I was born to the Jewish faith But I wish it was never invented because then hitler and nazism would have never been created and the horrors of the holocaust would have never happened.
I wish Judaism was never invented
Jewish religion was literally the last things nazis had a beef with mang
Don't forget all manner of atrocities done by Christians wouldn't have happened had a certain parent religion have not existed in the first place.
By making us vs them ideology into a religion it has an outstanding capacity for creating conflict.
It taught hate to the world.
this is neither history nor humanities
Ok but if judaism was never created then there would be no "jews" and no hitler, and no nazis and no holocaust. That's what I meant.
I wish "judaism" was never created and us the so called "jewish" people never coalesced.
Imagine a world with no monotheism and no hitler, no nazism, and withouth the horros of the holocaust.
How do you feel about the fact that hitler loved japanese culture and respected the japanese people but HATED the jews?
I don't care what that psycho thought, I just wish he never existed in the first place and that he never rose to power.
And if judaism never exited and we the so called "jews" never coalesced into a group nor he nor the nazi party which he established would have never existed and also the holocaust which he and the rest of the german people perpetrated would have never happened.
Butterfly effect mate. Its probably a good thing that Hitler happened. If we didnt get the holocaust to completely shatter any idea of fascism becoming a mainstream ideology we would likely still have it today. Although i do wish that the united states could of been the ones to nail the coffin to the nazis rather than the commies at least then communism could of been seen in the same light as fascism
What a huge faggot. What happen is God's will, judaism had to exist and anyway there is litteraly no way to now if the net result would have been more or less suffering.
Well I don't believe in god.
And more suffering than hitler and the rest of the nazis and the german people inflicted in the holocaust is impossible I think.
They maxed out on suffering.
>Ok but if judaism was never created then there would be no "jews" and no hitler, and no nazis and no holocaust
Der Juden were a scapegoat. If not them, it would have been some other ostracized minority group.
What you all fail to understand is that if judaism was never invented, we the so called "jews" would have never coalesced into a group and hence there would have never been such thing as hitler and nazism.
I don't know the holocaust very well, can you explain how it caused the worst suffering possible?
If WWI were to have still played out the same way and an Austrian veteran still decided to get into politics, then what I'm suggesting, is that as he constructed his racial charged nationalist vision, there still would have been a need to demonize an "other" in German society. There could certainly still have been a man named Adolf Schicklgruber with the same desire to form a national socialist party.
If you're suggesting that without Jews, abrahamic monotheism and the millennia of politics that would follow would result in a world where history as we know it wouldn't take place, then sure. If German statehood were never achieved, you could say the same thing. So what?
Dude, I bet that if I go to /pol/ now lie 70% of all threads will be about "chinks", "sandniggers", "heritage[of white (males)]", hate against muslims sexism, etc. Nobody can tell me facism is dead, it's all over world.
Totally right, one can discriminate agains any minority at hand.
This doesn't make any sense, one more person brought into a contration camp, one more family torn aprt, one more person dying in WWII would have made it worse.
Fascism doesn't require a racial component, but the nationalism lends the ideology to their being one.
Ethno-fascism really limits the palatability and potential for national socialism. It'd be interesting to see a state practicing NatSoc ideology without the baggage try to address globalism.
gr8 b8 m8
Not a bait
Why do you feel that preventing the horrors of the holocaust is, say, more important than preventing the horrors of the An Lushan rebellion?
You have to go back.
Plenty of other groups have larped as chosen people before.
>Plenty of other groups have larped as chosen people before.
Post peoples and dates then, let's see these murderous cults
>state practicing NatSoc ideology without the baggage
No such thing.
Jewish culture is pretty valuable imo, it's a culture that's based on education which is few and far between. Without judaism there would be no Christianity or Islam and the world would look dramatically different today, probably not as advanced as it is now
Don't worry God is punishing Europe for its recent degeneracy (athiesm and the rise of lgbt stuff there)