
Yeah, Frank Whittle was a hardcore Nazi indeed.
>many of these advancements were done only with the help of former nazis
You could provide examples you know.
>a high level of discourse
Lets see
Nazis were literally responsible for getting us on the moon, creating computers (Konrad Zuse), nukes, missiles, night vision, affordable cars, autobahns and jet fighters
If the mods would do their fucking jobs this would be a non-issue
>forgetting Jerrycans
>On the moon
The Autobahn was conceived in the 1920s, construction began in 1929. WAY before Nazis came into power.
>Night vision
Literally first fucking thing on wikipedia:
>In 1929, Hungarian physicist Kálmán Tihanyi invented the infrared-sensitive (night vision) electronic television camera for anti-aircraft defense in the UK.
Weimar Berlin the epicentre of 20th century real culture.
This is stupidly far-fetched. Even Nuclear Fission can't really be considered Nazi:
>Meitner, who had Jewish ancestry, worked at the KWI until July 1938, when she was forced to flee from the Nazis. Her research was her whole life, and she had tried to hang on to her position as long as possible, but when it became clear that she would be in danger, she left hastily, with just two small suitcases. She took a position in Stockholm at the Nobel Institute for Physics, but she had few resources for her research there, and felt unwelcome and isolated. She kept up her correspondence with Hahn, and continued to advise him about their joint research.
uh huh
Next thing you say is that Einstein, not Poincare, discovered relativity
What you're referring too is historic revisionism, it can freely be practiced today since nazis don't exist anymore. If you actually look up what the nazis did for any of these then you'll see how invaluable their input was
>you'll see how invaluable their input was
Then provide sources of any sort? The United States did not use "Vampire" night vision, by the way, they used their own designs all the way to Korea:
I don't want to misinform people, I'm just citing what I know.
Just to put this out of the way the USSR used British style jet engines, not German ones. Italy and Britain were also designing their own jets with seperate engines
>the technological advance would've most likely be even faster if Nazis won and many of these advancements were done only with the help of former nazis
Ah yes, the famed Deutsche Physik
Me 163, so good that it was a fucking logistical nightmare to refuel with a good chance of exploding. Don't forget the Ta-154 whose earlier variants crashed cause the plywood glue reacted in s corrosive manner with its wooden structure
Nazis were pretty big culture destroyers. I don't get people saying Nazis would have preserved German culture or something when Hitler seemed pretty hell-bent or revolutionizing it into something new, rather than preserving something old.
Just because the Nazis social engineering programs wasn't called a 'great leap forward' or a 'five year plan' doesn't mean Hitler wasn't as nontraditional as Mao.
Nazis were so bent on conserving german blood and culture that they its seems at first they werent. They wanted to make a 1000 year reich, and in their view, this meant destroying christianity, starting wars for land, etc
protip:stormfag have no idea what the fuck they are talking about and basically just make up their own fanfiction version of ww2
>Can you stop?
Strong argument. I'm moved.
Behold! My case proven by a fool himself!
You have to hand it to them, being such a small group yet controlling the world and shit.
>The worst war ever know to man occurs
>The generation that fought it is left scarred for life
OMGZ guys society is like totally collapsing!
>I don't get why people are confused
Perhaps it's because they were good at propaganda? Like *really* good.
this. Quality post, if that's OC
Sargon tier