How accurate is this map, Veeky Forums?
How accurate is this map, Veeky Forums?
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>not sinic
It's bullshit.
complete garbage
Pretty arbitrary.
looks like shit
>slavs and greeks are defined by their religion
>half of europe and anglosphere is defined by a stupid fucking word that lost its meaning about the same time Nigeria got themselves an internet connection
>half of africa might as well be written as "niggers" because apparently they have no defining traits besides not being muslims
How does he define civilization? What do the countries in the same group have in common?
Greece is more connected to western europe than it is to Russia.
On many levels MENA countries, especially the maghreb, are more similar to other caucasian countries like France than to subsaharan muslim countries.
Is it even possible to divide humankind into a few blocks without making yourself look like a huge retard.
Is this guy British or something?
I don't think so
>mfw people STILL think fukuyama was more correct than Huntington even though the majority of Huntington's predictions came true
Why is it so easy to trigger redditors?
>Shia and Sunni lumped into the same big Islamobloc.
>Mexico, Brazil, the southern cone and central America having anything in common with each other.
>Russia having anything to do with the rest of the Orthodox.
>America, UK, France and Germany having anything in common with each other.
>my puny brain is incapable of making broad categorizations
>hurr durr I have no idea why you would lump France, the UK and Germany together, hurr durr!
Must be sad being a brainlet
Kek, first thing I noticed too.
People get triggered by geopolitical theories that are based in fact it seems.
To everyone ITT I implore you to actually read Huntington's book.
why is the philippines sinic?
It was the 80s.
Everyone saw Japan as an up and coming global power that could challenge 'Merica.
We got Anime Autism instead.
Maybe the Chinese diaspora living there? But then Thailand should be Sinic.
Would Philippines count as Western?
>my puny brain is incapable of making broad categorizations
>Orthodox Christians are completely different from Catholic Christians and Protestant Christians.
>Catholic Christians and Protestant Christians are so similar to each other that they might as well be the same thing.
>Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims are both the same.
Really highlights how retarded this classification is.
Flips are basically SEA-Latinos who don't speak Spic.
>Japan is listed as "Japanese" instead of Sinic but half of Africa is just "African"
If you weren't such a pathetic brainlet yes you'd know that """Catholic""" France and """Protestant""" Germany are much closer to each other than to eastern europe, just like Poland, Hungary and Russia form an "Eastern bloc".
It's a question of geopolitical groups, dummy.
What about Protestant France?
They might as well be classified as "Latin American" on this map
What about Catholic Germany?
There haven't been protestants in France in a while, user.
Do you have a point or are you just asking stupid questions?
And where does America fit in with this?
They fit in the "liberal west" group of course.
Pole fucking hate Russia almost as much as Ukrainians do.
Seems good, you could break things down even further but it would be hard to merge any of these groups usefully (maybe you could meld "Orthodox", "Western" and "Latin American" into a single "European" group).
They are barbarians.
People think 9/11 proved him right, but America was never Osama's real target.
>I implore you
Don't have a time to waste on this shit theory.
>they are non-humans
Lol no
Latin in Western Europe Greek in Eastern Europe
>t. retards
The person who wrote that is not really go very deep into the why's of Osama bin Laden.
To give people the TLD Osama bin Laden and his followers of the time viewed that the nature of western influence in the middle east was imperialist in character. That with the wars of the 1960s & 1970s the west had mostly subdued the region. Iran was the first to break free but in the name of national survival turned its back on the rest of the house of Islam by accepting soviet influence during the Iran Iraq war. In his eyes that war ended up becoming a proxy war in between the Western and the Eastern blocks.
His goal was to remove western influence in the middle east. By forcing a conflict with the US the effectiveness of soft power in region would be greatly reduced. After that middle eastern governments would have dis align themselves with the west or face revolutionary uprising.
It honestly looks like it was made based on stereotypes.
>Korea is sinitic
>Spain separated from the Latin American people as if language does not matter
>Europe divided by religion and ignoring the EU
>Non-muslim Africa united
I honestly can't understand
This. Another important reason was to cut the ties betwin Israel and the US.
If Latin America isn't Western, 2hy would Spain be a part of it
I'll explain.
I'm Spanish myself. I see my people uniting to the Latin Americans that share the same language and parts of common culture rather than, say, the French, the English or the German people.
Spain would not leave behind their influence in Latin America just to lick the western big countries' boots.
Osama mostly complained about israel and the ksa being America's toadies but it never seems to become popularly acknowledged, his message always gets diluted to vague "america and the west is at the fault for all turmoil in MENA after the Ottomans" generic bs that brainlets love to slurp up.
I wonder (((why))) is that
Most people think that both of them are idiots, and they are right.
t. redditor
>Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims are both the same.
The difference between different kinds of Sunnis is bigger than the difference between Sunnis and Shias.
They wouldn't fit with the islamic how influential was China to Philippine culture? the street foods are often of chinese origin
Huntington's map isn't too bad but it would be more appropriate to call the areas "shared broad geopolitical worldviews" rather than "civilizations".
really needs a period between islamic and how
Well for starters there's no New Zealand.
>Latin America not Western
>60% US is Western
Fucking weebs
>Japan is its own group
Why even bother?
Do you hear yourself when you think or is it just a kind of dull buzzing sound?
it's not.
Japan is as sinic as Norway is roman.
I agree with you. I think southern europe and latin america are separate civilization, than the "western" perverts.
When europe is muslim, you'll still have people in mexico or colombia attending mass in latin
Try to explain to me, without being racist, how Latin America is not Western.
They're niggers.
Alternately, the guy who came up with the schema split "Western Civilization" into three parts so the world seems less unipolar.
>without being racist
>"They're niggers"
You failed.
Nothing racist about a simple observable fact.
>That with the wars of the 1960s & 1970s the west had mostly subdued the region.
I think you're quietly omitting the 80's, where Western Civilization teamed up with Islamic Civilization to bring down Orthodox Civilization. Then you quietly omit what's going on right now where Western Civilization teamed up with Islamic Civilization to bring down a different part of Islamic Civilization.
>Iran was the first to break free but in the name of national survival turned its back on the rest of the house of Islam by accepting soviet influence during the Iran Iraq war.
Obviously it was the Russians, oops, sorry -- I meant Orthodox Civilization -- and not the fact that all of the Islamists are Sunni Arabs while almost everyone in Iran is a Shia Persian.
> By forcing a conflict with the US the effectiveness of soft power in region would be greatly reduced. After that middle eastern governments would have dis align themselves with the west or face revolutionary uprising.
The Islamists tried uprisings against their home countries and failed every time. The only way they were going to get anywhere was to try and repeat the Afghanistan model, first in Iraq, and now in Syria, both attempts which have failed due to the interference from those pesky Shia.
This is why CotC is dumb and it makes way more sense to talk about international affairs in terms of national self-interests
Horrible map.
Korean is Sinitic Lite with 50% more North Asian animism and shamanism.
Cotc is a model to describe the world after the fall of the Soviet Union, it is obviously something that wouldn't make sense to apply retroactively when the Soviet Union was still kicking, you know this but you still wanted to make a giant meaningless doo doo post for no reason. you must have felt horribly smug doing it didn't you? look at the big doo doo mess you made in attempt at a dumb "gotcha" you should be ashamed of yourself bad dog bad dog
Honestly this, but then it wouldn't explain why the fuck Taiwan and South Korea aren't "Japanese" and Vietnam in the Buddhist camp or whatever
Yet Philippines is?
>India being striped with Muslim
The muslim fears the hindu warrior
Well Pissnoise aren't definitely Sinic that's for fucking sure.
The only ones among them that qualify are the Chinese elite, and even those guys integrated themselves into Flip culture.
No one pointed out that fucking Israel is in the Islamic category yet?
For that matter even Turkey being in the Islamic camp feels wrong, especially before Erdogan's reckless totalitarian turn soured relations with the West in the last 2-3 years. Hell, I hate how the map only recognizes a single independent regional power (in Japan) when so many other countries are much more autonomous and isolated.
Well the opposition to the west has always been a thing in Turkey. Even Ataturk hated the west after WW1.
But I agree that Turkey is not a part of what we consider "islamic civilization" which should be more rightly called - arab civilization. But so is Iran, which has none of the staples of arab islamic stuff like suicide bombings and constant wars.
Persia and Turkey should be seperate civilizations, kind of like Japan.
>islamic goes from Morocco to Indonesia
>but Japan is a special non-sinic snowflake
>and latinos are different enough from the west to be a different group
The first is contradictory with the other two. And, personally, I don't want to be put in any group that contains south america. So the map is shit.
t. weeaboo
Thats literally because the nazis killed catholics
Ironic considering he was from ksa and pretty influential there.
Right, those are what I had in mind when I thought of regional powers.
As an alternative, Turkey could unironically fit in the "Orthodox" civilization: not only are there deep ties thanks to the Greek/Ottoman past, but they also pursue the same type of modernity that Eastern Europeans embraced (basically representing the illiberal half of Western civilization and focusing on their regional and religious specificities.)
Of course they hate each others' guts but isn't the entire point of this theory that they will eventually outgrow their brotherly squabbles and unite in civilizational conflicts? I mean Turkey and Greece can't stand each others but Russia and Ukraine aren't exactly on good terms right now, nevermind the balkans.
Fucking weaboos
Complete bullshit, as the last 2-3 decades have proven.
Hindu girls are cute.
But hindu cunts smell.
I hate my life.
Can someone explain to me why Japan gets its own special identity but Philippines is classified as "Sinic"?
Now that you mention it, Turkey could be orthodox actually. Their sultans thought they were Romans which was a meme here at some point. And the sultan's argument is pretty solid - if old roman empire was pagan, but it continued in Christianity, why can't roman empire continue in islam? So we got shit like Kayser Rum.
In fact I watched some historian saying that Russia and Turkey are both children of the Byzantine Empire - Russia inheriting the soul (culture and religion), and Turkey inheriting the flesh and blood (geography and people). Which is why they constantly invaded each other - ie the soul wants to reunite with the body - the body with the soul.
But yes, I definitely think that Huntington is absolutely wrong, at least when it comes to the "Islamic" civilization. Iran and Turkey are completely distinct.
Don't forget central asia and insular south east asia. Those are not individual countries, but they sure don't belong in the arab blue blob.
>central asia
Lel, I just noticed that Kazakhstan (a muslim turkic country) is in orthodox civilization, wheras Kyrgyzstan (a muslim turkic country with a very similar language and culture) is in the islamic.
Huntington was absolutely retarded
>"Japan, considered a hybrid of Chinese civilization and older Altaic patterns."
What even is "Altaic patterns"?
In the past it got popular to consider japanese and korean to be somehow related to mongolian and turkish.
Russians composed an ethnic plurality in many of the central asian stans when he wrote his book. In fact ethnic Russians had the majority of the political and economic power. As a matter of fact they still might and in any event Kazakhstan is firmly in the Kremlin's pocket in terms of geopolitics.
The only person who is absolutely retarded are kiddies like you ITT who seemingly don't understand nuance and that he created his civilizational lines along geopolitical realities.
How about you read the book.
To be fair, if I had to pick only one, I'd say Kazakhstan is the most Russified of the two.
Of course I would be stupid not to pick both when it's just a matter of degree.
Oh and Azerbaijan which is apparently Islamic despite getting Soviet'd so hard it's now the "least religious Muslim-majority country in the world" and fanatically Russophile to boot (although there seems to be a pro-Turkish faction too.)
A proposed language family that consisted of Turkic, Mongolic, Tungusic, Koreanic, Japonic and Ainu languages. Altaic has been largely discredited because the further back you go with these languages, the less shared vocabulary they have (native words, not stuff they borrowed from the Chinese). This means they got their words from interacting with each other instead of having a common ancestor. The group is named after the Altai mountain range in Central Asia.
The map is pretty stupid because according to Huntington Japan is a special snowflake for being Sinic/Altaic but then Korea is also Sinic/Altaic and should get its own "Korean" category but it doesn't.
>Russians composed an ethnic plurality in many of the central asian stans when he wrote his book.
Except, Ruskies were also similarly very powerful in Baltic states (and arguably are still to this day) and yet Huntington puts Baltic states in western civilization? Wrap your head around that.
Except the criticism was that Kyrgyzstan is in virtually the same situation as Kazakhstan and yet put in another camp.
They're super pro-turkish due to their conflict with Armenia
Baltic States got completely absorbed by NATO and the eu?
Seems like another one of his predictions that ultimately panned out huh? :^)
The kyrgz had a pro Russian revolution a few years back, right?
At least the muslims all smell the same when they are dead.
>Baltic States got completely absorbed by NATO and the eu?
Well that's essentially what's happening to Ukraine too.
Oh, I just noticed Greece is not in the Western camp either.
Azerbaijan too. I suspect a lot of anti-Russian leaders get removed by pro-Russian "revolutions."
You sperges are pissing me off with that shitty Map in the op
Here are the maps he actually uses in his book
There's literally no difference between indian muslims and hindus, specially in the subject of smell.
t. Every honest westener