Byzantine hate thread.
Byzantine hate thread
Greek Larpers got what they deserved
>be perfidious greek
>bring 10,000 Frankish crusaders to your city, set them outside the walls for a year doing nothing and don't pay them
>call enemy general in the city to discuss terms
>murder him while his army waits at the doors
>have the gall to cry foul when the enemy rightfully considers your act a break of truce and renews the assault
4th crusade was justified
Turks like you are so autistic and annoying
Stop spammimg these threads, Byzantines were based
>everyone who doesn't like corrupt backstabbing greeks is a t*rk
Balkanian subhuman?
>corrupt backstabbing greeks
Except they only did it once, yet the entirety of the west and the ottomans were literally backstabing for profit for the entirety of their existance.
I am greek
Catholic niggers should be gassed
>only once
They should have killed more latins
I am greek, you subhuman shitskin
Ah, so you're a slav then
Italians are faggots anyway.
oy vey
germanic rape babies trying to justify that the Greeks were apes when they were the ones chimping out most of the time.
Never trust a (((Venetian Merchant)))
Remember Irene of Athens wanted to get impregnated by Charlemagne.
>Implying the Catholics didn't have it coming
if you kill our civilians and act smug, then dont whine when our armies take the rightful revenge and create the latin empire to put an end to greek perfidiousness.
Based Venice
Just imagine the super-humans that could have been borne of such a union
Why does tge Eastern Roman Empire trigger autist so badly?
>*Byzantine greek empire
Fixd that for u
Shouldn't you be playing with your legos?
Because like most of the Anons on this board they had such a good start and had lots of opportunities to do well but just kept fucking up all the time instead.
The Latin Empire that later got btfo by a scrap of the Byzantines in Nicaea? Wow, such stronk.
The only reason the Fourth was a success was because of meme tier royal intrigue.
C*tholics deserved worse desu, how can you call yourself a man of God yet worship a mortal?
*Roman Empire
Jealousy and butthurt.
P*pist rats tried so hard to destroy the Eastern Orthodox Church (the true church of New Rome), even when the Roman Empire went down in a blaze of glory after 2,000 years of greatness in 1453 (to Muslims, not Latins, proving again that even Muhammad's ideas are closer to God than C*tholics are) the Universal Orthodox Church still stands proud and unwavering in Eastern Europe, relatively unchanged over the centuries and still faithfully following Gods path: a constant reminder of the West's failure to snuff it out and proof positive that God is not on their side.
Meanwhile in the West, their own Pope welcomes Muslim invaders into C*tholic lands with open arms, while the Protestant Churches, once so hopeful for restoring Europe to the true path of Jesus by forcing the Cult of Rome into submission, are now filled with faggots and trannies who don't even believe in God.
They're ashamed of how low their cult has gotten and lash out at their religious and moral betters, """"Roman"""" C*tholic Church will always be a pale imitation.
>be LARPing gayreek
>crown muslim turks and declare them defenders of christendom
every time